Privacy Agreement

Use our Maintain moisture app!

We take your privacy very seriously and this Privacy Agreement is intended to explain to you how we collect, use, store and protect your personal information.

Please read the following carefully before using the app.

Information Collection and Use

1.1 Types of Information Collected

To provide quality services, we may collect the following information:

Device Information: We may collect information such as your device ID, operating system version, and application version for device identification, support, and improvement of applications.

Water Record: We will record your drinking time, water consumption and other information.

1.2 Age limit

Our App is for adults 18 years and older only.

If you are a minor, please use this app accompanied by a guardian.

Information storage and protection

2.1 Information storage

We store your personal information on secure servers and, where necessary, encrypt it.

2.2 Information protection

We use security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access and modification.

We regularly conduct security checks and updates on our systems and enhance our employees' privacy awareness training.

3.1 Information sharing and disclosure

We promise not to sell, trade, or share your personal information with any third party except under one of the following circumstances:

1.With your explicit consent.

2.According to the requirements of laws and regulations or mandatory requirements of government departments.

3.Necessary to protect your legal rights or public safety.

Other provisions

4.1 Use of Information

We will only use your personal information in the following circumstances:

To provide you with the relevant functions and services of the application.

Analyze and improve application performance and user experience.

4.2 Changes to Privacy Policy

Please check regularly and keep abreast of the latest Privacy Policy, which may be updated from time to time.

Thank you for reading and agreeing to our Privacy Policy. I hope our water management application can bring convenience and health to your life!