I had generated the alpha rarefaction curve, but the curve is little bit different than the normal rarefaction curve, The samples had been sequenced in Ion Torrent S5, is this normal to get an curve like this for ion torrent data.? I had attached the visualization file..LogMPIE-alphararefaction_curve.qzv (864.6 KB)

Several private pre-alpha builds of "SyncApp" were subsequently made available to a limited group of alpha testers between January 2013 and April 2013. In mid-April 2013, the name "SyncApp" was dropped in favor of "BitTorrent Sync".[citation needed]

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Now we are creating alpha branch, which is going to be used to publish alpha releases. Our intent, similarly to the stable branch, to only cherry-pick into alpha branch bug fixes, missing features (mostly for the POS transition) and substantial optimisations (for example, we know that current version required 6Gb in the heap for Huffman decoding tables, a side effect of an optimisation, and we may make a change to move these 6Gb out of the heap into the virtual memory). At some point before the POS transition we will discontinue what currently is called \u201CBeta\u201D and the current \u201CAlpha\u201D will become de-facto beta.


I love retro games. I do think there are still great games that come out nowadays, like Deltarune, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Party Superstars, etc. But nowadays I don't buy many new games. A lot of the games I play are at least around a decade old. I have a lot of nostalgia for the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS, and even the early days of the Nintendo Switch. Probably most of the games I played as a very little kid were on the Wii since my parents already had one then. I remember playing Wii Party and Mario Party 8 back then. Then I got a Wii U on Christmas 2015, a 3DS for my birthday in 2016, and a Switch on Christmas 2017. Super Mario 3D Land, Wii Party U, Nintendo Land, Super Mario Odyssey, etc. Those were good times. I just wish the Switch had more... personality... The Wii U and 3DS are so full of life but the Switch just goes for simplicity. The Switch is 6 years old now and the menu still only has 2 themes, light and dark. What happened?

Fish boy? Pretty sure that's Luca. I liked that movie honestly but it's not as good as other Disney/Pixar movies. But Disney is basically lost now. Basically every single other film studio seems to have more potential than them.

I also have a YouTube channel... I mostly just make stupid YTPs and meme videos. I've been doing it since 2018 but nowadays I barely post. I just don't have the motivation to make them anymore. Every once in a while I think of a quick meme to make and sometimes I do different types of videos such as chiptune remixes or speedruns. Most of my activity on YouTube is posting community posts all the time.

Near the end of 8th grade, the school blocked every single site not approved by the school. For some reason that also included the Chromebook's Gallery player of all things, meaning that I couldn't listen to music. I was furious because I had spent the past few days trying to download as many songs as I could from a YouTube converter before they blocked it. Then I realized I could put all of the songs onto WeVideo and listen to them there. But I was so focused on doing that during class that I eventually got sent to the dean's office and got in trouble. Though, after that, they unblocked the Gallery app. Speaking of that, I remember the Chromebook old music player. The simple compact white one (not my screenshots I found these on Google):

[IMG width="263px"] -236e-4d4e-9269-539cfeda3273/preview.png[/IMG]

That player was awesome... Then in 7th or 8th grade they randomly changed it in an update. They replaced the old one with this garbage:

[IMG width="274px"] -content/uploads/sites/4/2022/01/chrome-os-97-music-gallery-1.png?ssl=1[/IMG]

My #1 complaint with this new one is that there's no shuffle. And they still have yet to add it. I love listening to my music on shuffle because it keeps things fresh, and now the files are automatically ordered in alphabetical order. And there's so much unused space in this new one. The old one was a small window, yet it had everything you needed from an audio player. At first, when I found this site I just downloaded all of these songs and listened to them in the Gallery but then I realized that this site has shuffle and you can make your own playlist on the site so I immediately switched to doing that. And not only that, but I can also listen to it on my phone.

After elementary school, I basically lost all my friends. I never really had a true friend. They were just people I talked to and played with. Unfortunately, by 4th grade, they were pretty stupid. By then, everyone was saying swear words already and making sexual jokes. And that stuff affected me, especially in 5th grade. I was a piece of trash in 5th grade. Luckily, I stopped talking to them after the 5th. The closest thing to a friend I've had since then was near the end of 8th grade when I started talking to 2 other people frequently in class. And I still talk to them if we ever do things as partners for some assignment. I pretty much just don't talk to people. Another problem is trying to survive in the bathroom because everyone else is in there vaping and doing literally anything other than pee or poop. I just want to go to the bathroom man. And it's made even worse now because now you can't go to the bathroom during class unless it's an emergency, and you can't bring your phone. I think this is to prevent people from wasting their time in there doing stupid garbage. So I have to go to the bathroom during the passing period, which is when everyone goes in there and wastes their time doing stupid garbage! I do not feel safe in the bathroom. And I even recognize a few of my old elementary friends in there which is just sad.

I upload once every 1-2 weeks and the main stuff I make are retro game reviews, plush videos, and Mega Man videos. Also, that last part of this post is depressing to think about. One of my school bathrooms also has that kind of problem expect it's way worse then yours. Hell, one time, one dude got jumped by three different people just because of what race he was.


