Make Games With GDevelop

Build Your 2D Worlds


What is GDevelop?

GDevelop is a simple to use, free, open-source game engine and cross-platformed. Developed for use by everyone both the beginner to game development and the professional.

The game engine uses events as the logic of your game.

With gdevelop there is no need to learn a programming language, as the engine can be used without one. The game engine is written in these languages: C++, JavaScript, CSS, C, C Make, Objective-C and others.

How Does GDevelop Work?

GDevelop works with events; which are subdivided into conditions and actions. Conditions are the requirements to be fulfilled and Actions perform the set task when the condition is met.

GDevelop is visual in its programming allowing you to add ready made behaviors to your game objects. Its intuitive and easy to learn with events.

What Are GDevelop Games?

Games made with the gdevelop game engine are gdevelop games. GDevelop has been used to release hundreds of games which are thriving on different platforms. The games released with gdevelop are mostly 2D, there are others with 3D-like effects but are pseudo 3D (false 3D). Pseudo 3D is a false 3D, that is 2D graphical projections used to cause images to simulate the appearance of being 3D.

GDevelop Templates

Templates are source files with codes(a program in a specific programming language that performs a task ) written in them, these templates are mostly editable using an editor eg. Notepad, Notepad++, Microsoft Word among others. GDevelop has templates written by different game developers to help beginners with certain in-game effects like a double jump, health-bar, inventory system, text-to-speech and many more.

GDevelop Assets

Assets are resources used in game development, these resources include Sounds, Music, Character Sprites, Background Images, HUI, UI, Models, PlayerHitBox and more. The assets used in the gdevelop engine are provided by Kenney, a 2D and 3D game resource artist. Most of the assets found within the game engine are given on a free to use basis, more assets can be downloaded for free or purchased from the Kenney Assets website. Assets used in gdevelop are mostly 2D since the engine is more of a 2D game engine. Sound formats are accepted in wave and ogg whereas music formats are in mp3 and .mp4.

Community made assets are also accessible from the engine's assets store.

GDevelop JavaScript

The GDevelop game engine is written in programming languages C#, C++, CSS, JavaScript, C, C Make, Objective-C and others. JavaScript is a web-based programming language that is accessible within gdevelop for writing extensions .

GDevelop Templates

Templates are snippets of codes of an application that perform a function. In GDevelop; templates help the developer as a guide to incorporate certain effects or as a blueprint to create a genre of a game. Examples of templates in gdevelop are gdevelop fading in and out, gdevelop screenshot, gdevelop health-bar, gdevelop simple inventory etc.

GDevelop Is No Longer in Beta

With the engine being used for the development of a lot of successful games, gdevelop saw its first non-beta release as GDevelop 5.0.120 on October 8, 2021. GDevelop is a full-fledged game engine for making 2D games.

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GDevelop for Beginners Tutorials

GDevelop Basics

This is a tutorial into the basics of GDevelop and how the various interfaces work. Get a step by step guide to know your way around the GDevelop Game Engine.

GDevelop Add Animation

Adding an animation in gdevelop allows you to add characters to your game-in-development. This tutorial gets you through adding single and multiple animations in gdevelop.

GDevelop Add Collision

This is a basic tutorial walkthrough about how collision works with the gdevelop game engine. Getting through this tutorial will help you understand why the playerhitbox is best for collision detection.

GDevelop Create New Project

GDevelop create a new project takes you through creating your first project with gdevelop. This is a simple first step tutorial for the absolute beginner.


GDevelop Playlists

GDevelop For Beginners

This is a beginner playlist to journey into the gdevelop game engine. The playlist takes the beginner through some basic concepts and projects in gdevelop.

The beginner playlist is suitable for a noob to game development with this 2D game engine.

Get started by creating your first project. Many more tutorials will follow.

Learn now.

GDevelop For Intermediates

This is an intermediary playlist to journey into the gdevelop game engine. The playlist takes the intermediary(someone who is already used to the gdevelop engine) through some more complex concepts and projects in gdevelop.

The intermediary playlist may repeat some of the tutorials within the beginner playlist, this is to drive at the point that some tutorials although simple to be understood by a beginner is worth a recap as the beginner advances as these tutorials will be helpful.

Take the next step. Get started with the intermediary level and try more challenging projects.

Learn now.

GDevelop For Professionals

This is a playlist for game developers who already know their way around the gdevelop game engine and have exported successfully their game to different platforms.

In this playlist the video's are mostly about how to improve your games made with gdevelop game engine among other things.

You are now a professional. It's time to dive into improving your games.

Learn now.