AP Seminar Capstone Project

Forced Perception

Research Question: How has media influenced young Americans (ages 20-40) into submitting to other’s opinions instead of expressing their own?

Problem Statement: Psychologically, we gain feelings of manipulation and have a fear of not getting the approval from our peers, which makes other’s opinions dictate choices we make.

Young adults fall into this manipulation due to lack of approval from those around them.

Click below to access the 3 stages of the AP Seminar Process for this Project:

My name is Madeline Martinez, I am a Senior at Chapin High School involved in the Engineering Magnet Program (Bio-Medical pathway), Softball, Basketball and National Honor Society. After high school, I will be attending Western New Mexico University on an academic and athletic scholarship where I plan to study Marketing then I plan to pursue a J.D. Degree in Law and become a sports agent.