Balmorra Location Guide

Written By: Magic

Beasts / Droids / The Empire / The Republic

Crushing Okara Droids (Republic) - Destroyed 100 droids of strong difficulty or above in Okara Droid Factory as Republic

Balmorra: Demolishing Imperial Droids / Retaking Balmorra - Defeat 75 imperial aligned droids of elite difficulty or above, defeated 350 imperial aligned humanoids.

Bad Dogs / Wookiee Needs a New Pair of Zeldrate Sking Boots / Flier Swatter (Republic) - Defeat 75 Kath Hounds/Greatmaw Hounds, Defeat 100 Zeldrate Lizards, Defeat 100 flying creatures as Republic

I Mean It! No More Bormu! - Defeat 500 bormu

Balmorra Crushing Republic Droids - Defeat 150 Republic strong Droids

Disarm the Arms Factory - Defeat 100 Republic strong humanoids

Balmorra Colicoid Slayer (Imperial) - Defeat 600 Colicoids as Imperial (same area for republic tho really but I didn't need that one)

Balmorra Colicoid Slayer (Imperial) - Defeat 600 Colicoids as Imperial (same area for republic tho really but I didn't need that one)