Merrick Avenue Middle School Department of World Languages
Bienvenue! Benvenuti! ¡Bienvenidos!
欢迎 Huānyíng!
Department Events and Happenings:
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year!
The department of World Languages welcomes you to MAMS! We are looking forward to a great year!
French Students Celebrate Chandeleur
Students in 7th-grade French classes celebrated the French holiday, La Chandeleur. They ate delicious homemade crêpes and had a great time participating in the tradition of flipping them for good luck. They also made a cultural comparison to Groundhog Day. Several students prepared their own crêpes at home and shared pictures and videos. Merci to Ms. Schleith for a cultural, fun-filled day!
IBC Happenings
This week in International Buddy Club, 7th-grader Ava Garber gave a culture presentation about Russia, the country where her family is from. She shared some traditional foods, places to visit, and many other interesting facts. She also taught the club some Russian expressions!
Creating Communities
Students in Ms. Yaltzindeg's 8th-grade classes designed their own communities and wrote a persuasive essay about why their group's map was the best for their target community. See some of their work below!
The Department of World Languages Recognizes MLK Day
On Friday, January 17, students in World Language and ENL classes engaged in various activities in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Students learned about the power of kindness through target language activities as they reflected on Dr. King’s legacy.
Students in Ms. Cooper and Ms. Yaltzindeg’s classes learned compliments in Spanish and used them to create a “Garden of Positivity” adding cheer and encouragement in the hallway. In Ms. Dunne's and Ms. Schleith's classes, students wrote thank you cards for their teachers. They learned firsthand how being kind and expressing gratitude improves the school community. Ms. Steinhaus and Ms. Di Chiara's classes created hearts with kind and inspiring expressions in Italian and Spanish that were displayed in the hall. “Kindness Jars” for classmates with positive adjectives were created in Ms. Cohen’s and Ms. Schleith’s classes with discussions about how small acts of kindness make a huge difference. ENL students learned about Dr. King and his important contributions and messages. Ms. Kelly’s 7th-grade classes shared notes of kindness with each other. Ms. Kelly created a word art mural with heart-shaped notes in the hallway to acknowledge Dr. King's message of kindness.
Students in Ms. Schleith’s International Buddy Club watched a video about empathy and kindness, and discussed the importance of Dr. King's message and how to show that in their everyday lives. IBC members wrote positive messages on hearts creating a display with the message “MAMS International Buddy Club has a dream to make the world a better place.”
French Students Learn Holiday Traditions
On Friday, December 20th students in Madame Schleith's French 7 classes learned about the traditional Bûche de Noël or Yule Tide cake that is a popular dessert eaten in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Canada around Christmas time. Students had the opportunity to decorate their own mini Bûche de Noël cakes and of course then eat them to help kick off the holiday break!
IBC and Art Club Get into the Holiday Spirit!
Members of the International Buddies Club and Art Club got into the holiday spirit decorating gingerbread houses. Students worked in teams to construct using a variety of sweet treats. The completed houses will be donated to the Brookside Senior Center.
IBC Happenings.....
On Tuesday, December 3, International Buddy Club member Adam Scher gave a cultural presentation on the Ukraine. He shared information about the Ukraine, including holidays, customs, population, religion, languages spoken and food. He taught club members some words that he knew and showed pictures of traditional Ukrainian foods that his family makes. It was very interesting and informative!
MAMS Celebrates National French Week
National French Week was November 6th- November 12th. French students delivered morning announcements each day which started with a French song, followed by a French word of the day, a fun fact, a trivia question and a "Mystery Speaker", who was a faculty member speaking French or Creole (thanks Ms. Job!). Students and staff had the opportunity to answer the question and guess the mystery speaker. All students participated in a school wide scavenger hunt to find the Eiffel Towers and croissants hidden all around the building! The 7th grader who found the most Eiffel Towers was Mason Ortiz and the 8th grader who found the most croissants was Kasey Devlin. Each received a prize.
7th grade French students created flyers about the various places where French is spoken in the world and 8th graders created flyers with interesting French facts incorporating French vocabulary. Students presented their research while enjoying some croissants. The flyers are hung around the building for all to learn about French and Francophone culture.
The week concluded with a lesson about the Eiffel Tower and an Eiffel Tower contest while wearing French colors or gear. Students were tasked with the job of working in groups to create Eiffel Towers out of spaghetti and marshmallows. Students were very creative, worked cooperatively and had a lot of laughs. (Thank you, Katelyn, for being our impartial judge!)
Students were also given a "French is Fun" optional assignment where they could choose from several options or create their own option where they used French outside of school and shared pictures/videos and a summary of their experience. Students made some delicious French treats, went to French cafes, taught family members French, sang French songs and watched movies in French with English subtitles.
After school on Tuesday, November 12th, International Buddy Club members and French students learned about the French game "Petanque" and played a tournament outside. Merci to Madame Schleith for coordinating a wonderful French-filled week for all!
IBC Honors Our Veterans
International Buddy Club members have been working to recognize our well-deserving veterans. On Saturday, November 2,nd 25 IBC members volunteered at the MAMS 3rd Annual Field of Flags installation that featured 100 flags! Students also were fortunate to hear from veterans Chris Levi and Vincent Dellpaoli.
In addition, International Buddy Club members made and sent over 40 Veterans Day cards showing their gratitude to veterans who were on the most recent Honor Flight Long Island to Washington, DC in October.
El Día de Los Muertos
Last week, students in Srta. Dunne’s Spanish classes learned about the history and cultural significance of the Mexican holiday El Día de Los Muertos. To celebrate, they created “ofrendas” to honor people they admire.
AATI Tik Tok Contest Winners!
Congratulations to the following students and their teachers signora Di Chiara and signora Steinhaus for winning the American Association of Teachers of Italian summer TikTok contest! Students from all over the island submitted entries capturing the essence of the Estate Italiana. Bravissime!
Most Creative- Hailey Albanese
Most Fun- Elisa Maltese
Most Elaborate- Mayla Lillo
IBC and Art Club Colab
On Tuesday, October 22 Ms. Cordeira’s Art Club and Ms. Schleith’s International Buddy Club joined together for their club meeting. Students read the book, Bitzy Bat, School Star and decorated stars highlighting how they are special or unique in English and other languages to share with the District.
Students also learned about the Mexican holiday and traditions of “Day of the Dead” or “Dia de los Muertos” and decorated skulls similar to “calaveras” or “sugar skulls” that are part of the tradition of this special holiday.
MAMS Celebrates Hispanic and Italian Heritage Month
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, students in Señora Steinhaus and Señora Yaltzindeg’s classes learned about the history of the recognition and learned about Frida Kahlo. Channeling their inner artist, students created vibrant selfie portraits inspired by the iconic style, blending personal expression with artistic creativity! Students included their favorite background and adjectives that describe them in Spanish.
