Download Github Desktop Zip


I am looking to do something I thought was pretty simple... I have an existing folder (with project files) on my desktop that I would like have tracked by Github desktop for purposes of source/version control. It seems straightforward... I go to github desktop, select that I'd like to create a new repository, and point it at the folder on the desktop. Here is what I expect to happen:

This is the step where we actually upload it to Github. GithubDesktop lets us create a new repository on without usingthe web browser. In this step, we also ____ the changes to the1______ repository, though it happens without us seeing all themiddle steps.

GitHub Desktop offers an easy way of getting started with GitHub and version control. Depending on your use case GitHub desktop may be sufficient for your needs. If you are already familiar with using the Command Line then using Git on the Command Line may offer some advantages. Version control systems like Git have a lot of features available to use. Some of these will only be applicable in very specific contexts, others will be more commonly useful. Alongside the lesson suggested above the resources below will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of version control.

Use the wget command followed by the URL of .deb file of GitHub desktop from the shiftkey Github repo. Shifykey is maintained by Brendan Forster one of the staff member of Github.


GitHub Desktop provides a desktop user interface that runs on a developer's local computer, with a visual interface to the GitHub code version control platform. While using GitHub online via a web browser is common, for many the convenience and control of running on a desktop is hard to pass up. 5376163bf9

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