Violence: As is to be expected for a game about the mafia, violence is present to an almost gratuitous degree. You can shoot, stab, or bludgeon anyone on the street, both male and female, and decent amounts of blood are visible as they die. Characters scream in pain in a rather unsettling way, and you can also kill with explosives, fire, and ramming with your car. Thanks to the graphical improvements, cutscenes are rendered more realistically than ever, and several sequences feature brutal torture by stabbing or beating, with lots of blood shown. In a few scenes, characters execute unarmed characters in cold blood, and the protagonist violently threatens an innocent woman until she bursts into tears. Overall, the violence is comparable to your average GTA game.

@LiamCroft........ What's the different between this and the Mafia in the trilogy...... I am more looking for Mafia 3 and plan to get the trilogy as it has all 3 games but I want to know what is the significant different between this Mafia 1 definitive edition and the Mafia 1 in the triology........ Do you get anything extra with this definitive edition...... Or would it better to just get the trilogy version, will I miss out on anything..... Thanks

Mafia 3 Definitive Edition


To avoid story spoilers, I won't go into details, but I felt the new ending completely changed the entire tenor and message of the story. I wouldn't go so far as to say one ending is definitively better or worse than the other, but it's not what the original writer intended. I'm, personally, not a fan when remakes, translations and edits take someone else's story and words and give them a post-mortem, bowdlerized face lift to update them for "modern audiences," whatever that means. e24fc04721

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