Mandarin Vocabulary Builder

Privacy Policy

Like many other apps, Mandarin Vocabulary Builder shows ads and collects anonymous usage statistics to support its development.

  • The anonymous usage statistics (such as levels played) and crash reports will be sent to the developers using Google Firebase Analytics. This helps us to improve the app, get the difficulty right for each level and identify bugs.

  • Google AdMob will collect data and use a unique device identifier (Android advertising ID) to help serve relevant ads.

  • If you installed the app via Facebook, the Facebook SDK will record some anonymized statistics so that we can be aware of how many installs came from Facebook.

  • The data will never be used to personally identify you and is completely anonymized.

  • By agreeing to this privacy policy, you consent to the above data collection.

Your GDPR rights also allow you to request a copy of the data collected (subject access request) or to request that the data is deleted (right to be forgotten). If you wish to exercise either of these rights you can contact us at: