See the connection between making good choices and feeling good... and making bad choices and feeling bad. Help teens learn that

 1) the thrill of an irresponsible choice is temporary, and it usually turns into a negative feeling afterward 

 2) making a good choice may feel difficult in the moment, but the real reward of a good choice is the long-term good feeling that comes with it.

The moment a toddler declares, \"I do it myself!\" marks an important milestone in their growth. As parents, our hearts swell with pride at this declaration of independence. Yet, navigating this new territory can be tricky. For instance, how can we guide them to make good choices? To simplify this process for you and your kid(s), we've created a free printable good choices and bad choices worksheet pdf available later in the blog.

Making Good Choices Worksheets Pdf Free Download

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This article defines self-control in kids and provides techniques to facilitate self-control in young children. Several worksheets and games are also provided to help children practice self-control techniques.

For example, if you are making chicken and vegetables, you can give the child two options about preparing the chicken or ask which vegetables they would prefer. That way, children can still exert a bit of control over the situation and take ownership over themselves.

In addition to games to facilitate self-control through play, there are several worksheets to help children be more aware of self-control. These worksheets aim to help children understand what self-control is and also become more aware of emotions and situations that might lead them to lose control of their feelings.

This activity is based on the book, "Be Proud?" where a wise old tree teaches a young boy that when he does something he knows he's not supposed to (in this case sneaking off to play his game player when mom told him not to), his conscience is there to remind him to make better choices. By listening to his heart and mind, he can know whether he is making a good choice.

Good choices are usually ones that are in line with good traits, like honesty, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness. (Good traits are core values a society believes will help people get along well and live healthier lives together.)

What if no one else knows you did something kind or honest or respectful? Do you still feel good? Yes! You feel good in your heart that you made a good choice (which leads to self-esteem and self-respect.) 


 What if you do something you aren't supposed to but no one knows? Do you still feel kind of bad? Yes. That's your conscience reminding you that it feels better to make right choices.

By engaging with these Decision-Making worksheets, students will develop valuable critical thinking skills, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and approach decision-making with confidence. These practical exercises and reflections provide a foundation for them to make well-informed choices, consider different perspectives, and evaluate the potential impact of their decisions. In summary, these worksheets foster a systematic and thoughtful approach to decision-making, empowering students to navigate complex situations effectively and achieve their goals.

The term "choices and consequences" sounds harsh, doesn't it? It's missing that warm social-emotional feel other topics like empathy and calming strategies have. You know that helping students learn to reflect on the decisions they make and the results are some of the most essential SEL work you can do. So let's dive into five engaging activities that will get students thinking, talking, and internalizing reflection about their choices and their consequences.

When introducing choices and consequences activities, you want to talk with students about how to consider their choices and the impact. They can use a simple process, like stop-think-choose and mapping out the consequences of different decisions.

Challenge your students to hone their decision-making skills and think critically about the potential consequences of each option they choose by playing a game with them. Write down some common social scenarios where there is a decision to make. Encourage them to explore how certain choices may play out in real life. Pair these with traditional games or have students work in small groups.

Have students interview people in their lives. Their objective will be to get insight into how particular decisions have shaped their lives. They can also talk about how they make good choices and think through consequences.

Making good choices and understanding consequences are important life lessons that all students need to learn. By engaging in choices and consequences activities such as storytelling, role-playing, decision-making games, group debates, and interviews, we can help our students think through their decisions and their outcomes.

Sign up for an ISAE Discovering Better Choices class in Colorado and take the first step toward learning the skills and strategies you need to escape the pattern of self-defeating behaviors. This class teaches you how to make better choices and is available throughout Colorado and online in all 50 states.

Everyone struggles to some degree with making better choices in their lives. Decision making is a challenge without the right understanding of yourself and how you feel about your environment and situation. If you do not know the skills you need for self-improvement, breaking free from destructive patterns can be very difficult. In our making better choices class in Colorado, we provide the understanding and skills needed to make better decisions. In this class, we begin with your internal issues and then move on to your external issues.

When we begin with your internal issues, we start from an understanding that we are all responsible for our own thoughts, feelings and actions. We spend time identifying core beliefs and ethics. We also explain the impact of how your beliefs and ethics have an effect on the way you react to the world. Making better choices begins with you.

Next we move to the external issues in your life. We teach real skills that you can use when you find yourself in situations or feeling certain ways that historically have led to negative behaviors. Using the skills taught in the class, you will be empowered to make better choices..

Participants in our making better choices classes in Colorado go on to lead healthier, more productive lives with stronger relationships with their family members, friends, authority figures, and others. With your newfound respect for yourself and others, you will be able to accomplish more than you thought possible.

One large influence on decision making, studies show, is the use of drugs and alcohol. In the class, we will discuss the ways in which drug and alcohol use impacts our ability to make healthy decisions. We will also discuss the other ways that experts have identified as major drivers of criminal behavior, like a negative social environment, adverse childhood experiences, and biological risk factors.

Ethics and Values Clarification &#8212 Values are a person's judgment of what is important in life, from how to behave to what their goals are. In the discovering better choices class, we work together to understand why understanding our values clearly by determining why values are important: values determine how we perceive situations and our goals and outcomes in life.

We make decisions that align with our personal values. To make better decisions, we need the right values. After the discussion on values, the class completes a worksheet in which we identify our current values and which values were in conflict based on the situation that led to needing to take the discovering better choices class. Lastly, we complete an activity that reinforces selecting values first before making decisions that go against them.

Influence examination &#8212 An influence is something or someone that consciously or unconsciously affects your thoughts, feelings, and/or actions. For example, the behavior of your parents influences your own current and future behavior in similar situations. Our attitudes are an established predisposition about something or someone that we then see come out in our behavior. Influences form our attitudes, which results in our behaving in a certain way. The discovering better choices class will spend time examining the ways in which how our influences can hurt us or help us in our efforts to make better decisions. ISAE focuses on choices and consequences; we are free to choose, but we are not free from the consequences of our choice.

After the worksheet, the class moves to discussion about laws and legal rights, starting with defining the distinctions of the justice system and the different courts (civil, criminal and municipal and juvenile) and laws that govern them. We begin to define and break down the charges of: shoplifting, assault, crimes of violence, crimes of extraordinary risk, minor in possession, minor in consumption, harassment, disturbing the peace and the new law of juvenile sexting crime. The instructor provides information about the statute of limitations and the factors that the court will take into consideration before making a decision as to the length and severity of an offender's punishment. Lastly, we define what does it mean to have a case expunged or sealed of criminal record.

Impulse Control &#8212 We talk about Why We Make Bad Decisions and Understanding Cognitive Distortions. When we obsess over an outcome we create illusory stress, or what most of us think of as "worrying about" something. We conceive of a possible a negative outcome which we do not desire, and then we obsess over this possible future and wind up making negative choices to try to avoid it. This is the level of the reactive mind. Human emotions like fear, worry and hopelessness end up becoming the driving force of our choices.

Understanding Drugs and their Classifications &#8212 During this section of the making better choices class, we talk about the three classifications of drugs, which are depressants, hallucinogens, and stimulants. We will use scientific and situational information to explain how using drugs and/or alcohol plays a significant role in a person making bad decisions. Drug and alcohol abuse interferes with the frontal lobe of the brain, which is our chief executive functioning in helping us to make good decisions. With the rise of vaping, we also spend time discussing in more detail the effects of electronic cigarettes/vaping and whether it really is safer, as many people believe. e24fc04721

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