What is the Make Us Visible Florida Coalition?
The Make Us Visible Florida Coalition is part of Make Us Visible comprised of our sister chapters in California, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington.
DONATE TO HELP OUR ORGANIZATION INCLUDE AAPI HISTORY! To donate to the Florida chapter, please add 'Florida' in the memo.
In Florida, we are advocating for the required instruction of Asian American and Pacific Islander history in the K-12 Curriculum of our public schools. Make Us Visible Florida is led by state director Mimi Chan and is a coaltion comprised of Florida educators, students, parents, and Community advocates!
To accomplish this MUVFL has engaged in:
Bipartisan collaboration in support of Asian American communities in Florida.
Thoughtful and equitable inclusion of Asian Pacific Islander American histories, cultures, and identities in education.
State-wide workshops and resources that are available for educators to partake in expanding their capacity for Asian American lesson plans.
Empowerment for Asian American communities in Florida as it pertains to representation in education, thorough leadership trainings, and community building traditions between our respective racial identities.
The bill was signed into law on May 9, 2023!
Bill History
2023 HB 287 AND SB 294
HB 287 Sponsored by Representative Plasencia and Representative Trabulsy + 55 bipartisan co-sponsors!
General Bill by Education & Employment Committee and Plasencia and Trabulsy (CO-SPONSORS) Antone; Arrington; Barnaby; Bartleman; Beltran; Benjamin; Berfield; Borrero; Bracy Davis; Campbell; Canady; Caruso; Casello; Cassel; Chaney; Cross; Daley; Daniels; Driskell; Dunkley; Edmonds; Eskamani; Fabricio; Fernandez-Barquin; Garcia; Gossett-Seidman; Griffitts; Harris; Hunschofsky; Killebrew; LaMarca; Leek; López, J.; Lopez, V.; Maney; McClure; Michael; Mooney; Overdorf; Plakon; Porras; Rayner-Goolsby; Rizo; Roth; Salzman; Silvers; Skidmore; Smith; Stark; Steele; Tramont; Valdés; Waldron; Williams; Woodson
Unanimously passed all 3 House committees
HB 287 AND HB 1537 unanimously pass the HOUSE FLOOR. (April 26, 2023)
Our bill language from HB287 has been amended to HB1537 in order to pass into law. Follow State Director Mimi Chan and MUVFL Instagram to see the journey
SB 294 Sponsored by Senator Rodriguez + 15 bipartisan cosponsors!
GENERAL BILL by Rodriguez ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Stewart ; Calatayud ; Osgood ; Garcia ; Gruters ; Berman ; Pizzo ; Thompson ; Jones ; Perry ; Simon ; Book ; Powell ; Torres; Polsky
We unanimously passed the Education committee and amended to SB 1430 in the Rules Committee
SB1430 and unanimously passed the SENATE FLOOR. (5/ 2/23)
HB 1537 passes House Floor ( 5/3/23)
Please follow us on social media to stay tuned for more events! Check out our youtube channel to see past events.