Future Leaders in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Celebrating Diversity and Innovation

This nationwide online seminar series highlights research contributions by graduate students and postdocs from groups that are underrepresented among Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering faculties.

In addition to providing exposure and mentorship opportunities to the speakers, the seminar series will create a network among underrepresented students and faculty allies in MAE departments across the country.

Please scroll down to learn how to participate, see the schedule, and nominate or self-nominate speakers.


The link for the online seminars for Spring 2022 will be held on zoom: https://tinyurl.com/MAEFutureLeaders2022 (meeting ID: 949 3078 1756, passcode: 312814)

The intended audience for this seminar includes high school students, university students, faculty, industry professionals -- anyone interested in the exciting work being done in the fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering. The seminars will be held twice per month.

We encourage nominations and self-nominations of senior grad students and postdocs at the link below (under "Seeking Speakers"). Speakers will be selected by a steering committee on a rolling basis. During each hour-long seminar, two speakers will each give 20-minute research presentations. When permission is granted by the speakers, the seminars will be recorded and linked below.

To receive announcements about this seminar series, subscribe to the mailing list here, then confirm your subscription by following the instructions in the email you receive. If you do not receive and respond to the confirmation email, you will not be subscribed -- please check your spam folder if you do not immediately see the confirmation email. Please advertise the seminar with #MAEFutureLeaders.


(See past seminars at the bottom of this page)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 (noon-1 pm Pacific Time / 3-4 pm Eastern Time) - Flyer

  • Watch the seminar here: https://tinyurl.com/MAEFutureLeaders2022 (meeting ID: 949 3078 1756, passcode: 312814)

  • Speaker 1: Akhila Mallavarapu, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Pennsylvania, "Expanding the Nanomanufacturability Design Space through Scalable Metal Assisted Chemical Etch" (Postdoc Advisor: Cherie R Kagan, PhD Advisor: S.V. Sreenivasan)

  • Speaker 2: Andrew Chavarin, Principal Engineer at Northrop Grumman, work done as a Ph.D. student and Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Southern California, "Model based design of porous and patterned surfaces for passive turbulence control" (Ph.D./Postdoc Advisor: Mitul Luhar)

  • Faculty mentors: Andrew Alleyne (University of Minnesota) and Robert Zenit (Brown University)

  • Host: Andrew Alleyne (Dean, College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota)


We are seeking two speakers for each seminar. Each speaker will prepare a 20-minute research presentation, after which there will be 5 minutes of Q&A. Immediately after the seminar, the speakers will participate in a mentoring session with faculty from other institutions. Organizers will reach out to arrange a seminar date and obtain the talk title and abstract for selected speakers.

The nomination form includes:

  • The nominee's (and nominator's, if applicable) last name, first name, institutional email address, institution, department, title/position, and (if the nominator is the not the nominee's advisor) the name and email address of the nominee's advisor

  • Year of the nominee's expected or actual Ph.D. completion

  • URL for the nominee's LinkedIn profile page

  • The nominee's MAE area of specialty (e.g. energy, computational fluid dynamics, robotics, flight mechanics)

  • A short paragraph about the nominee's research/innovation in the fields of Mechanical and/or Aerospace Engineering (text only, maximum 1,000 characters including punctuation and spaces)

  • A short paragraph about the nominee's contributions to diversity (text only, maximum 1,000 characters including punctuation and spaces)

  • Optional: selection of preferred month(s) of the presentation

Click here to nominate yourself or someone else as a Speaker for Spring 2022


We are seeking several faculty mentors for each seminar. The responsibilities of a faculty mentor are to:

  1. Advertise the seminar within their field, both nationally and internationally

  2. Introduce a speaker at the seminar, and be prepared with questions if necessary

  3. After the seminar, participate in a mentoring session with the speakers

  4. Be available for follow-up mentoring with the speakers

The volunteer form requires the faculty mentor's last name, first name, institutional email address, institution, department, title/position, MAE area of specialty

Click here to volunteer as a Faculty Mentor for Spring 2022


The seminar organizers for 2022 are: Samuel Graham (Georgia Tech), Allison Okamura (Stanford), Howard Stone (Princeton), Tequila Harris (Georgia Tech), Andrew Alleyne (University of Minnesota), and David Go (University of Notre Dame). Questions? Email any one of us!

Planning Committee (current and past): Andrew Alleyne (University of llinois), Jeremy Brown (Johns Hopkins), Cullen Buie (MIT), John Dabiri (Caltech), Horacio Espinosa (Northwestern), Charbel Farhat (Stanford), Dennice Gayme (Johns Hopkins), Asegun Henry (MIT), Fred Higgs III (Rice), Roderick Jackson (National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL), Grace O'Connell (UC Berkeley), Kimani Toussaint (Brown), Mitchell Walker (Georgia Tech), Evelyn Wang (MIT), Roberto Zenit (Brown)

We also encourage participation of additional faculty mentors to help advertise, recruit, and mentor for the program -- see "Seeking Faculty Mentors" above to volunteer.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022 (noon-1 pm Pacific Time / 3-4 pm Eastern Time) - Flyer

  • Speaker 1: Ryan Rosario, Ph.D. student at University of Michigan, "Cartilage thickness mismatches in patellar osteochondral transplants can lead to chondrocyte death" (PhD Advisor: Ellen Arruda)

  • Speaker 2: Sydrak Abdi, Ph.D. student at University of Maryland, "Human-Robot Swarm Interaction: Safe Operation of a Cobot Swarm" (PhD Advisor: Derek Paley)

  • Faculty mentors: Aimy Wissa (Princeton University), Allison Okamura (Stanford University)

  • Host: Howard Stone (Chair, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University)

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 (noon-1 pm Pacific Time / 3-4 pm Eastern Time) - Flyer

  • Speaker 1: Christian Santoni, Postdoctoral Associate at Stony Brook University, "Physics-based simulation of turbines for control co-design of wind farms: mesoscale to microscale modeling" (Postdoc Advisor: Ali Khosronejad, PhD Advisor: Stefano Leonardi) Download the recording here

  • Speaker 2: Paula do Vale Pereira, Ph.D. student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Thermomechanical experiments and model validation of probes for the future exploration of Ocean Worlds" (PhD Advisor: Kerri Cahoy)

  • Faculty Mentors: Mitchell Walker (Georgia Institute of Technology), Garrett Barter (National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL) Download the recording here

  • Host: David Go (Chair, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022 (noon-1 pm Pacific Time / 3-4 pm Eastern Time) - Flyer

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 (noon-1 pm Pacific Time / 3-4 pm Eastern Time) - Flyer

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 (noon-1 pm Pacific Time / 3-4 pm Eastern Time) - Flyer

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 (11 am-noon Pacific Time / 2-3 pm Eastern Time)

Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2021 (11 am-noon Pacific Time / 2-3 pm Eastern Time)

Wednesday, Apr. 7, 2021 (11 am-noon Pacific Time / 2-3 pm Eastern Time)

Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2021 (11 am-noon Pacific Time / 2-3 pm Eastern Time)

Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2021 (11 am-noon Pacific Time / 2-3 pm Eastern Time)

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021

Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021

Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020

Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020

Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020