Mathematical AI and Scientific Computing (MAISC) Lab

Welcome to the Mathematical AI and Scientific Computing (MAISC) Lab at Chung-Ang University!

Join MAISC Lab!

We are looking for highly motivated students in our MAISC lab. If you are interested in joining our MAISC Lab team, please reach out via email to us(jaeyong AT cau DOT ac DOT kr) and schedule an interview. We recommend reaching out sooner rather than later :)

Mathematical AI and Scientific Computing (MAISC) Lab.

Our MAISC Lab at Chung-Ang University is interested in research related to AI based on mathematical theory (Mathematical AI) and the utilization of AI for scientific problem-solving (Scientific Computing), grounded in mathematical principles. We focus on the following specific topics.

This research lab is led by Prof. Jae Yong Lee (Homepage) from the Department of AI at Chung-Ang University. Before joining Chung-Ang University, he served as an AI Research Fellow at the Center for AI and Natural Sciences (CAINS), Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), South Korea. He received his Ph.D. in the Department of Mathematics at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea.

MAISC Lab. News

2024.07.04: I gave a seminar talk at the National Institute of Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Innovation Center for Industrial Mathematics (ICIM) (Pangyo, Korea).

2024.06.24 ~ 06.28: I gave a tutorial lecture at The 15th KIAS CAC Summer School on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & PARALLEL COMPUTING (Title: Physics-informed neural network) (Seoul, Korea).

2024.06.13: I gave a seminar talk at the Mathematics Department of Incheon National University (Incheon, Korea).

2024.05.31 ~ 06.02: I participated in the Machine Learning and Numerical Modeling conference (Pohang, Korea).

2024.05.21: I gave a seminar talk at the Mathematics Department of Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea).

2024.05.17: I wrote an article for the KSIAM newsletter(2024. 5, Vol.8 , No.1) introducing my research area titled 'Real-time Partial Differential Equation Simulation Using Operator Learning'.

2024.05.17 ~ 05.19: I participated in 2024 KSIAM Spring Conference (Daegu, Korea).

2024.05.16: I gave a seminar talk at the Mathematics Department of Kon-kuk University (Seoul, Korea).

2024.05.07 ~ 05.11: I participated in ICLR 2024 for a poster presentation - AI4DifferentialEquations In Science Workshop (Vienna, Austria)

2024.04.25: I gave a seminar talk at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) via Zoom.

2024.04.18 ~ 04.20: I organized the Special Session(SS-16) 'Computational Methods for PDEs and Dynamical Systems' at 2024 KMS Spring Meeting (Seoul, Korea).

2024.03: We are starting the recruitment of students to join our MAISC lab!

2024.02: The MAISC Lab Homepage is opened!