As states in the Indo-Pacific are at varying levels of development, new technology is appreciated as an equalizing factor that can help countries achieve economic development. However, the interplay of technology, data, and weapons regulation cutting across borders and sectors can pose challenges.

In such a backdrop, the region weighs the opportunities and challenges of new technologies.

In September 2022, Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. pointed this out by calling on the international community to develop governance structures to prevent the weaponization of emerging technologies. He joined world leaders, such as Pope Francis and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in raising concern about the emergence of autonomy in weapon systems.

While there are discussions on the risks and challenges posed by autonomous weapon systems in the United Nations, including in the Human Rights Council and in the context of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), as well as regional conferences, more recently in Costa Rica and Luxembourg, it is important that other regional perspectives, including those in the Indo-Pacific, are considered in the global conversation on this complex issue.

In this spirit, the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines will organize the Manila Meeting on Indo-Pacific Perspectives on Autonomous Weapon Systems.

The meeting will consider the implications of the use of autonomy in weapons systems from ethical, moral, economic, and social and humanitarian dimensions from the point of view of the Indo-Pacific region. The meeting offers an expanded platform for voices from civil society, industry, international law, and peace and security.

The Manila Meeting on Indo-Pacific Perspectives on Autonomous Weapons Systems is being organized in cooperation with Nonviolence International Southeast Asia (NISEA).

A summary report will consolidate the views from various participating states, including ways forward on sustaining constructive regional and global conversations on this important topic.

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