The International Buddy Club at Merrick Avenue Middle School learned about the history of Hispanic Heritage Month and viewed a video highlighting music, foods, and more. Students learned about Guatemalan Worry Dolls and the tradition of telling them your worries and putting them under your pillow before sleep to help remove your worries. Students created some of their own dolls, expressing lots of creativity.
For Italian Heritage Month, students in Signora Di Chiara and Signora Steinhaus’s classes learned about Leonardo DaVinci and brought the classic to the present by reimagining the Mona Lisa with a modern twist. Students included adjectives describing themselves in Italian in the background of the their modern masterpieces.
IBC Creates Veterans Cards
Students in the International Buddy Club made over 60 cards for Veterans going on this Saturday's, October 5th Honor Flight Long Island trip to Washington, DC. They made some beautifully designed cards filled with gratitude and appreciation for our Veterans to receive during their "mail call" on this special trip. They asked questions and shared information about themselves. Here are some pictures of a few of the cards they made.
On Thursday, April 11th, over 100 French students and their parents from Merrick and Grand Avenue Avenue came together with their teachers Madame Schleith, Madame Hayes and Monsieur Zawislak to enjoy an evening of French and hockey at the NY Islanders-Montréal Canadiens game at the UBS arena.
The evening started with a Meet and Greet with 4 time winning Stanley Cup Islander Hall of Famer, Denis Potvin. Students engaged in French by asking him questions and learning about his hockey career. C'était très intéressant! Then it was time for the game. Students rooted for their favorite team, took pictures with the Islander’s mascot, Sparky, and some even grabbed a tee shirt.
A big MERCI to Mrs. Schleith for organizing this fun event for French students and their families. A great time was had by all.
IBC Happenings
Last week, Jacob Ben-Dayan gave a presentation on Israel at the International Buddy Club meeting. He spoke about the culture, language, famous people and places to visit. He did a great job and students asked some great questions. Students also received letters/thank you cards from Veterans in response to Valentine's cards they had sent. ENL students recognized International Women's Day, by preparing a Google slide presentation about a famous woman. They learned about a lot of very interesting women who made some great contributions to their countries and the United States.
Poster Contest Winners!
The WL Department would like to congratulate the winners of this year’s World Language Week poster contest, the theme of which was, The Magic of Language.
1st Place- Brianna Barreno
2nd Place- Ryan Wexler
3rd Place- Kyle Locasto
These posters will advance to the district contest held at Brookside! Good Luck!
MAMS Celebrates World Language Week 2024
This week, MAMS celebrated National World Language Week with a series of events and activities. Throughout the week, students voted on their favorite posters in this year’s poster contest, the theme of which was The Magic of Language. The WL department also hosted a spirit week with each day dedicated to a language with students and staff wearing something that represented the country or flag colors. Students from our ENL program and International Buddy Club delivered daily announcements in various languages and shared fun facts about countries. Students participated in “Human Bingo” during which they had to find people who accomplished different activities related to world languages and travel to get Bingo. They also created a wonderful mural with greetings and positive phrases in many languages.
In class, Mrs. Hayes’ 7th grade French students explored language through music with Roxxem, an educational website that offers musical listening challenges in multiple languages. Señora Steinhaus’ Spanish and Italian classes learned about the differences in breakfast foods across Spain, South America, and Italy. They watched videos and compared pictures of breakfast foods from around the world in appreciation of cultural diversity. Students ended the week by discussing their own daily breakfast intake in the target language.
Signora Di Chiara’s and Señora Cohen’s students learned Idioms in Italian and Spanish. They were surprised to see how many idioms people in other countries use daily to express their thoughts! Students had fun drawing the idioms and using them in context in class.
On Friday, Señora Kelly’s, Signora Di Chiara’s and Señora Cohen’s students focused on the importance of celebrating International Women’s Day by discussing inspirational women in their lives. Students created mini plaques and displayed them around the room to honor the women who have impacted their lives. Sra. Cohen’s classes also learned about the life and art work of Frida Kahlo. They learned about her self-portraits and created their own masterpieces!
Sra. Kelly’s classes participated in the Juegos Olimpicos all week. Each day the students competed in various events. They participated in a Geography Bee, Murder Mystery, Blooket contests, and a Corn Hole tournament. The winning team will be announced on Monday, March 11th. Who will it be, Argentina, Spain or Mexico?
Madame Schleith’s 8th grade French students learned about Canada and began to prepare for their upcoming MAMS/GAMS Islanders French night in April by learning about Canadian hockey players on the New York Islanders and Montréal Canadiens! Students researched and prepared slides in French, and did a gallery walk to learn about the various players. In addition, students drew some scary aliens and learned about famous French scientist Marie Curie, as part of their Health unit and International Women’s Day. Students in Mrs. Schleith’s ENL class wrote emails to the main character in the novel they are reading, explaining how they felt coming to a new country, new school and not speaking the language. They gave advice on how being “bilingual” or different is an asset and something to be proud of. To recognize International Women’s Day, they researched famous women from their native countries and prepared presentations giving them an opportunity to share their culture and practice their research, writing and speaking skills! At our International Buddy Club meeting,with advisor Mrs. Schleith, student Madeline Chernobilsky gave a culture presentation about Ukraine and Uzbekistan, sharing information about the customs, traditions, food and many other interesting facts. Students also helped prepare for World Language week by hanging flyers all around the school.
Finally, the department sponsored a drive in conjunction with BMUST of various items to donate to the Community Cupboard and Bethany House. Thank you to the entire World Languages Department for inspiring students through these educational, spirited and fun activities!
French Students Celebrate Mardi Gras
Students in Ms. Schleith's 8th-grade classes celebrated Mardi Gras. They learned about the traditions of Mardi Gras including Mardi Gras masks. As the tradition goes, the students who received the “baby” in their piece of cake the previous year would receive good luck for that year and in turn bring the “King cake” the following year. Student recipients from last year brought in beautifully decorated cakes and cupcakes with the Mardi Gras colors of purple, green and gold for all to enjoy. Some "lucky" students who had the baby in their piece of cake plan to continue the tradition in high school. Students received beads with Mardi Gras colors for answering questions about Mardi Gras and its traditions! Laissez les bon temps rouler!
French students celebrate Chandeleur
On Friday, February 2, in Madame Schleith’s 8th grade French classes, students brought back the tradition and celebrated "La Chandeleur", "The Day of Crepes" which dates back to Roman times. Students discussed the history of "La Chandeleur", how it occurs 40 days after Christmas and the fact that crêpes are round because they look like the sun. This date is supposed to signify the end of winter and the sun lasting longer, so that we have longer days. Students did a cultural comparison with Groundhogs Day and Chandeleur.
