As Barbara tries to reason with the Doctor, Susan enters the room and seemingly sides with her grandfather, but then believes her teachers' innocence after the Doctor threatens to throw the humans off his ship. Barbara pleads with an unconscious Ian to help her but when he awakes he is dazed. The Doctor tries to go through with his plan despite Susan's protests. Suddenly an alarm sounds and the Doctor rushes to the fault locator which lights up, showing faults in every system. The Doctor admits that he has misjudged the pair of teachers and tells them they have to work together to get out of the danger they are in. The ship rocks, throwing everyone off balance. The Doctor realises the TARDIS' power source, located beneath the console, is trying to force its way out and they are only minutes from destruction.

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IAN: Frankly, Doctor, I find it hard to keep pacewith you. 

DOCTOR: You mean, to keep one jump ahead. That you will never be. Youneed my knowledge and ability to apply it, and then you need myexperience to gain the fullest results. 

IAN: Results? For good or for evil? 

DOCTOR: One man's law is another man's crime. Sleep on it, Chesterton.Sleep on it. 

(Barbara has pulled down a second curved bed. Susan goes over to her.) 

SUSAN: I'm sorry for what Grandfather said to you. 

BARBARA: It wasn't your fault. 

SUSAN: I know, but, try and understand him. Forgive him. 

BARBARA: Try and get some sleep. 

(Later, the Doctor checks they are all asleep, then goes into theconsole room, chuckling to himself. He is looking over the controlswhen someone grabs him around the throat!)

(The attacker is a staring-eyed Ian. The Doctorthrows him off easily and he falls to the floor with a cry. Barbaracomes out of the room too.) 

DOCTOR: So, it was you? 


DOCTOR: It's no use pretending. 

BARBARA: Well, help him. 

DOCTOR: Help him? You saw him. You saw what he tried to do. 

BARBARA: But now he's fainted just like Susan did. 

DOCTOR: Susan didn't faint. It was you that told me she fainted and Ivery nearly believed you. 

BARBARA: Oh, what does it matter? 

DOCTOR: Matter? Matter, young lady? He very nearly tried to strangleme. 

BARBARA: But he has fainted. Look at him. 

DOCTOR: Oh, he's play-acting. 

BARBARA: No, he isn't. Oh, Doctor, don't you see? Something terrible'shappening to all of us. 

DOCTOR: Not to me. Nothing's happened to me. This is a plot between thetwo of you to get control of my ship. 

BARBARA: Oh, that isn't true. 

DOCTOR: Can't you see I've found you out? Why won't you admit it, hmm? 

SUSAN: Yes. Why don't you? 

BARBARA: Susan! 

SUSAN: You've been behaving very strangely. Both of you. 


SUSAN: I think you're right, Grandfather. 

BARBARA: But you're wrong. I swear we haven't done anything. 

DOCTOR: I told you I'd treat you as enemies. 


DOCTOR: There's no other way. 

BARBARA: Well what are you going to do? 

DOCTOR: That is my business. 

BARBARA: Ian, wake up. For heaven's sake, wake up, Ian. Ian, Ian, helpme. 

IAN: I, I, I 

DOCTOR: There's no alternative. Your little trick endangered our lives.

SUSAN: How did he get like this? 

DOCTOR: Oh, it's all a charade. 

BARBARA: He went near the control panel. 

SUSAN: It did happen to me, Grandfather. 

BARBARA: Yes, you remember. You lost your memory. And there was thisterrible pain at the back of your neck. 

SUSAN: Yes. Yes, that's true. 

BARBARA: What do you think we've done? Hypnotised you? Drugged you?Susan, we wouldn't do anything like that. Believe me. 

DOCTOR: I see. Divide and conquer, eh? She's trying to poison your mindagainst me. 

IAN: (suddenly sitting up) Don't touch it, Doctor! (and falling backagain) 

SUSAN: I do believe you. Grandfather, they couldn't have done all thethings that happened. 

DOCTOR: Oh, yes, I admit they were very smart. 

SUSAN: No, it's not a question of being smart. 

DOCTOR: Don't you see I wouldn't allow them to hurt you, child? They'revery resourceful and cunning, and it only leaves me one recourse. Theymust be put off the ship. 

