Hikmat's life can be seen as an embodiment of the simplicity of life of many of the inhabitants of Jabal al-Summaq. He was aged 34, and had no university qualifications. He was not of the notables of the village, but rather a simple man of the village who made his livelihood as a shepherd. He was married and had three children, while his parents are currently outside Jabal al-Summaq. He was known as a humble and simple man: he had no known personal enemies in Kukku or elsewhere.

Eventually, he looked down from the heavens and saw that his dog had become thin, sad, and hungry, and right there he decided that he would return to the cave. Upon his return, both master and dog were happy, and upon scratching her, the dog instantly vanished. In her place stood a dakini. The dakini told him that he had learned that there are greater things than temptation, and helped grant him realization. He attained realization, and returned to Kapilavastu, where he lived a long life for the benefit of others.[4]

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After a person has died, the people are always gloomy, especially the family. They bury the deceased and then have a community meeting to bless the person and give him or her a good life with the spirits and God. They bury after two or three days normally. They talk about the cause of death with the relatives. If they come to a decision, the person is buried. This ceremony lasts for about a week.

All children are supposed to be taught by their parents. They teach about life and what they should do for a good life. Before being colonized, moral education was the most important. There was no formal schooling prior to colonization. Children were taught at home. "To know what to do in life is always the most important feeling in life."

It's the story of a motherless ten year old girl Kukku, who shares a very warm and happy relation with her father. However destiny pushes her outside the protection of her father's security and onto a journey of uncertainty, learning and also few glimpses of joy. Alone and lost she...&nbspboards a train and reaches Banaras. Here she meets ganglord of beggars 'Luchcha' and a prostitute Pakhi. Both are poles apart in personality and compassion. Both play catalyst in bringing change in Kukku's life.

The Kuku society is built on social and moral values which emphasize on virtue, identity and tradition that has inner meaning to their daily social life. Being predominantly agrarian, the Kuku demonstrate a high sense of independence and very few social events bring the people together. They however, have very stringent traditions and customs

The Battle Lord's duty is to lead his people in their efforts to "command the skies, find our fabled homeland, and unlock the mysteries of our forebears" while providing them with the proper life he believed could only be found in their organization. Battle Kukku XV ruled the Armada with an iron fist, expecting his subordinates to follow his every command without question. The Battle Lord preached this was all meant for the Armada to fulfill its destiny as the ruling force of the sky and those beneath it. XV further believed that all the Armada needed to achieve this, was the lost Babylon Garden and the legendary power it held.[1][2] be457b7860

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