One tradition is to flip a crêpe in your right hand while holding a coin in your left hand. If you do it successfully you will have prosperity and good luck in the coming year. Students had an opportunity to flip crêpes themselves to see if they will have a prosperous year and then eat homemade traditional crêpes! Students have the opportunity to make them at home and share pictures or videos of themselves making them and flipping the crêpes for extra credit. At the end of class, students were saying, “J’adore les crêpes!”
Language Explorations Celebrate Carnevale!
Students in Signora Di Chiara’s Language Explorations class celebrated Carnevale this week. As part of a unit on celebrations and invitations, students learned about the holiday and invited their teachers to a celebration filled with Italian songs, mask making, and traditional treats. A wonderful time was had by all!
MAMS WL Department Honors MLK Day
On Tuesday, January 16, students in World Language and ENL classes engaged in various activities in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Students learned about the history of Martin Luther King Jr. and the power of being kind while participating in several kindness activities as they reflected on Dr. King’s legacy.
Students in Ms. Steinhaus, Ms. Di Chiara, Ms. Cohen, and Ms. Zaltindeg’s class created hearts with kind expressions and sources of inspiration in Spanish that were displayed in the hall.
Ms. Hayes’ French students listened to Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech in French and then did a word study of cognates related to his message. The class discussed ways to cultivate these values in their everyday experience.
Ms. Schleith’s French classes watched a short video showing how important kindness and compassion are and came up with the message of how it is important to help people. Students also wrote thank you notes in French to two of their teachers which were placed in their mailboxes.
Students in Ms. Kelly’s 7th-grade classes wrote notes of kindness to their classmates and shared them aloud with their class. Students in Ms. Schleith, Ms. Zdrodowski and Ms. Kelly’s classes created “Value Jars” for display by writing with positive thoughts and sentiments for their classmates. Ms. Zdrodowski’s 8th-grade classes created “Cartas de Amabilidad” (kindness and appreciation letters) for their favorite teachers. The letters were placed in the teacher’s mailboxes as a pleasant surprise!
Ms. Schleith’s ENL students spent the past week learning about Martin Luther King Jr. They read an article and answered questions. They also watched a video about kindness and discussed its importance. They wrote and shared heart-shaped notes to each of their classmates. Additionally, they practiced their writing skills by writing letters thanking two of their teachers for their kindness.
In Ms. Schleith’s International Buddy Club, students watched a silent video of people worldwide helping each other. They discussed the significance of the video and Dr. King’s messages. Students decorated footsteps with messages of how they can change the world and displayed their messages across the cafeteria as a reminder for all students.
Mandarin students ring in the New Year!
Ms. Qiu’s 7th and 8th- grade Mandarin classes created a Chinese wishing tree in which students hung all of their New Year's wishes and resolutions. In Chinese tradition, the Wishing Tree serves as a conduit for aspirations to blossom and flourish in the coming year. It is a celebration of optimism, unity, and the boundless possibilities that the future holds.
Xīnnián kuàilè!
AATI- Photo Contest Winners
Students in Signora Di Chiara’s 8th grade Italian class participated in the AATI “Gara di Foto” contest, with the theme, Italian culture in our daily lives. Students’ photo submissions captured the essence of the Italian culture, demonstrating food, family and travel. We are proud to recognize three winners from Merrick Avenue Middle School! Congratulations to:
Matthew Rosman- 1st Place
Kristiana Ippoliti- 3rd Place
Sofia Maganuco- 4th Place
MAMS celebrates National French Week!
Students in Ms. Schleith and Ms. Hayes' French classes joined their peers across the country to celebrate National French Week and had many opportunities to interact with the language and culture outside of the classroom. French music ranging from classical to pop to hip hop introduced the morning announcements each day. In addition, each day French students made announcements with a French word of the day, a fun fact and a trivia question that all students and staff had the opportunity to answer. There were also “Mystery French speakers”(staff and teachers who spoke French) that the students and staff had the opportunity to guess. Students created informational posters about the vast French-speaking world and the influence of French on the English language.
7th graders competed in a nationwide Trivia Contest sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) and participated in a building-wide Scavenger Hunt about French language and culture. 8th graders made informational posters with facts about France and French culture with vocabulary words in English and French which they presented to their classmates, and then hung around the building for all to see. 8th graders enjoyed some delicious croissants, a favorite French snack. On Thursday, all staff and students dressed in the colors of France (blue, white and red) and USA to culminate our weeklong celebration as well as honor our veterans for Veterans Day. Also, 8th grade students saw the return of the “French Olympics” in the auditorium where they competed in three teams (blue, white and red) to answer questions about French language, culture and trivia. Special thanks to our faculty judges - Ms. Mathieu-Leo, Mr. Zinke, Ms. Verwys and Ms. Sheppard! Students participating in the Olympics created posters and dressed in their team colors to cheer on each other! A great time was had by all!
French students and International Buddy Club members learned about the history of the famous French sport pétanque and had a chance to play it outside. All MAMS students eagerly searched for hidden Eiffel Towers and Croissants all around the building in the weeklong Scavenger Hunt that captivated 7th and 8th graders alike. Congratulations to 7th graders Hadley Winnick and Sydney Sklar who tied for finding the most Eiffel Towers and to Dino Carrua, 8th grader who found the most Croissants! Vive la France!!
Tik Tok Contest Winners!
In September Signora Di Chiara and Signora Steinhaus’ students had the opportunity to show off their creativity and passion for Italy by sharing their most captivating TikTok videos in the AATI Summer TIK TOK Video contest. From cooking up mouthwatering pasta dishes to showcasing their favorite Italian traditions the students represented their Italian culture and won awards for multiple video categories. The students mastered the art of creating content of their unforgettable summer adventures. MAMS is so proud of your efforts! Join us in congratulating the following students:
Mayla Lillo- The most entertaining video
Gabriella Petta- The cutest video
Sofia Maganuco- The most elaborate video
Avianna Rao- The most artistic video
Valentina Alfieri- The most cultural video
Gabriele Salto- The most unpredictable video
El Día de Los Muertos
Students in Sra. Yaltzindeg's classes learned about the historical importance of el Día de Los Muertos. To recognize the day, they created their own papel picado to decorate the hallways in celebration!
MAMS celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month and Italian Heritage Month!
