Module 7

Pulling it all Together

So you learned some coping skills to manage your anxiety.


But what exactly are you supposed to do with this knowledge right?

 It's not like you remember (or your thinking brain is activated), when you're anxious.

So what's the point??

Since you made it this far, you should totally get some kind of prize, reward, or at least something to remind you of what you learned right??

I got you!!!!

On this worksheet, fill out your top three for each coping skill ........These can be cut, printed, and laminated (if you desire) to keep with you at all times!!!

They are "Postcard size" so they aren't big pieces of paper.

Once you have written down your top 3 (and go back to the handouts & resources I gave you for more ideas), KEEP THEM WITH YOU!!! 

Especially in situations you feel anxious, or experience anxiety. You will want to have them with you, so you don't have rely on what you have already learned.

I hope you got a lot out of this course, and I really want to commend you for doing your best to manage your anxiety. 

It's not easy to overcome our biological drives, but here you are trying to find a way to manage it!!!

If you feel that while the coping skills are working, it doesn't get to the root of the problem you have with anxiety, then it's time to see a mental health professional!!! 

This course was meant to provide you with skills to use, but therapy is best for finding out why you are experiencing so much anxiety in the first place!

Best of luck to you in whatever you do, or choose to do.

Take good care of yourself!!!!

