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One of them then looked at me and bowed to me. Then he explained that he and his colleagues were from the Inter-galactic-police and were on the lookout for some fugitives who had escaped from their prison. The magic group were actually criminals on the run and had spin a yarn to fool me into finding the portal to escape.

But as luck would have it, the opening of the portal had been detected by the inter-galactic-police and they arrived just in time to apprehend the fugitives. They had also saved me from whatever fate the wizard had in mind for me!

The inherent magic of nourishing others, growing other humans from our bodies, and creating a sanctuary and refuge for rejuvenation and comfort is not lost on me. But there are layers to this type of magic. I want to share in hopes that it will allow you to deepen your spiritual practices. Perhaps it will even allow you to see Hearth Magic in a new light.

Homemaking has been the work of women for a long time. Using magic in the open has not been safe for a long time, too. It could get you tortured or burned. Yet, much like the spirit of women, magic has persisted.

In other words, people who use their kitchen gadgets and implements as magical tools. Or people who use intention, visualization, or herbs with specific metaphysical properties that they wish to impart. Then serve the resulting spells in the form of food to themselves or others.

Through remembering and upholding the tradition of the Sacred Hearth, and the holy duties of the Hearth Keepers, or Matriarchs, or Patriarchs (the good kind), we begin to see the work we do daily as something sanctified. The work takes on a certain beauty and not the drudgery that the standard narrative dictates to try to put us in our place. We fool them at their own game by remembering the magical gifts and symbolism that our Grandmothers passed down to us in such resourceful ways.

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I was wondering if someone has a magic portal overlay or background for me, that I can use.

I will credit you.

Because for my story the mc is in a forest and there is a magic portal she goes through

I want to make a world where mages can search for and establish portals between a planet and another, but in a way that only one portal can exist between planet A and planet B, one between A and C, etc ...Portals can be created from A to B even while B is yet inhabited.

I have the idea of a story where this is used as a 100% certain fact to ensure security (i.e check people coming from a planet), but at some point someone manage to open a second portal between planets, bad things ensue.

Like ley lines or dragon currents on and in the Earth, energy lines already connect every mass in the universe to every other mass; it is part of the interaction by which mass molds space and vice versa. Your mages discover the portals and then build the means to access and use them.

If there is an existing portal between A and B, but I wish to have my own different portal between A and B and I somehow make it, it may turn out that I have actually hijacked the existing but undeveloped portal between A and R. Possibly B is "on the way" to R? Or this hijacking may have consequences for B and R which are entirely different celestial bodies. Or were entirely different celestial bodies.

Make your portals (to borrow a term from physics) 'magnetic'. In other words, two magic portals that are too close to each other in space will attract each other and merge into a single portal, and because portals between planets require tremendous amounts of magical energy, they have tremendous 'magnetic' attraction. Two portals that have their origins and destinations on the same two planets will be drawn together into a single portal no matter how far apart they are on their respective planets.

The target of a portal is somehow related to its location. If you want to create a portal on A that leads to B, there is exactly one place on A that such a portal can be created. (Create a portal anywhere else, and it will lead somewhere else.) There is some fudge factor here, but the fudge factor is less than the size of the portal. Similarly, when you create the portal, because you are creating it on A, there is only one possible location on B that the other end can appear.

Portals resonate. You could create two portals between A and B, but if you did, something awful would happen. This could range from the second portal causing the first to break, to destabilizing both of them, to causing both A and B to explode.

Now... how do you break this? A cop-out answer would be that someone finds a way to open portals from A to X and X to B with the portals on X close enough to each other that they can be used "almost like" a portal from A to B. Maybe they're practically back to back such that you have to be really careful if you actually want to stop at X and not just go from A to B or vice verse.

Alternatively for the first case, someone figures out something that lets them change the rules for portal locations. Alternatively for the second case, someone finds a way around the resonance, or (depending on what sort of chaos you want) exploits it for their own purposes.

Locking an interplanetary portal to a single apparently-stable position is actually a massively complex understanding that Mages simply don't understand very well. If the portal is truly stationary, then it would instantly zip up into the sky (or through the ground) as its planet of origin rotated and revolved and fell on its path around the galaxy. But that's not what happens: Portals remain fixed where they're created, relative to the planet on which the open.

This happens due to a strange force that mages do not understand, yet is unique to each planet. The "signature" (IP Address) of any given portal is made of two parts: The Source, and the Destination (somewhat similar to the gateways from Stargate). Unknown to the Mages, these correspond to the gravity wells created by various celestial bodies (this can double for an explanation of why most gateways open onto similarly-sized planets; opening onto a celestial body with a vastly different gravitational pull could be more difficult).

This means that two portals with the same Source and Destination would be considered, from the Universe's perspective, to be the same portal. It's essentially an IP address conflict, except it just means that any energy which goes into creating the second portal is instead dumped uselessly into the first portal--possibly reinforcing it but having no other effect.

If someone learns enough about why duplicate portals fail, they may learn to "spoof" the signature of an existing portal, disabling the original at will (which could be bad if someone is in the middle of moving through it).

Alternatively, they may learn how to "refine" the Source or Destination portion of the the Signature, allowing a second portal to open to the same destination, but still be considered "distinct" by universal law. This would be like converting from IPv4 to IPv6.

For the known portals in place, they are all using the "arteries", still full of mana. The fact that these vessels are full of mana is what made it easier for mages to create portals, and to consider it's the only path that could exist.

At the core of the issue, if people do not delve into the interplanetary portals and actively discover that a second pair is possible, then it will be accepted knowledge that it isn't possible to do so. Whether this is because of a propagated lie by ruling parties, a rule of magic that has not been proven breakable by current mages, or just a simple matter of complacency by the masses does not matter.

Thus at the root of the answer is somebody challenging the accepted theories of interplanetary portals for better and/or worse. It likely involves research or inspiration, and will almost assuredly be an untested theory when tried the first time.

Any form of portal and/or permanent transportation spell requires a certain level of calculations so that the ends of them are stable. Because Space is Big, there is only the precision in the magical math to only guarantee one safe portal per pair of planets. The research needed is not in the creation of the portal, but in the calculations needed to link them.

A way around this is to determine that the math to make those calculations has not been invented yet or not widely known by mages, which can be plausible if that kind of math are not needed in everyday magic.

It's been touched on that connecting planets by portal creates a link between them. In this case, a resonance in the mana of the planets though the "line" that the portal travels in. Like a vibrating string, there is a specific frequency that it vibrates at. Of course, it's fantasy, so it'll be called a hum or something.

For whatever reason, it is generally accepted that interfering with the resonance between interplanetary portals is a bad thing. But there are mages that theorize that it is plausible to create another pair, though it has never been done and is exponentially harder to do because of the already established mana resonance. 0852c4b9a8

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