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, students in Spanish classes engaged in a variety of culturally-based activities to bring awareness to this special month. Students in Sra. Yaltzindeg's Spanish classes learned about the background and history of Hispanic heritage month. Each class learned about a specific group of people such as musicians, artists, etc., and created a class mural representing those famous individuals. Sra. Zdrodowski's Spanish classes learned about the history and significance of the traditional Mexican game "La Lotería". Each class also had the opportunity to try their luck to win by playing la lotería. Students used authentic lotería cards and dried beans as their tokens, just like in Mexico! Students in Sra. Steinhaus' Spanish class watched a video and learned about the importance and significance of Hispanic heritage month. Students also read and watched videos of famous Spanish quotes, researched their favorites, and depicted them.
To celebrate Italian Heritage Month and culture, students in Signora Steinhaus and Signora DiChiara's classes learned about the history and culture of Sardegna, Sicily, and Rome. Students went on a virtual tour, and used all their senses – from the taste of gelato to the touch of ancient ruins, to immerse themselves in Italian culture.
We thank all of our wonderful World Language teachers for enriching the curriculum with these fun activities!
French students and IBC students honor Veterans for Honor Flight Long Island
On Friday September 29, Honor Flight Long Island took a group of 45 veterans from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam to Washington DC to be recognized and honored for their service. Mrs. Schleith's 8th grade French students and some students from last year's International Buddy Club made cards for each veteran to receive during "mail call" on their trip. A few International Buddy Club members made signs to welcome back the Veterans to MacArthur airport. Mrs. Schleith represented MAMS to welcome them upon their return at the airport, along with other community members, groups and even Virginia Huie from News12 Long Island! A big thank you to these students and to our dedicated IBC advisor, Mrs. Schleith!
IBC EOY Celebration!
The International Buddy Club capped off a phenomenal year with an end-of-year celebration and scavenger hunt. Dr. Mack recognized the club with a certificate for their work with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and for their participation in Merrick Avenue's first Flag Field of Honor. She also provided treats for the club members to enjoy. Very special thanks to Ms. Schleith, our dedicated IBC advisor who has coordinated so many special events throughout the year.
IBC Spring Culture Festival
On Tuesday, May 9, members of the International Buddy Club hosted the second annual Spring Culture Festival with PREP students after school in the cafeteria. Club members prepared country presentations as well as activities and games to teach the students about different cultures and countries around the world. With the assistance of club members, each student received a passport that they filled out with their name and personal information. They then traveled around to different stations that were set up in the cafeteria learning about different countries, playing games and doing different activities. After visiting each station, students received a stamp on their passport. A great time was had by all!
Students Celebrate Cinco de Mayo
On Friday May 5th, Señorita Bursky’s and Señora Zdrodowski’s classes came together to learn about the history of Cinco de Mayo. Students watched a video, learned about common misconceptions on the historical significance, and watched celebrations from the United States and Mexico. The classes ended their lesson with a cultural celebration with students bringing in some snacks to enjoy. ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
World Language Contest 2023
Congratulations to the winners of this year’s MAMS World Language Poster Contest!
1st Place- Joseph Solorzano-Ruiz
2nd Place- Hailey Chu
2nd Place- Sofia Nicastro
3rd Place- Katelyn Kuhl
In addition, Joseph Solorzano-Ruiz earned first place in the district-wide competition!
In our comic strip category, congratulations to these winners!
Grade 7
3rd Place French- Jollie Salomone
1st Place Spanish- Jayda Wittman
2nd Place Spanish- Sophia Kalinoglu
3rd Place Spanish- Matthew Finkelstein
Grade 8
1st Place Italian- Katie Nalbone
2nd Place Spanish- Siddhangi Wickramasinghe
3rd Place Spanish -Avi Mogilyansky
3rd Place Mandarin- Sarah Chen
This week in IBC....
At the International Buddy Club meeting on Tuesday, 3/21, students watched a video about World Down Syndrome Day in several different languages. They read an article about Down's Syndrome and shared their experiences. Students colored and decorated socks in all different colors and patterns with the expression, "I see the able," and wrote about the importance of kindness and acceptance. They colored and decorated socks that said "What makes you different, is what makes you beautiful." Club volunteers hung the pictures all around the building to help spread the message of kindness and acceptance.
World Language Week 2023!
This week, MAMS celebrated National World Language Week with a series of events and activities. Throughout the week, students voted on their favorite posters in this year’s poster contest, the theme of which was Language is a Path to ____. The WL department also hosted a spirit week with each day dedicated to a language or culture with students and staff wearing something that represented the country or flag colors. Students from our ENL program and International Buddy Club delivered daily announcements in various languages and shared fun facts about countries.
In class, Madame Schleith’s 7th-grade French students and Madame Hayes’ 8th-grade French students learned about the history of the Eiffel Tower and made replicas using spaghetti and marshmallows! Judged by Ms. Dunn, the best replicas of the Eiffel Tower received prizes. Madame Schleith and Madame Hayes’ students researched famous French-speaking women in history. Madame Hayes’ students made oral presentations and Madame Schleith’s students made flyers to display in the hallways with the information they found in honor of International Women’s Day. In Mandarin classes engaged in an activity in which they solved riddles on Chinese Lanterns. At the end of the activity, six lucky students won a Chinese prize!
To celebrate women in history and International Women’s Day, Señora Steinhaus’ and Señora Cohen’s students learned about the importance of Frida Kahlo's artwork and how she expressed herself through self-portraits. Students thought about their own lives, emotions, and settings and created their own Frida-inspired self-portraits.
Sra.Yaltzindeg’s students learned about Ellen Ochoa and her impact on history. Then they chose an important woman in their life and created a Spanish biography about the impact they have had on their lives and the world.
Signora Di Chiara’s 7th and 8th-grade students learned about Italian traditions on International Women’s Day. Students also learned about he Mona Lisa and recreated their own versions of a 2023 modern day Mona Lisa! Señora Zdrodowski, and Señorita Bursky’s 8th-grade classes learned about International Women’s Day. Students worked collaboratively on a group project to research the achievements of famous Hispanic women such as Sonia Sotomayor and Ellen Ochoa. Students in these classes and Señora Cohen’s classes also learned about the life and work of famed Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso. Students had the opportunity to use cubism and surrealism to recreate their own Picasso-style portraits. They then selected one of the artists to “inspire” their own self-portraits.
In honor of International Women’s Day, Mrs. Schleith’s ENL students researched women from their native countries/cultures and created flyers with the information they found. They made oral presentations in class. In addition, to share their own culture and country, students created collages with pictures of food, places and items that represent or remind them of their country to display for all to see.
Sra. Kelly's classes learned about Dr. Ellen Ochoa and Dr. Diana Trujillo. They are hispanic women who work and have worked for NASA. They promote STEM to children of all races. Dr. Ochoa and Diana Trujuillo astronauts, scientists, engineers, and physicists. Students listened to videos, discussed space exploration, and completed some brain teasers to learn the many interesting facts of these influential women. Students also created pennants of Mujeres en historia to be displayed in the hallways. They also learned about Carnaval, created Carnaval masks, and created Spanish Memes.
