Module 4

Training Your Attention

"She's gonna tell me why I should meditate, and that just doesn't work for me"

Surprise -- I'm not going to tell you to meditate. However, if you are able to meditate (clearing your mind of all thoughts, and just ...."being")..... then hats off to you, cause that something I could never seem to get a handle on!!!

And trust me, I have tried all kinds of meditation apps, guides, approaches, and activities -- it just doesn't work for me. 

And that's okay!!

But mindfulness, now that is something I could do.

In short, mindfulness is pulling all of your thoughts, your attention to the one thing, the one activity, you are doing. So essentially, anything you do, can be a mindful activity!!!

Are there some times in which you should not be mindful -- ABSOLUTELY!!! 

Like do not "mindfully" drive a car - we all need your full and extended attention when you are driving. 

We definitely don't need you to be mindful when your children are at a park and playing. 

And probably not a good idea to be mindful when operating heavy machinery lol.

So how do you practice or engage in mindfulness?

Let's do something right now to practice -- go and get something .........anything!!

It can be a container of warm soapy water, a fake flower, a new gadget/tech device, a book, material/fabric, food/snacks......anything you can get your hands on, and have in your lap.

Make sure this is something you can "explore" safely -- meaning, there is no danger when you explore this item.

Once you have your item, go to the video for a guided mindfulness experience!!!

Okay, so what was that like? 

Was it weird (probably)?

Did it make sense to you (maybe, maybe not)?

Did you have trouble keeping your thoughts on the item (most likely yes)?

Mindfulness helps to train your brain to focus on one thing, the one thing you are doing in that moment - because anxiety will have you thinking about everything in the future, and the potentials of all things not yet to come.........

It is the absolute meaning of "being present".

Mindfulness teaches you to "slow down" and "be in the moment" with what you are doing.

Why is this important though??   

What's the purpose??

I'm sooooo glad you asked, lol. 

With anxiety, our brain is constantly moving in 20 different directions in the present, trying to map out all of the potential dangers, threats, consequences that might be experienced. 

Anxiety keeps our brains focused on what might happen, versus what is happening. 

Mindfulness helps us to stop that future thinking, and bring us back to the actual present. Although anxiety wants you to be a fortune teller, mindfulness teaches you to be right here, right now, and in this moment.

Mindfulness can be practiced even as you go through your every day activities. 

Think on the things you do each day - you bathe, you eat, you sit, you stand, you walk, you listen ..............all of these can be done mindfully!!

Think about getting into the shower tomorrow -- how the water sounds as it starts, the smell of your soap, how the water hits your skin, the sensations you get from it.

Think about when you touch your hair -- the texture you feel, the curls or straightness, the weight of it in your hand.

Think about when you wash dishes - the sound of the water and the dishes, the sounds made as water hits the dish .........

All of your activities you do each day can be a practice in mindfulness!!!

You can still think about the future, the consequences, the "what ifs" and the dangers & threats ............but when you want to take a break, you can practice mindfulness!!!

Here's an information sheet with some every day activities, that you can practice being mindful, in the present, so you can train your attention !