Nar Shaddaa Location Guide
Written By: Magic
Securing Nar Shaddaa for the Empire - Defeated 150 strong Republic enemies
Marked area of Network Security District(Quick travel to Industrial sector, go Republic Research Division and use the Systech West Elevator to get here)
Nar Shaddaa Droid Demolisher - Defeated 150 faction-neutral Strong droids
Marked area of Network Security District(Quick travel to Industrial sector, go Republic Research Division and use the Systech West Elevator to get here)
Nar Shaddaa: Crushing Republic Droids - Defeated 150 Republic droids
Marked area of Network Security District(Quick travel to Industrial sector, go Republic Research Division and use the Systech West Elevator to get here). Note that they aren't called Republic but they count /shrug
Think "Glitch" Heroic brings you there
Nar Shaddaa: Dismantling Imperial Droids/Devastating the Empire
Use heroic mission "Mandalorian Rage" to teleport right to the area. The droids count as kill, just rotate the area, ez pz
Nar Shaddaa Vrblther Hunter - Defeat 50 Vrblthers
There is a Imperial Heroic called Hunger of the Vrblthers sooo easy enough