At Mrs. Schleith’s International Buddy Club meeting this week, guest speaker, Dr. Mack, come to speak about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She shared the organization’s mission and the research and resources that it provides. The International Buddy Club will be hosting a fundraiser next week where they will be selling bracelets during the lunch periods Monday through Wednesday to raise money for this very worthwhile organization. A club member also did a presentation about Portugal, providing some very interesting information!
Finally, the department sponsored a drive in conjunction with BMUST of various items to donate to the Community Cupboard and Bethany House. Thank you to the entire World Languages Department for inspiring students through these educational, spirited and fun activities! See the photos below!
Mardi Gras!
On Tuesday, February 28, Mrs. Schleith’s 7th French classes celebrated Mardi Gras. French students made Mardi Gras masks and learned about the history and celebrations of Mardi Gras in French-speaking countries, islands and New Orleans. Students learned about “King cakes,” traditional cakes eaten during Mardi Gras, decorated with the colors representing Mardi Gras (purple, green and gold). As the tradition goes, the person who receives the “baby” in their piece of cake receives luck for that year and is responsible to make the “King cake” the following year. Students waited in anticipation to see who would get the "babies" in each class. All students received beads with Mardi Gras colors for answering questions about Mardi Gras and French culture! A great time was had by all!
On Monday, February 13th, students in Signora Di Chiara's and Signora Steinhaus' 7th-grade classes celebrated the beginning of Carnevale by learning about the celebration in various parts of Italy. Students watched videos, listened to music, and decorated traditional face masks.
Super Bowl Celebration in Spanish
As part of the sport unit, students in Mrs. Yaltzindeg's classes learned about the history of the super bowl on Friday. They discussed the teams, the performances, what they love the most about the Super Bowl. They even made predictions about the winner! The students created their football players with a writing about their own talents and how they could help the world.
Vive la Chandeleur!
Students in Madame Schleith's French classes celebrated La Chandeleur or The Day of Crepes, a holiday that dates back to Roman times. The day signifies the end of winter and longer days with more sunlight. Students watched a video and learned about the history of holiday including fun facts such as crepes are shaped like the sun.
The tradition states that if you flip the crepe in your right hand while holding a coin in your left hand, you will enjoy prosperity and good luck in the coming year. Students engaged in this tradition of flipping with crêpes prepared by Ms. Schleith. Ms. Schleith shared the recipe with students so they can make them at home and share pictures or videos with the class. A great time was had by all!
MAMS Celebrates the Year of the Rabbit!
To celebrate the Chinese New Year and the year of the Rabbit, students in Ms. Han's Mandarin classes decorated the hallway, drew the rabbits using Calligraphy brushes, wrote couplets, made red envelopes and did paper cutting. They also learned how to use chopsticks and made dumplings using play-doh. As a special trea, students enjoyed dumplings and noodles to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
WL Recognizes MLK Day
On Tuesday, January 17, students in World Languages classes engaged in a variety activities in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Students in Ms. Di Chiara and Ms. Cohen's classes created "Value Jars" that were filled with kind notes and compliments from their classmates. In Ms. Bursky, Ms. Steinhaus and Ms. Zdrodowski’s classes, students wrote notes of kindness to each other and to their teachers. The "cartas de amabilidad" were distributed to the teachers' mailboxes as a pleasant surprise! Students in Ms. Han's, Ms. Kelly's, Ms. Schleith's and Ms. Yaltzindeg's classes exchanged kind “Heart” notes to one another in the target language that were displayed in the classroom. Ms. Kelly’s classes also watched a video about Dr. King and discussed some of his famous quotes in Spanish. In Ms. Yaltzindeg's class the themes of kindness and acceptance were connected to culture with students learning about bullfighting and watching clips of the movie Ferdinand. These activities connected the WL curriculum to the community and gave students the opportunity to spread some joy and positivity! Thank you to the entire WL department for participating in these worthwhile lessons! Scroll through the photos below!
IBC and Art Club Collaborate for MLK Day!
On Tuesday, January 10, the Art Club and the International Buddy Club met together create a Martin Luther King banner. Ms. Cordeira's Art Club members along with Ms. Schleith's International Buddy Club members worked collaboratively to decorate and share the dreams and messages they have for our world to honor Dr. Martin Luther King. Students wrote messages in both English and the language they study or their native language. The banner is hung by the cafeterias for all students and staff to read.
MAMS Students Learn French Holiday Traditions
On Thursday, December 22, students in Madame Schleith's 7th grade French classes learned about the origins of the Bûche de Noël, one of the oldest French Christmas traditions which dates back to the Celts on Winter Solstice with the tradition of burning a yule log on the shortest day of the year to celebrate the promise of the return of the sun in Spring. They learned French vocabulary related to the very popular traditional French cake, the Bûche de Noël, which is a cake shaped like a log and usually very ornately decorated. Students each made and decorated their own mini Bûche de Noël cake and enjoyed eating them. They were very creative and delicious!
National French Week 2022
Merrick Avenue Middle School celebrated National French week the week of November 14-18. Each morning, a French song was played and Madame Hayes and Madame Schleith’s French students made announcements every morning with a French word of the day, a fun fact and a trivia question of the day. We also had “Mystery French speakers”, faculty members who made announcements in French! Special thanks to Ms. Caporusso, Ms. Richemond and Ms. Mathieu-Leo.
All students and staff had the opportunity to answer the trivia questions, guess the French mystery speakers, and learn interesting facts. The halls were decorated with flags of French-speaking countries along with flyers made by Madame Schleith’s 7th grade French students.
The International Buddy Club had a visit from Calhoun HS Racial Equity club, who gave a presentation on Haiti and an organization called “Hope for Haiti” which helps to raise money for Haiti to provide clean drinking water and other resources. The International Buddy Club will be hosting a bake sale on Tuesday, November 29th to support this great cause.
All students and staff wore the colors of Canada or France on Friday as a culmination of the week-long celebration. Mme Schleith’s 7th grade students ended the week by presenting their flyers, learning about French foods and enjoying some delicious croissants! Special thanks to Mme Schlieth and Mme Hayes for coordinating the week's events!
Vive la France!
IBC Takes a Trip to Trinidad
MAMS 8th grader Anisah Brown gave a presentation about Trinidad and Tobago ate the October 19th International Buddy Club Meeting. She shared about the climate, population, food, holidays, traditions and music. Members had the opportunity to listen to Soca music from a popular musician from Trinidad. A great time was had by all! Special thanks to the club advisor, Ms. Schleith for coordinating this activity!
