Senior Member, IEEE & Chair, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Victorian Section, Australia


Dr Malka N. Halgamuge

Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity

Room 58, Level 8, Building 80

Chair, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Victorian Section

Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics

RMIT University, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

Tel: +61 3 9925 8287

Email: malka.halgamuge at rmit.edu.au


Google Scholar Citations = 3650 with h-index = 33, i10-index = 82, Research Gate Score = 2870, SciVal Field-Weighted Citation Impact = 1.46 (2019 to > 2025)


Dr Malka N. Halgamuge is a Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Prior to this, she worked as a Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity and the department's Course Coordinator for Micro-credential Subjects (Cybersecurity Short Courses) at La Trobe University. She also worked as the Program Manager for the Australian Government's Cyber Security Skills Partnership Innovation Fund ($4.7m investment) with the Pro Vice-Chancellor and her Industry Engagement team, SCEMS, and industry partners (Wiley, CISCO, GHD, Optus, Quantum Victoria, Practera, War on Wasted Talent) to develop micro-credential short-courses and students' work-based learning placements (industry) to uplift Australia's cyber security capability. 

From 2007-2021, Malka worked as a researcher at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Melbourne, Australia. She obtained her PhD in the same department. 

Awards: Malka received the Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s International Fellowship, Incoming Leaders Fellowship from Australia India Institute, Next Step Initiative Fellowship, Australia-China Young Scientist Fellowship, Dyason Fellowship, University of California UCLA Los Angeles, Early Career Researcher Award from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Solander Fellowships, Lund University, Sweden. She received the Vice-Chancellor's Engagement Award and the Vice-Chancellor's Knowledge Transfer Award for her research at The University of Melbourne.

Professional Development: Malka was the Keynote Speaker, Plenary Speaker, Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, IEEE Senior Member, and Chair of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Victorian Section, Australia. She was the Program Co-Chair, Track Chair, Publication Chair, Advisory Chair, Publicity Co-Chair, Session Chair, Guest Editor, and a Member of the TPC for 300 international conferences. She has presented 67 invited/guest/public lectures in academia (Oxford & Ohio State University), industry (IBM, KPMG East Africa, AISA), and at 9 IEEE sections. Malka has conducted 18 media interviews, articles, two radio interviews, and a TV interview (ABC News).

Research & Supervision: Malka has been a chief investigator for multiple grants totaling over $1 million. She has co-supervised 4 PhD students to completion at the University of Melbourne and currently 5 PhD students at RMIT University as the principal supervisor. Post-doc Supervision (past: 1 at LaTrobe, 2021-2022; current: 2 at RMIT). Malka has published more than 140 peer-reviewed technical articles (Citations=3650, h-index=33, i10-index=82, Gate RG Score=2864, SciVal Field-Weighted Citation Impact=1.46 (2019 to > 2025)).


PhD Thesis: Performance Evaluation and Enhancement of Mobile and Sensor Networks - No: 1 Ranked University in Australia [THE Ranking, QS World Rankings]

Master Thesis: Energy Efficient Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks


Under-Graduate (UG) and Post-Graduate (PG)

Malka's interdisciplinary research interests focus on utilising emerging technologies (for example, Blockchain, Digital twin technology, Deep learning, Federated learning & Machine learning) for cyber security and privacy (in the application of the Internet of Things (IoT), edge network, renewable energy, and supply chain process). In her research, she employs various techniques such as probabilistic modelling, optimisation, network modelling, algorithm design, machine learning, deep learning, federated learning, and data analysis. Malka has been a chief investigator for multiple grants totaling over $1 million. 

Malka worked with the La Trobe University Pro Vice-Chancellor Industry Engagement and her team, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences and seven industry partners (Wiley, CISCO, GHD, Optus, Quantum Victoria, Practera and War on Wasted Talent) to develop 43 micro-credential short-courses and students' work-based learning placements (industry) to uplift Australia's cyber security capability.


Malka was directly responsible for the project's success and works with all three sub-streams (with different internal and external stakeholders) that contribute to the success of the main project:

Associated Research Centers:

(i) Research Experience

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, Melbourne School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia.

       Associated Research Centers:

(ii) Teaching Experience

Subjects - Undergraduate Course


Subjects - Postgraduate Course

(iii) Industry Working Experience

(iv) University Administration (The University of Melbourne)

Member, Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Committee, The University of Melbourne, Australia (Sep 2013 - 2021).

Patron, Sri Lankan Graduates' Society (SLGS), The University of Melbourne (2014 - 2021).

(v) Community Engagement (Volunteer Work)


PhD Thesis Examiner

Bioelectromagnetics, Dec 2012.

Journal / Conference Reviewer

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Communication Letters, Expert Systems With Applications, Bioelectromagnetics, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE WCNC, IEEE PMIRC, WirelessCom.

Memberships of Professional Societies