Ceremonies are an essential part of the Order of the Arrow. The lodge and chapter’s conduct various ceremonies throughout the year. If you are interested in having a ceremony conducted for your unit, please contact your Chapter Adviser or Chapter Chief.
If you are interested in serving in a ceremony, email committee@madockawanda.org and our chief will connect you with more information!
Ceremony Safeguards
Some of the ceremonies on this page and on the national OA page are safeguarded to maintain the mysterious aspect of ceremonies. These safeguards are detailed below. All passwords are lowercase with no spaces.
Ordeal Safeguard: Admonition
Brotherhood Safeguard: Have You Seen The Arrow?
Vigil Safeguard: Watchwords
Call-Out Ceremony
Each year, chapters will conduct a Call-Out Ceremony, generally at their district’s Spring Camporee. This ceremony is for Scouts and Scouters who have been elected, and become Ordeal Candidates. Those candidates not present at their Call-Out Ceremony will still be allowed to attend the Ordeal.
All passwords below have the ordeal safeguard.
Abnaki Call-Out Ceremony: https://madockawanda.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/abnaki-call-out-script1.pdf
Downeast Call-Out Ceremony:
Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Ceremonies
The Order of the Arrow utilizes three nationally standardized ceremonies for Ordeal, Brotherhood, and Vigil Honor memberships using themes, stories, and symbols centered on American Indian traditions. It also utilizes symbolic progression. This is done to keep the sense of mystery surrounding the ceremonies and their various symbols. There is an element of mystery in the ceremonies for the sake of its effect on the participants. The three membership ceremonies are only allowed to be performed in front of Arrowmen, depending on which honor they currently hold.
The ceremonies are linked on the OA national website here.
Arrow of Light and Cross-Over Ceremonies
Cub Scout Packs may request to have the Order of the Arrow conduct their Arrow of Light Ceremony. Webelos will be presented with their Arrow of Light award in a very unique and interesting way. This ceremony may be done in conjunction with the Cross-Over Ceremony.
The Order of the Arrow’s Cross-Over Ceremony will help Webelos better understand the values of Scouting, well also giving them a unique experience at such a young age. This ceremony may be done in conjunction with the Arrow of Light Ceremony.
This ceremony can be found here.
Eagle Scout Ceremony
Arrowmen who have earned the rank of Eagle Scout may request to have the Order of the Arrow conduct this ceremony at their Eagle Scout Court of Honor. This ceremony will allow the new Eagle Scouts to reflect on their Scouting journey, and to present their parent pins, and mentor pins in a unique way.
Broken Arrow Ceremony
The Broken Arrow Ceremony is a special service for those Arrowmen who have passed away. This ceremony can be conducted at a memorial or funeral of the deceased Arrowmen at the family's request.
Broken Arrow Ceremony: https://madockawanda.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/broken-arrow-ceremony.pdf