HHM Celebration Continues
As Hispanic Heritage Month comes to an end, students in Sra. Zdrodowski and Srta. Bursky's classes had the opportunity to learn about Honduras. Students watched authentic travel videos, learned about the country's culture, and participated in "un paseo por la galería" (a gallery walk around the classroom) where they learned about the country's capital, currency, population, food, government, flag, famous people, and tourism sites. Scroll through the photos below!
MAMS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2022
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, students in Spanish classes engaged in a variety of activities to pique their interest and increase their cultural awareness. Students in Ms. Yaltzindeg's 7th -grade classes researched famous people of Hispanic Heritage and created pennants describing their lives and historical importance. In addition to learning biographical information, each student included a famous quote and a valuable lesson learned from the person researched. In Ms. Steinhaus's classes, students learned about the life of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. Students then created a display featuring a famous quote, and "Frida Feathers." Throughout the week, students had the opportunity to take their photos at the wing display. Ms. Cohen's students also completed a research project through which they learned about notable Hispanic Americans. In Ms. Bursky and Ms. Zdrodowski's classes, students learned about the traditional Mexican game, "La Lotería," did a cultural comparison with Bingo and got to play the game in class. We thank all of our WL teachers for enriching the curriculum with these fun activities!
IBC kicks of 2022-2023
The International Buddy Club held its first meeting, Tuesday, October 4th. Students had the opportunity to share their own personal heritage as well as the languages they speak at home. Many club members are multilingual! In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, club members watched a video about the origin of Hispanic Heritage Month, how it is celebrated and the many famous Hispanic people who have made contributions to our country. Club members made colorful, paper flowers while listening to popular Spanish music. It was a great start to our club's year!
IBC "Trip Around the World!"
On Tuesday May 17, members of the International Buddy Club took the MAMS PREP students on a "trip" to visit different countries and learn about different cultures. Students created passports and used them in various activities such as matching game with maps of different countries and the country names, matching foods with the correct country, country presentations with an activity to color, and a read aloud of a book. Students traveled from one station to another to take part in the different activities that the club members had prepared. When they visited a station, they received stickers and a stamp from the country they visited on their passports. Our club members enjoyed being "International buddies" to their new friends. A great time was had by all! Special thanks to IBC club advisor Ms. Schleith!
MAMS Celebrates the Italian Culture!
On April 13th, students in Signora Di Chiara and Signora Steinhaus's Italian classes and students from Signora Fuschetto's Prep class participated in an event celebrating Italian culture. Activities included playing Bocce, learning the traditional dance, La Tarantella, making Italian bracelets, an Italian coloring station and a photo station. Students were also treated to an authentic lunch from Roma, a local Italian restaurant. A wonderful time was had by all. Special thanks to the teachers for organizing this fun cultural day! Scroll through the photos below to view the day's activities!
Félicitacions! Congratulazioni! ¡Felicitaciones! 恭喜!Gōngxǐ!
The Department of World Languages would like to congratulate the participants and winners of our sixth annual district-wide language contest. This year’s themes focused on the ideas of personal identification, communication and cultural awareness. We wish to thank all of our students who participated and the teachers who served as judges and helped make this event a success.
French 7th-Grade Comic
First Place - Rylie Sena- Ms. Schleith
Second Place- Madeline Wiener- Ms. Schleith
Third Place- Samari Lagos- Ms. Schleith
Italian 7th-Grade Comic
First Place- Katie Nalbone– Ms. Di Chiara
Spanish 7th-Grade Comic
First Place- Maria Kardiasmenos- Ms. Kelly
Second Place- Siddhangi Wikramasinghe- Mrs. Yaltzindeg
Third Place- Jacob Spinner- Ms. Kelly
Spanish 8th-Grade Comic
First Place- Madeline Hyman- Ms. Kelly
Second Place- Kayla Indich- Ms. Kelly
Third Place- Julie Lehrfeld- Ms. Kelly
Poster Contest Winners!
Congratulations to the winners of our World Language poster contest, the theme of which was Make the World your Home with Language! First Place- Joseph Solorzano-Ruiz, Second Place- Kenneth Howe and Third Place- Jordana Wohlleben. Thank you to all of the participants and to the students and staff that voted!
IBC Culture Presentation
This week, Abel Shaji, an ENL student from India made a presentation to Mrs. Schleith's International Buddy club. He shared information about holidays, languages spoken in India, foods, religions as well as the very popular sport, cricket. He explained how cricket is played and brought in his very own cricket bat from India! He shared with us that the national bird of India is a peacock and that it's good luck in India to find a peacock feather. Club members asked questions and had the opportunity to hold the bat and decorate peacocks, while listening to India's national anthem. It was a great presentation!
World Language Week Celebration!
This week, MAMS celebrated National World Language Week with a series of events and activities. Throughout the week, students voted on their favorite posters in this year’s poster contest, the theme of which was Make the World your Home with Language. The WL department also hosted a spirit week with each day dedicated to a language or culture. In addition to wearing something that represented the country or flag colors, students answered daily trivia questions organized by Ms. Schleith. Students from our ENL program and International Buddy Club delivered daily announcements in various languages. Students were provided with recipes from each culture so that they could prepare special meals at home during the week.
In class, Ms. Hayes’ 8th-grade French students took a virtual tour of Paris, immersing themselves in traditional Parisian cafés and roleplaying a restaurant scene. Mandarin students in Ms. Han’s classes made tangrams. Spanish students in Ms. Kelly’s classes created funny Spanish memes and learned about the festival Carnaval. Ms. Serpico’s students learned how to dance Salsa and Bachata. They learned different styles of each dance and practiced to the music of various artists such as Marc Anthony and Prince Royce. As part of the sports unit, Ms. Steinhaus’s Italian and Spanish classes learned about the importance of cycling in Italy and Spain. Students watched videos and learned about La Vuelta a España and Il Giro d’Italia. Ms. Cohen and Ms. Di Chiara’s classes did cultural comparisons for each country highlighting fun facts each day. They also had a competition to see which classes could donate the most items for the food drive-it was VERY close!
To celebrate women in history during World Language Week, Ms. Kelly's classes learned about Dr. Ellen Ochoa; the first Hispanic woman to travel in space. Students listened to videos, discussed space exploration, and completed some brain teasers to learn the many interesting facts of Dr. Ochoa's life. In Madame Schleith’s French, students learned about famous French women in history - Marie Curie, Marie Antoinette, Coco Chanel, Jeanne d'Arc, Edith Pilaf, George Sand, Simone de Beauvoir.
Each day of World Language week, Mrs. Schleith's ENL and French classes discussed and shared the culture for the language of the day. Mme Schleith’s French classes discussed why it is important to learn another language and reasons to speak French. Students decorated maps of France with a reason why they felt it was important to speak French and decorated the doorway.
