Dr. Mangesh Mohan Mandlik

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

Areas of Research:

My research comes under Theoretical High Energy Physics and Mathematical Physics.
In Mathematical Physics, we use mathematical machinery to solve real-world problems. The arsenal usually involves analytical and perturbative techniques. We also work with toy models that are cleverly designed to understand a particular observed phenomenon that is too cumbersome to extract out of the models of the real world.  Another favourite tool of ours is dualities, which reveal two seemingly distinct theories as the two sides of the same coin.
In Theoretical High Energy Physics we try to solve the puzzles that the current models of the universe have by recognizing that Physics usually changes as we probe higher energies (referred to as ultraviolet or UV). In the UV some new quantum fields may show up by getting excited and therefore new particles may be introduced. I work in String Theory, which postulates that the high energy behavour of matter and forces can be modeled as vibrations of extended objects called strings. This theory provides a quantum framework for gravity, which is a holy grail in Theoretical High Energy Physics.

GR and Black Holes

General Relativity and Black Holes

Scattering in Chern-Simons Theories

QFTs and Scattering Amplitudes

Carroll Theories and Tensionless Strings

Carrollean CFTs and Tensionless Strings

Contact details:

 Department of Physics, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

Office: 528, New Library Building

email: mandlik[at]iitism[dot]ac[dot]in

Phone: +91-326-223-5091