Brief Bio
I am currently a Senior Staff Scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Research Lab in Laurel, MD. I obtained my PhD in August 2019 under the advisement of Alejandro Riberio at the University of Pennsylvania in Electrical and Systems Engineering, where I also obtained a BSE in Electrical Engineering in Spring 2014 and Masters in Statistics from the Wharton School in May 2019. I had previously worked as an AI Research Scientist at Intel Labs in Hillsboro, OR. My interests lie primarily in machine learning and optimization, and much of my recent work has been in the area of machine learning for wireless systems and wireless control systems. I additionally have worked on research in both distributed and stochastic optimization, in particular the development of quasi-Newton algorithms for both settings.
A copy of my CV can be found here (last updated October 2022) and an up to date list of publications can be found here.
Recent News
August 2023: Started new position as Senior Staff at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL).
June 2023: Invited talk at Special workshop on Digital twin-enabled industrial wireless control: communications, sensing and computation at VTC 2023 on "Co-Design and Co-Simulation for Wireless Industrial Control."
Nov 2022: Elected to serve on SPCOM Technical Committee in the IEEE Signal Processing Society beginning in Jan. 2023.
June 2022: Serving on Technical Program Committee for ISWCS 2022 in Hangzhou, China (hybrid).
May 2022: Our paper "Communication-Control Co-design in Wireless Edge Robotic Systems" won Best Paper Award at WFCS 2022.
May 2022: Co-organized Special Session on Graph Learning for Wireless Communications at ICASSP Conference 2022 in Singapore.
April 2022: Serving on Technical Program Committee for IEEE SPAWC 2022 in Oulu, Finland.
May 2021: Co-organized Special Session on Machine Learning for Wireless Networks at ICASSP Conference 2021, (virtual)
April 2021: Invited talk for the Oregon Chapter of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) on "Learning for Wireless Resource Allocation"
Oct 2020: Co-organized Special Session on Machine Learning for Wireless Resource Allocation at Asilomar SSC Conference 2020, (virtual)
May 2020: Co-organized Special Session on Interplay between Machine Learning and Resource Management in Wireless Networks at SPAWC 2020, (virtual)