SUSAN: No! You can't do that! 

DOCTOR: I can and I must. 

BARBARA: But you can't open the doors. 

DOCTOR: Don't underestimate my powers, young lady. 

SUSAN: Look, Grandfather. You've no means of telling what's out there.There may be no air, it may be freezing, it may be too hot to exist. 

DOCTOR: Yes, or it might be the Earth in the 20th century. Hadn'tit occurred to you? My ship is very valuable, remember? 

BARBARA: Why are you so suspicious of us? 

DOCTOR: Put yourself in my place, young lady, and you'd do preciselythe same thing, wouldn't you? Hmm? 

IAN: What are you two saying to each other? 

DOCTOR: You're getting off the ship, Chesterton. 

IAN: Now? 

DOCTOR: Yes. Now. Get up. 

IAN: You'll have to help me, Barbara. 


IAN: You'll have to help me, Barbara. 


IAN: I'll be all right when I get outside. 

SUSAN: Oh, Grandfather. He doesn't know what's happening. I won't letyou do this. 

DOCTOR: If, of course, they'd like to confess to me what they have doneto my ship, I may even change my mind. 

(A klaxon alarm sounds.) 

BARBARA: What, what was that? 

SUSAN: The danger signal. 

DOCTOR: The fault locator! The whole of it! 

IAN: Oh, don't touch it, Doctor. 

BARBARA: It's all right. 

IAN: No. No, you'll get knocked out. 

BARBARA: It's all right, Ian. 

SUSAN: Grandfather, tell me. 

BARBARA: It's all right. 

DOCTOR: The whole area of the fault locator has just given us awarning. 

SUSAN: But everything can't be. Everything can't be wrong! 

DOCTOR: That's what it means, child. 

(Ian grabs the back of Barbara's neck.) 

BARBARA: No! Ian! Ian, it's all right. It's, it's all right. It's allright. 

IAN: I pulled you away. The controls are alive. (passes out) 

DOCTOR: No, you mustn't be frightened of me. Not now, please. I can'texplain, but I've just realised the danger we're in. 

SUSAN: It went off again, Grandfather. 

DOCTOR: Hurry. Look. We must pull him round. You see that panel upthere? You've heard me refer to it? The fault locator? 


DOCTOR: If one small piece of apparatus fails, a little bulbilluminates and tells me precisely where the fault is. Can you imaginewhat would happen if the whole of it lights up? Hmm? It means that theship is on the point of disintegration. You're not to blame. All fourof us are to blame! 

IAN: Oh, you're all right. That drink you gave us. 

DOCTOR: Oh, a mere harmless sleeping drug. 

IAN: I thought so. 

DOCTOR: Yes, you rather suspected I was up to some mischief. 

IAN: Yes. And I told you not to go near the control column. I told youyou'll electrocute yourself. 

DOCTOR: I'm afraid I must have misjudged you both. 

SUSAN: Fifteen seconds. It's happening every fifteen seconds. 

BARBARA: But all the clock are 

SUSAN: I counted. 

DOCTOR: Well please go on counting. Now both of you listen. Can youconcentrate? 

IAN: Yes, I think I'm all right. 

DOCTOR: We're on the brink of destruction, so all four of us must workclosely together. We must find out where we are and what is happeningto my ship. 

IAN: Just a moment. Why did you say that, the brink of destruction? 

DOCTOR: There's a strong force at work somewhere, which is threateningmy ship. It's so strong that every piece of equipment can be out ofaction at the same time. 

IAN: What? Total disintegration? 

DOCTOR: Precisely. We haven't crash-landed, otherwise I would havediscovered that immediately. And I don't believe there's an evilintelligence in the ship. Just at the same token, I don't reallybelieve that you, either of you, have been the cause of this trouble. 

IAN: Well, what is, then? 

DOCTOR: I don't know, but we must find out. 

IAN: Yes, but how long have we got? 

SUSAN: It's definitely every quarter of a minute. 

IAN: Well what does that prove? 

BARBARA: That we have a measure of time as long as it lasts. Yes, ofcourse. That explains the clock face. We had time taken away from us,and now it's being given back to us because it's running out. 

(The ship shakes.) 