In ENL class, students shared pictures of places, food and symbols that represent their own culture and/or American culture and decorated our classroom door. In addition, they came up with questions related to their culture for a Trivia Game for the class to play.
In addition, the department sponsored a drive of various items to donate to the Community Cupboard and Bethany House.
MAMS Celebrates Mardi Gras!
Mrs. Schleith’s 7th- grade French classes celebrated Mardi Gras. Students made Mardi Gras masks and learned about the history of the holiday and its celebrations in various French-speaking countries, islands and in New Orleans. Students learned about “King Cakes,” traditional cakes eaten during Mardi Gras and decorated with purple, green and gold. As the tradition goes, the person who receives the “baby” in their piece of cake receives luck for that year and is responsible to make the “King Cake” the following year. Students were provided with the recipe for “King Cake” and “babies” to make their own cakes at home. All students received beads with Mardi Gras colors for answering questions about Mardi Gras and French culture!
La Chandeleur is celebrated in French classes!
Last week, students in Madame Schleith's French 7 classes learned about the French holiday "La Chandeleur", which is celebrated on February 2. Students watched a video and read an article about the holiday which is celebrated 40 days after Christmas. Chandeleur is a day in France and Belgium dedicated to making delicious "crêpes". There is an ancient superstition that if you successfully flip a crêpe with the pan in your right hand while holding a coin in your left hand, you will have a prosperous year. Students made a cultural comparison to Groundhog Day, which is also February 2 and the superstition of six more weeks of winter depending on the shadow.
Ms. Schleith gave students the recipe to make crêpes and share pictures or videos of themselves making them at home.
See the photos below!
Mandarin Students celebrate the Year of the Tiger!
Students in Ms. Han’s Mandarin classes celebrated the Year of the Tiger! The Chinese New Year, also called Spring Festival, is the most widely celebrated festival in China. Students learned about the cultural traditions of the holiday and engaged in tiger paper cutting, Chinese calligraphy, and making red envelopes for gift giving. They also decorated the hallways with handmade lanterns to make the whole building festive. Xīn nián kuài lè!
MAMS WL Students Recognize MLK Day
On Wednesday, January 12, students in World Languages classes engaged in a variety tasks in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Students in Ms. Di Chiara and Ms. Cohen's classes created "Value Jars" that were filled with kind notes and compliments from their classmates. In Ms. Steinhaus's classes students created inspirational quote posters. Students in Ms. Han's, Ms. Kelly's, Ms. Schleith's and Ms. Serpico's classes exchanged kind notes to one another in the target language. These activities connected the curriculum to the community and gave students the opportunity to spread some joy and positivity! Scroll through the photos to the right to get a glimpse of the day's activities.
Students Share Their Culture
Students continue to increase their cultural awareness and learn new things in International Buddy Club! At a recent meeting, 8th grader Mia Zampella gave a presentation on Italy and her Italian heritage. 7th grader, David Krass gave a presentation on Russia and his Russian heritage. Students enjoyed learning about typical cuisine and traditions. Special thanks to this week's presenters Mia and David!
Chinese Sports in Mandarin Class
On Friday, October 29th, Ms. Han's 8th-grade students enjoyed time outdoors to play the ancient game of shuttlecock. Shuttlecock originated in the Han dynasty and is similar to Hackey Sack in the U.S. It is still a very popular sport among Chinese youth. See the photos below!
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Continues at MAMS
During the week of October 11th, students in Ms. Serpico’s class recreated their our own version of Talavera tiles. The students learned about the significance of Hispanic Heritage month and learned some facts about Talavera tiles. Talavera is a style brought from Spain to Mexico during the 15th century. The Talavera style traditionally used blue as the primary color but expanded to other colors such as green, mauve and red. You can find Talavera in different pottery, tiles, home decorations and more not only throughout Mexico but all over the world.
MAMS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
The MAMS International Buddy Club celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month at their meeting on Tuesday, October 5. 7th grade student Irene Salvador-Andrade gave a presentation on her heritage. She spoke about food, traditions and holidays, places to visit, and climate in El Salvador. Irene's presentation was so engaging and lead to a lot of great conversation and questions. Other students of Hispanic heritage shared some similar foods and customs. In addition, club members learned about the legend of Guatemalan Worry Dolls. According to the tradition of the Mayans from the Guatemalan highlands, when children are scared or have nightmares, they give them worry dolls before they go to sleep. Then, they put them under the pillow, and when they wake up, their worries are gone. Worry dolls are incredible pieces of a traditional Guatemalan legend. Club members enjoyed making their own worry dolls.
20-21 Poster Contest Winners!
Congratulations to this year’s poster contest winners! The theme of this year's contest was Live, Learn, Love Language.
1st Place- Ryan Levinter
2nd Place- Angelica Hanna
2nd Place- Brianna Deputy
3rd Place Caroline Jacoby
Thank you to all those that particpated in the contest and all those that voted!
MAMS Celebrates World Language Week!
This week, the Department of World Languages hosted a celebration of National World Languages Week. The festivities began with our annual poster contest, the theme of which was Live, Learn, Love Language. Students and faculty had the opportunity to vote throughout the week. Stay tuned for the winner announcement. To show our building spirit, each day was dedicated to a different country or cultures with dress up days, informational posters displayed throughout the building and daily announcements and trivia contests. In class, students participated in a variety of activities including mask making in Ms. Yaltzindeg's class. World Language teachers also collected donations to benefit the Community Cupboard and Bethany house. Special thanks to the entire WL department and to Ms. Schleith and the International Buddy Club for organizing these events.
World Language Poster Contest 2021
To cast your vote through this site, view the posters below by scrolling through the photos.
Next, click on this LINK and choose the number of your favorite poster! Please vote only once.
Spanish Classes Recognize PS I Love You Day
In recognition of PS I Love you Day, Mrs. Yaltzindeg dedicated a lesson to El Acoso Escolar (school bullying). Students watched a clip of Paranorman and brainstormed ways to notice signs of friends experiencing bullying. The class used an infographic to learn about strategies to become a better ally. Finally, each student chose a statement in Spanish to show his or her promise to end school bullying and decorated hearts to hang in the hallway to show solidarity and recognize PS I Love you day.
Showing Gratitude to our Vets!
The Merrick Avenue International Buddy Club students made Veterans Day cards to honor and thank some of our Long Island veterans. In the past, the Club has raised money to help send veterans to Washington, DC for the day through Honor Flight Long Island. Club advisor, Ms. Schleith expressed, "Given our current situation, since we were unable to do this and the flights are suspended, we felt now more than ever it was important to reach out to our veterans, many of whom are elderly and living alone, to show our gratitude."
