Young Life Summer Volunteer Programs at the Malibu Club


We are so grateful for your service as it is an integral part of camp. The Work Crew and Summer Staff Programs are an incredible opportunity for you to grow in your faith and relationship with Jesus.

You have a great ministry opportunity ahead of you. We know that your time serving will not only strengthen your own walk with Christ but will also strengthen those around you. We pray that God will bring you to your assignment with a deep sense of calling and a servant's attitude.


Volunteer Agreement - Due 5 days after Acceptance Status

You will receive a DocuSign email containing the Young Life Volunteer Agreement from us. Within five days of receiving the DocuSign email, you must acknowledge and sign the agreement. We will send you reminders if it is not completed within that time-frame. You may need to check your spam/junk folder if you have not seen it in the next few days.

Registration Form and Shuttle Payment - Due May 1 

Every participant in the Young Life Work Crew and Summer Staff programs at the Malibu Club must submit a Registration Form online which includes a transportation and shuttle payment. 

The form will open March 1 to start accepting entries and will be open until the May 1 due date when it will no longer be available. You will need:

The one exception to taking the bus directly from the SeaTac airport is if you are a Canadian citizen residing in Canada currently, but you'll still need to pay the fee. Email us if that is the case. 

Young Life Health and Consent Form - Due May 

Useful instructions to help you with the process:

19 and Under Guardian Permission - Due on arrival at airport

Under 19 Years Old (not 18 but 19!)

The legal age in Canada is 19, not 18. If you are under 19 you will need the guardianship consent letter showing that you have legal guardian consent to leave your home country and enter a foreign country. Please download the appropriate form for yourself depending on if you are Work Crew or Summer Staff. You must bring the original form filled out with signatures (it cannot be a photocopy nor digitally signed) with you to board the bus.


Summer Staff

YL Access Training

Work Crew

In Person Training

All Work Crew must go through Work Crew training with their local Young Life staff. Please contact your local staff person if you have not yet completed the training as participation in Work Crew at Malibu is conditional on completion of the Young Life Work Crew Training.


Journey to Camp

It will take you two days to get to the Malibu Club from Seattle. Please bring snacks and a bag supper for your journey (or money to buy dinner on the ferry). This will be your journey to camp:

Journey Home

It will take you one day to get from the Malibu Club back to Seattle. This will be your journey to return home:

Overnight Housing Before Reaching Camp and Returning Home

You will need a sleeping bag and pillow both in Seattle and in Egmont. Due to luggage limitations on the charter bus your sleeping bag should be as compact as possible. If you are flying and would like your Coordinator to locate a sleeping bag for you please let them know when they contact you. 

Please bring money (for food on the ferry), a bagged supper, and snacks for while you are travelling. Contact your Coordinator if you have questions about this.

For those being picked up on the final day of the assignment, we will provide the address at a later date.

The Canadian - US Border

Citizenship Documentation

Please note that you will be entering a foreign country. As such you must have proper identification and proof of citizenship to enter Canada and to re-enter the United States. 

Accepted ID: Please provide one of the following as proof of citizenship:

A birth certificate and Driver's License is not acceptable.

18 Years Old and Under

The legal age in Canada is 19, not 18. If you are under 19 you will need the guardianship consent letter showing that you have legal guardian consent to leave your home country and enter a foreign country. Please download the appropriate form for yourself depending on if you are Work Crew or Summer Staff. You must bring the original form filled out with signatures (it cannot be a photocopy nor digitally signed) with you to board the bus.

Non-US Citizens

If you are not a US citizen then you should contact your local consulate to confirm you will be able to re-enter the US. If you are not a US resident and will be returning to your home country, please note that the buses are not able to drop you at another airport so you will need to be able to return to the US to fly out of SeaTac airport to return to your home country.



Your dates are sent to you by email so please make sure you keep those emails and take careful note of the dates of travel.

You must be able to be here for the entire assignment period. Due to our remote location, we are not able to accommodate requests for special needs to be off the property. Everyone is required to travel to and from Seattle, across the borders and into Malibu with the rest of your team on the bus. 

What to Pack

The following list should help you plan for your assignment at camp. Your Coordinator will be in touch with you before your arrival if there are other items you need to bring.

Personal items


You will be interacting directly with guests so your appearance should be “classy” but casual. Pack appropriately for your job.

Life at Camp

A Work Crew or Summer Staff shirt will be given to you upon arrival at camp. Sheets, pillows, blankets, and towels are provided for you.  Storage is limited, but there is weekly laundry. All clothing must be marked with your name for this purpose.

You will be living in our Work Crew/Summer Staff housing called Haida. They are dorm rooms with females on one floor and males on another floor. Summer Staff are in two dorm rooms and Work Crew are in the other dorm rooms on that floor.

Your days will be scheduled with time for personal devotions, community devotions and Bible study through the day and with your whole team in the evenings. You will help set up and run events at camp.  

You will have one half-day off per camp week to rest and have fun with your team. Your Coordinators will have this time planned for you.

Due to our remote location and limited facilities, visitors are not an option for those serving on Work Crew or Summer Staff at the Malibu Club.

Communications and “In Case of Emergency” Contact Information

The Malibu Club is very remote and only accessible by boat or float plane. Communication in and out of camp is extremely limited.  Work Crew and Summer Staff will not have access to email, social media or wifi. 

Please plan accordingly. You may leave the camp phone number and email with those who may need to contact you in the case of a true emergency, (778) 331-7944 and 

Health Care

We ask that anyone with allergies that result or can result in an anaphylaxis reaction please call the camp office to discuss the medical implications of being in a location so far from full medical facilities. We are a minimum of 3 hours from a full medical facility, and that is in the best possible conditions. At night, that time-frame drastically increases.

For US residents, since you will be in a different country, any US medical insurance will not be able to be direct billed at Canadian medical facilities. If something were to happen and you needed to leave Malibu for required medical assistance at a hospital or clinic in Canada, you will need to pay for the services up-front and then submit those bills to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please contact your insurance company if you have questions about what your insurance will cover outside of your home country. It is highly advisable to get travel insurance anytime you leave your home country, check with your insurance company to see if you are already covered for international travel or whether you need extra coverage..


Your family and friends can send you mail. Mail and parcels may take 4-6 weeks to reach camp. All packages sent to you will need to clear international customs and may get charged duty. Everything should be marked as “Gift” or “Non-Commercial Goods”. If a package ends up with duty charged on it, we will not accept delivery of the package at the post office and tell them to mark it as "Return to Sender". Anyone with questions as to how to send a package successfully to you should call the camp office at least one month before you depart from home (778) 331-7944.

All mail sent to you should be addressed like this:

[Your Full Name}
[Work Crew or Summer Staff, which ever is accurate for you]
Session [your session number or note your dates]
c/o The Malibu Club
PO Box 49
6545 Maple Road
Egmont BC V0N 1N0