Maichel M. Aguayo
San Sebastián University (Universidad San Sebastián), Chile
Personal Presentation
I am a researcher at the Engineering Faculty at San Sebastián University , Chile. My research interests are in the area of production planning, scheduling, and routing problems with applications in transportation, location, engineering, production, and energy systems.
Key words: routing problems, traveling salesman, scheduling, logistics, agricultural engineering, supply chain management.
Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering (Operations Research), Virgina Tech, USA, 2016.
M.S. in Operations Research, Virgina Tech, USA, 2014.
M.E. in Industrial Engineering, University of Bio-Bio, Chile, 2010.
Industrial Engineering, University of Bio-Bio, Chile ,2008.
B.S. in Engineering science, University of Bio-Bio, Chile, 2007.
Academic Experience
Associate Professor, San Sebastián University. December 2022 – Present.
Assistant Professor, San Sebastián University. April 2020 – November 2022.
Assistant Professor, University of Concepción, Chile. March 2016 – March 2020.
Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech, USA (August 2013– May 2016).
Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech, USA (August 2015– May 2016),
Honors and Awards
Fulbright Scholarship . Awarded to study Ph.D. in Industrial and System Engineering at Virginia Tech (August 2011-July 2015).
Becas Chile Doctorate Scholarship. Awarded by the Chilean Government to pursue Ph.D. studies in the USA (August 2009- July 2015).
College of Engineers Award. Awarded by the College of Engineers of Chile (December 2008).