Man! I Feel Like A Zombie!

An original jukebox musical  written by a 17 year old  featuring music by the one and only Queen Of Country, Shania Twain. 

Dedicated to my Grandmother, Denise Hogg, who helped to nurture my love of storytelling

Hello! Welcome to the official site for: Man! I Feel Like A Zombie! The original jukebox musical! Here you can read about the plot of the musical, listen to the playlist, watch the trailer,  learn more about your faithful director and even watch the show itself!

My email for this project is listed on every page if you have any questions at all.

Due to complications, all showings for the musical have been cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience

Basic Plot

Our story is about these four friends, Andie, Kit, Jax and Camryn. And after Camryn has been missing for three months, the hope among the group that he's still alive is fading fast, But Andie refuses to give up. She's been planning a rescue mission to Helix Labs - the place he was last seen at - and has finally found a map! But sadly she suffers from directional insanity and has no idea how to read it. So when a scientist crashes near their campsite, totals his car, and requests protection going back to the labs; who are they to say no? While Jax still doesnt have much hope that his boyfriend is alive and Kit has their reserves - which they voice but no one is in the mood to listen - They agree and begin their trek to find their friend and to repair the bonds that have broken between them since he's been gone. 

Their journey is filled with grief, pain, hope, romance and some unexpected turns. Whether or not they can save their friend turns out to be the least of their problems. Oh. and did I mention they were living in a Zombie Apocalypse?

Watch The Trailer!

Choreography Challenge! 

"Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under"

Read the description on the video for more information on how to participate!

The Posters

*Due to complications, we had to cancel the show.  This information is invalid