SUSAN: The column. 

(Goes up and down once, with no sound.) 

DOCTOR: But, it's impossible. 

IAN: Doctor, I thought it only moved when the power was on. 

DOCTOR: Yes. The heart of the machine is under the column. 

IAN: Well what made it move? 

DOCTOR: The source of power. You see, when the column rises, it provesthe extent of the power thrust. 

BARBARA: Then what would have happened if the column had come outcompletely? 

SUSAN: Well, the power would be free to escape. 

DOCTOR: Can it be possible then, that this is the end? 

IAN: The end? What are you talking about? 

DOCTOR: We have ten minutes to survive. 

BARBARA: Ten minutes? As little as that? 

DOCTOR: Maybe less. 

IAN: Be careful, Doctor. 

DOCTOR: Oh, it's quite safe here. This is where I stood when I triedthe scanner switch. 

BARBARA: Yes. Yes. Why is that part safe? 

SUSAN: We'll never stop it in time! 

BARBARA: Don't, Susan. Please don't. 

DOCTOR: I don't know even where to begin, Chesterton. If only I had aclue. 

BARBARA: I think. I think, perhaps, we've been given nothing else butclues. 

IAN: Have we? Like the food machine, you mean. 


IAN: It registered empty, but it wasn't. 

BARBARA: But the clock is the most important. It made us aware of time.

SUSAN: By taking time away from us. 

BARBARA: Yes. And it replaced time by the light on the fault locator. 

IAN: Yes, it did. 

DOCTOR: It? It? What do you mean? My machine can't think. 

BARBARA: You say it has a built-in defence mechanism? 

DOCTOR: Yes, it has. 

BARBARA: Well that's where we've been wrong. Originally, the machinewasn't at fault, we were. And it's been trying to tell us so eversince. 

IAN: A machine that can think for itself? 


IAN: Is that feasible, Doctor? 

DOCTOR: Oh, think not as you or I do, but it must be able to think as amachine. You see, it has a bank of computers. 

BARBARA: You say the power is under this column? 


BARBARA: And the column holds it down. 


BARBARA: Well, then, what would make it want to escape? 

DOCTOR: I've been racking my brains. I don't know. 

IAN: Something outside? 

DOCTOR: Yes, possible. 

IAN: A magnetic force? 

DOCTOR: Well, it would have to be a gigantic one. A one as strong as asolar system. 

(Another bang and shake.) 

BARBARA: You see? The machine's been warning us all along. All thoseblackouts we had. 

SUSAN: Yes. But only if anybody went near the control column. 


IAN: But it could be the power escaping. 

DOCTOR: No, no, it couldn't. If you felt the power, dear boy, youwouldn't live to speak of it. You'd be blown to atoms in a splitsecond. 

SUSAN: Besides, it's the part of it that's safe. 

BARBARA: Yes. The scanner. I wonder. 

DOCTOR: We'll try it, but we're clutching at straws. Come. 

(Another bang and shake.) 

DOCTOR: Now, Susan, and you, young lady, should those doors open again,I want you to be standing by them, and tell me whatever it is you seeoutside, understand? 

(Susan and Barbara go to the door, the Doctor beckons Ian to him.) 

DOCTOR: I lied, deliberately, so that they won't know. 

IAN: Won't know what? 

DOCTOR: We have five minutes only. When the end does come, they won'tknow anything about it. 

IAN: There's no hope, then. 

DOCTOR: I can't see any. Will you face it with me? 

SUSAN: What are you two talking about? 

IAN: Oh, just a theory of mine that didn't work. 

DOCTOR: Yes, we must solve this problem, you know. We must. 

(The countryside picture is back on the scanner. The doors open onto adazzling light.) 

SUSAN: There's nothing there. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing but space. 

BARBARA: It's all right, Susan. 

(The scanner shows a jungle.) 

IAN: Barbara could be right, Doctor. 

BARBARA: I am right. I know I am. Whenever there's a good picture, thedoors open because it's safe for us to go outside. And then it shows usa terrible picture and the doors close again. 

DOCTOR: Yes, then we have the sequence. A planet, a planet in the solarsystem, getting further away. Blinding flash. Destruction. Yes, ofcourse. It's our journey. 