Félicitacions! Congratulazioni! ¡Felicitaciones!
The MAMS Department of World Languages would like to congratulate the participants and winners of our fifth annual district-wide language contest. Students from both middle schools submitted entries in our poem, essay, poster, photo and comic strip categories. This year’s themes focused on the ideas of unity, interpersonal connections and cultural awareness. Thank you to the entire World Languages department for judging and to the faculty, staff, and students who submitted votes for the poster contest. We wish to thank all of our students who participated and the teachers who helped make this event a huge success. Félicitacions! Congratulazioni! ¡Felicitaciones! 恭喜!Gōngxǐ!
Poster Contest
London Basco- First Place
Daniel Goodman- Second Place
Brandon Soya- Third Place
French Comic
7th Grade
Zoe Friedman- First Place
8th Grade
Olivia Trinkus- First Place
French Poetry
8th Grade
Dylan Friedman- First Place
French Photo
7th Grade
Summer Osorio- First Place
Zoe Friedman- Second Place
8th Grade
Gianna Grewal- Third Place
Italian Photo
7th Grade
Bianca Parente- Second Place
Mandarin Comic
7th Grade
Enqi Li- First Place
Mason Tso- Third Place
Mandarin Photo
8th Grade
Matthew Sferratore- First Place
Spanish Essay
8th Grade
Gabriella Tejada- Second Place
Spanish Comic
7th Grade
London Basco- First Place
Dana Wauchope- Third Place
8th Grade
Allanna Reid- First Place
Lana Guber- Second Place
Sydney Brewer- Third Place
Spanish Poetry
8th Grade
Liam Miley- First Place
Mark Abramovitz- Third Place
Spanish Photo
7th Grade
Samantha Maryash- First Place
William Siegel- Second Place
Grace Maraglio- Third Place
8th Grade
Jocelyn Nashtatik- First Place
MAMS Celebrates World Languages Week!
The World Languages Department celebrated National World Languages Week during the week of March 2. Special activities included learning about holidays around the world, creating comical memes in the target language, creating kindness word chains and a cultural scavenger hunt. On Friday, students participated in a food tasting with foods from around the world. Throughout the week, announcements were conducted in different world languages and the department kicked off its annual contest with a poster display, the theme of which was Bring Others Closer to Your Heart With Languages.
Congratulations to our poster contest winners: First Place: London Basco, Second Place: Danny Goodman, Third Place: Brandon Soya. These students' posters will advance to the district-level contest.
Winners of the essay, poem, comic strip and photo contest will be announced in the upcoming weeks.
See photos of the week below!
French Students Celebrate Mardi Gras
Students in Mrs. Schleith’s 7th and 8th grade French classes celebrated Mardi Gras on February 25th. 7th grade French students made Mardi Gras masks and learned about the history of Mardi Gras and its celebrations in various French-speaking countries, islands and New Orleans. Student volunteers made “King Cakes”, traditional cakes eaten during Mardi Gras, decorated with the colors representing Mardi Gras (purple, green and gold). 8th grade French students continued their tradition from last year. As the tradition goes, the students who received the “baby” in their piece of cake the previous year would receive good luck for that year, and bring the “King Cake” the following year. All students received beads with Mardi Gras colors for answering questions about Mardi Gras and French culture.
Spanish Students Acknowledge P.S. I Love You Day
In honor of P.S. I Love You Day, Mrs. Yaltzindeg’s classes learned about the importance of kindness and standing up to bullying. They created "corazones de amabilidad" with positive friendship and kindness phrases in Spanish.
MAMS Department of World Languages Gives Back
As part of a year-long initiative to connect the curriculum to the community, the MAMS World Languages Department organized its second drive for the Community Cupboard. During the unit on Health and Wellness, students collected personal hygiene items ranging from tissues to shampoo. Hundreds of items were donated by both 7th and 8th-grade students. To make this a building-wide event, students from Ms. Fuschetto’s MORE class sorted the items to facilitate distribution. Special thanks to Ms. Cohen, Ms. Di Chiara, and Ms. Steinhaus for once again coordinating this community service activity!
新年快乐 Xīnnián kuàilè!
On January 24th, Mandarin students celebrated the year of the Rat. Students took part in a variety of cultural activities such as calligraphy, paper cutting, tangrams and the chopstick challenge. They also enjoyed Chinese cuisine including dumplings, spring rolls and noodles. Thank you to Ms. Han for organizing this fun and interesting New Year's lesson!
The International Buddy Club Spreads Holiday Cheer
Members of the International Buddy Club from Calhoun High School joined members of the International Buddy Club at Merrick Avenue Middle School on Tuesday, December 10th, to celebrate the holidays and make gingerbread houses. Students spent a fun-filled afternoon creating gingerbread houses to be donated to those who could use some holiday cheer. This cultural event gave students the opportunity to celebrate together while giving back to the community during this holiday season. A great time was had by all! Special thanks to club advisor Ms. Schleith for organizing the event.
The French Olympics Return to MAMS!
To celebrate National French Week, French students at Merrick Avenue Middle School participated in a series of activities designed to promote the French language and culture. A French word of the day and trivia contest kicked off each morning during the announcements with a winner announced each day. Seventh Graders researched French-speaking countries and created informational flyers that were posted throughout the building. Students from Ms. Schleith’ s eighth grade classes participated in a French competition. Teams Rouge, Blanche, and Bleu competed to show off their French knowledge! Thank you to Mr. Chicco, Ms. Beinert and Ms. Mathieu-Leo for serving as this year’s scorekeepers and judges and to Ms. Crici for her technical assistance. Special thanks to Ms. Schleith for organizing this exciting event for her students!
MAMS World Language Students Gain Cultural and Civic Awareness
The MAMS World Language Department welcomed students to the program and to the school community with a special project that combined cultural and civic awareness. Students in each language, (French, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish) created a poster that depicted ways the target language culture is observed and experienced in everyday life. This included famous people, food and products that students use in their daily lives. Using the posters as inspiration, each class then collected food and other items for the district’s Community Cupboard. Students from the MORE and PREP programs assisted in the efforts by sorting the items for packaging and delivery. Special thanks to the MAMS Guidance Department for its assistance! This was a great way for students to connect content to real life and to contribute to a community initiative.
Scroll down for photos!
Mandarin Students Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival
On September 13th, Ms. Han’s Mandarin classes learned about the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. The Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most important festival in China after the Chinese New Year. The day, also known as the Moon Festival, falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunar calendar when the moon is at its fullest. To celebrate, the Chinese people eat a reunion dinner with their families, much like our Thanksgiving. Students even tried traditional pineapples moon cakes, a special food served during reunion dinners.