My brother was born in the same year and he too hates his generation. Although unlike me, he didn't completely disconnect himself from his generation unlike me who wanted to go back to a time where I wasn't even born yet. I like a lot of retro things ranging from video games, movies, and music. The time period for the games I like go from the Atari 2600 age to the late PS2 age. The only modern game series that I like is Devil May Cry and the only game I haven't played in that series is the fifth game because I don't have enough space to download it. The only modern games I play are games that are designed in a retro sytle or game franchises that had their start on retro consoles. As for horror movies, I like to go as far back as the early 1930s which is where the universal monster craze began up until the reboot era in films. Also yeah, I have seen one disney movie last year which was about a fish boy or something like that and it bored me to death. Probably the boringest movie I've watched in a long time. While on the topic of movies, my brother watches movie recaps on YouTube on movies that came out in 5 years or less and my reaction to watching a few of them was "These are the movies they make now?" Yeah, I Despise Tiktok and it's easily one of the worst things to come out of the 21st century (In terms of technology and the internet of course). I also love this site and I've been using it for four years for video game music for my YouTube videos (I made a account in 2021). Also it's quite funny you say it's unblocked on your Chromebook while on mine, it's blocked along with almost everything else:l I only use my Chromebook for typing my scripts for my videos before I write them on paper to make sure I don't make any grammatical errors or forget to write a word in a sentence. Also, I had a very similar experience in 8th grade where after I had moved and lost all of friends due to lost of contact, I couldn't relate to anyone else because they all liked the same crap and most of them were pretty stupid. Hell, in my freshmen year, I met someone who didn't know what a power strip was. That was the peak of Gen Z stupidity if I ever seen it. Over time, I of course started to hate my generation more and more and eventually became the quiet guy with most of the people around me thinking I'm a psychopath because I don't talk to people (I get pretty tired of that stupid cliche by each and every passing day). Nowadays, I'm almost a Junior and I made one friend in my very forgettable sophomore year that isn't extremely dumb like everyone else my age.

I love retro games. I do think there are still great games that come out nowadays, like Deltarune, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Party Superstars, etc. But nowadays I don't buy many new games. A lot of the games I play are at least around a decade old. I have a lot of nostalgia for the Wii, Wii U, and 3DS, and even the early days of the Nintendo Switch. Probably most of the games I played as a very little kid were on the Wii since my parents already had one then. I remember playing Wii Party and Mario Party 8 back then. Then I got a Wii U on Christmas 2015, a 3DS for my birthday in 2016, and a Switch on Christmas 2017. Super Mario 3D Land, Wii Party U, Nintendo Land, Super Mario Odyssey, etc. Those were good times. I just wish the Switch had more... personality... The Wii U and 3DS are so full of life but the Switch just goes for simplicity. The Switch is 6 years old now and the menu still only has 2 themes, light and dark. What happened?

Fish boy? Pretty sure that's Luca. I liked that movie honestly but it's not as good as other Disney/Pixar movies. But Disney is basically lost now. Basically every single other film studio seems to have more potential than them.

I also have a YouTube channel... I mostly just make stupid YTPs and meme videos. I've been doing it since 2018 but nowadays I barely post. I just don't have the motivation to make them anymore. Every once in a while I think of a quick meme to make and sometimes I do different types of videos such as chiptune remixes or speedruns. Most of my activity on YouTube is posting community posts all the time. 

Near the end of 8th grade, the school blocked every single site not approved by the school. For some reason that also included the Chromebook's Gallery player of all things, meaning that I couldn't listen to music. I was furious because I had spent the past few days trying to download as many songs as I could from a YouTube converter before they blocked it. Then I realized I could put all of the songs onto WeVideo and listen to them there. But I was so focused on doing that during class that I eventually got sent to the dean's office and got in trouble. Though, after that, they unblocked the Gallery app. Speaking of that, I remember the Chromebook old music player. The simple compact white one (not my screenshots I found these on Google):

[IMG width="263px"] -236e-4d4e-9269-539cfeda3273/preview.png[/IMG]

That player was awesome... Then in 7th or 8th grade they randomly changed it in an update. They replaced the old one with this garbage:

[IMG width="274px"] -content/uploads/sites/4/2022/01/chrome-os-97-music-gallery-1.png?ssl=1[/IMG]

My #1 complaint with this new one is that there's no shuffle. And they still have yet to add it. I love listening to my music on shuffle because it keeps things fresh, and now the files are automatically ordered in alphabetical order. And there's so much unused space in this new one. The old one was a small window, yet it had everything you needed from an audio player. At first, when I found this site I just downloaded all of these songs and listened to them in the Gallery but then I realized that this site has shuffle and you can make your own playlist on the site so I immediately switched to doing that. And not only that, but I can also listen to it on my phone. 

After elementary school, I basically lost all my friends. I never really had a true friend. They were just people I talked to and played with. Unfortunately, by 4th grade, they were pretty stupid. By then, everyone was saying swear words already and making sexual jokes. And that stuff affected me, especially in 5th grade. I was a piece of trash in 5th grade. Luckily, I stopped talking to them after the 5th. The closest thing to a friend I've had since then was near the end of 8th grade when I started talking to 2 other people frequently in class. And I still talk to them if we ever do things as partners for some assignment. I pretty much just don't talk to people. Another problem is trying to survive in the bathroom because everyone else is in there vaping and doing literally anything other than pee or poop. I just want to go to the bathroom man. And it's made even worse now because now you can't go to the bathroom during class unless it's an emergency, and you can't bring your phone. I think this is to prevent people from wasting their time in there doing stupid garbage. So I have to go to the bathroom during the passing period, which is when everyone goes in there and wastes their time doing stupid garbage! I do not feel safe in the bathroom. And I even recognize a few of my old elementary friends in there which is just sad. be457b7860

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