What Are the Major Types of Divorce Cases In India?

In the opinion of the most successful divorce lawyer in Kolkata, divorce is a legal termination of a married relationship that involves a series of legal proceedings to terminate a marital union. In India, divorce cases are becoming increasingly common due to various reasons such as infidelity, domestic violence, financial issues, and lack of compatibility. There are several types of divorce cases in India, and understanding them is crucial to navigating the legal process.

Also Read: Things You Should Know About Divorcing A Foreign National 


Here are the major types of divorce cases in India:


Mutual Consent Divorce: This type of divorce is the easiest and most straightforward. In this case, both parties mutually agree to end their marriage and approach the court together. The couple must be separated for at least one year before filing a petition for mutual consent divorce. In this case, the couple can hire one divorce lawyer in Kolkata who can handle all the proceedings till the court decides in favor of separation.


NRI Divorce: When one spouse is an NRI (Non-Resident Indian), the divorce proceedings become complicated, as the laws governing such cases are different from those for Indian citizens. In such cases, it is important to hire an experienced divorce lawyer in India with adequate experience in handling NRI divorce cases.


Adultery Divorce: Adultery is considered a ground for divorce under Indian law. In this case, one party must prove that the other party engaged in an extramarital affair, which led to the breakdown of the marriage.


Contested Divorce: In this type of divorce case, one party files for divorce, but the other party disagrees with it. Contested divorce cases are generally more complicated and can take longer to resolve. The party seeking the divorce must prove that there is a valid reason for it, such as cruelty, adultery, or desertion.


Domestic Violence Divorce: Domestic violence is a serious offense, and in cases of extreme abuse, the victim can file for divorce on the grounds of cruelty. More than 50% of divorce cases in India are based on this reason.

Summing up…!

Divorce cases can be complex and emotionally draining. It is important to seek legal advice and understand the various types of divorce cases before proceeding. While mutual consent divorce is the easiest, contested divorce cases can be challenging and require a skilled lawyer. Whether it's adultery, domestic violence, or desertion, there is a legal process in place to help you navigate divorce proceedings.