Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes what information we collect and how we handle this information.

Personal Information We Collect

We may ask for personal information — when you contact us. We only collect and use your personal information when we have a legitimate reason for doing so. In which instance, we only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary to provide our services to you.

How We Use Your Personal Information

We will only use your personal information in ways that are compatible with the purposes listed below for which it was collected or as subsequently authorized by you.

To provide the Service

We use your personal information to provide and support the Service.  As part of providing the Service we may send you service announcements, technical notices, updates, security alerts and support-related messages through the Service or by email.  We may also communicate with you in response to your support requests, questions or feedback.

For research and development

We use the information we collect to better understand your interests and the Service, make improvements to the Service and to develop new features and services.

For security, compliance, fraud prevention and safety

We may use your personal information as we believe appropriate to investigate or prevent violation of the law or our Terms of Service; to secure the Service; to protect our, your or others’ rights, privacy, safety or property; and to protect, investigate and deter against fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity.

For compliance with law; legal claims

We may use your personal information as we believe appropriate to (a) comply with applicable laws, lawful requests and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from government authorities, (b) where permitted by law in connection with a legal investigation and (c) to prosecute or defend legal claims


With your consent

In some cases we may ask for your consent to collect, use or share your personal information with your consent, such as when we request access to your photos or other data through prompts in your mobile operating system.

How We Share Your Personal Information

Service providers

We may employ third party companies or individuals to provide services that support the Service (such as customer support, hosting, payment processing, website and mobile app analytics and email delivery). We authorize these service providers to use your personal information only as necessary in connection with providing their services to us. If we learn that a service provider is using or disclosing personal information in a manner contrary to this Privacy Policy, we will take reasonable steps to stop it.


For compliance with law; legal claims; security, compliance, fraud prevention and safety

We may disclose information about you as we believe appropriate to government or law enforcement officials or private parties (a) for the security, compliance, fraud prevention and safety purposes described above; (b) as required by law, lawful requests or legal process; (c) where permitted by law in connection with any legal investigation; and (d) to prosecute or defend legal claims.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this Policy or our privacy practices, or to report any violations of the Policy or abuse of the Services, please contact us at