BARBARA: And the ship refused to destroy itself. 

DOCTOR: Yes. Yes! 

BARBARA: The defence mechanism stopped the ship, and it's been tryingto tell us so ever since! 

DOCTOR: Of course. Of course! 

(Another big shake, and the lights dim.) 

DOCTOR: I know. I know. I said it would take the force of a total solarsystem to attract the power away from my ship. We're at the verybeginning, the new start of a solar system. Outside, the atoms arerushing towards each other. Fusing, coagulating, until minute littlecollections of matter are created. And so the process goes on, and onuntil dust is formed. Dust then becomes solid entity. A new birth, of asun and its planets. 

IAN: But, Doctor, where are we? When we left the planet Skaro, wheredid you ask the machine to take us to? Think, Doctor! 

DOCTOR: I, er, had hoped to reach your planet Earth. Skaro was in thefuture and I used the fast return switch. 

IAN: The fast return switch? You've sent us back too far. Doctor, showme. Show me that switch. Where is it? 

DOCTOR: Well, I can't very well see it without a light, can I? 

SUSAN: It's near the scanner switch. 

BARBARA: Really? But that's the part of the control that's safe. 

SUSAN: Yes. 

DOCTOR: Strange. 

IAN: Doctor, we haven't got very much time left. 

DOCTOR: Yes, I see. Here it is. (pulls a small torch from his pocket)Here, you see? Now, look, there's the switch. You see? 

IAN: Yes, well how does it work? 

DOCTOR: Well, you merely press it down, and. It's stuck. It hasn'treleased itself! 

IAN: What? You mean it's been on all this time? 

DOCTOR: Yes, it must have been. 

IAN: Well, come on, Doctor. Let's get it unstuck. 

DOCTOR: Hold that. Yes, just a minute now. Yes, there you are, you see?

IAN: What's wrong? 

DOCTOR: The spring's not connecting. It's come off the base. 

IAN: Hurry, Doctor, hurry. 

DOCTOR: There we are. Take it out. Now, luckily we can turn it over andnow it should work. There. Ah, that's all right. 

(The lights come back and the Tardis returns to normal.) 

SUSAN: We're safe now. 

BARBARA: Are you sure? 

DOCTOR: Yes, we can all relax. We're quite safe now. But it was anarrow squeak. 

SUSAN: Grandfather? 

DOCTOR: Yes, my child? 

SUSAN: What happened? 

DOCTOR: What happened? It was the switch. It was still in place. Yousee, there's a little spring inside it and it was stuck. It hadn'treleased itself. 

SUSAN: But why didn't the fault locator tell us? 

DOCTOR: Well, the switch hadn't broken down, therefore the faultlocator couldn't give us any recognition. You see, let me give you ademonstration. (using his torch) Now, look, when I put my thumb onthere, the light comes on. And it only stays on so long as my thumb ispressing that switch. As soon as I take if off, a little spring insidereleases the switch here and out goes the light. 

SUSAN: Oh, I see. So if the spring were broken, it would be as if yourfinger were pressing it down all the time. 

DOCTOR: Precisely. As simple as that. You know, my dear child, I thinkyour old grandfather is going a tiny little bit around the bend. Well,I think you were very brave and I was proud of you. 

SUSAN: Grandfather? What about them? You said some terrible things tothem. When I thought he was going to attack you, even I was againsthim. 

DOCTOR: Yes, I, I, er, well 

IAN: Don't bother to say anything, Doctor. You know there are timeswhen I can read every thought on your face. 

DOCTOR: Really? And I always thought that you were a young man withoutany recrimination in you. Well, as for you, young lady, well, you wereabsolutely right. It was your instinct and intuition against my logic,and you succeeded. I mean, the blackouts, and the still pictures andthe clock. Well, you read a story into all these things and weredetermined to hold on to it. We all owe you our lives. 


(Barbara leaves.) 

DOCTOR: You know, I really believe I have underestimated that younglady in the past, Chartow. Well now, we can all start again, eh? Yes,we can. Yes. But which? Hmm? What are you laughing at, dear boy? Oh,really, you are 

(The Doctor mumbles to himself and starts the Tardis off on anotherjourney.) be457b7860

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