Second International Workshop on Microservices: Agile and DevOps Experience (MADE18)

(formerly titled International Workshop on Microservices for Agile software development (WMSA17))

May, 21st 2018 Porto

Co-located with XP2018 - 21/05/2018 Porto


8:30-9:00 Registration


  • Opening (5 min)
  • Keynote: Technical Debt in Continuous Architecting Processes
  • Introduction to the Microservices Community
  • SHORT PAPER: Valentina Lenarduzzi and Outi Sievi-Korte. On the negative impact of team independence in microservices software development (20 min)

10:30-11:00 Coffee break


  • SHORT PAPER: Florian Auer, Michael Felderer and Valentina Lenarduzzi. Towards Defining a Microservice Migration Framework (20 min)
  • FULL PAPER: An Automatic Extraction Approach - Transition to Microservices Architecture from Monolithic Application (30 min)
  • FULL PAPER: Microservice Architecture in Industrial Software Delivery on Edge Devices (30 min)

12:30-14:00 Lunch


  • Hands-on Experience: Microservices, all the way down (60 min)
  • SHORT: Roberto Tonelli, Andrea Pinna, Gavina Baralla and Simona Ibba. Ethereum Smart Contracts as Blockchain-oriented Microservices (20 min)
  • SHORT: Florian Rademacher, Jonas Sorgalla, Philip Wizenty and Sabine Sachweh. Microservice Architecture and Model-driven Development: Yet Singles, Soon Married? (20 min)
  • SHORT: Jonas Sorgalla, Florian Rademacher, Philip Wizenty and Sabine Sachweh. Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering and Microservice Architecture: A Perfect Match? (20 min)
  • Breakout WG activities (20 min)

15.30-16:00 Coffee break


  • Breakout WG activities (50 min)
  • Community Building, Reflection and publication plan (30 min)
  • Closing (10 min)


Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto.

For further information, please refer to the XP 2018 website.



Indicate your participation here


Previous Edition



"Technical Debt in Continuous Architecting Processes"

Antonio Martini


The Microservice paradigm is being adopted more and more in industry to support the agility of empowered development teams. However, developing or migrating to microservices is no easy task. The risk of failure is to incur in a large Architectural Technical Debt and, consequently, in costly consequences for the organizations. Agile software development and, more specifically, Continuous Architecting, provide an opportunity to strategically manage and mitigate the negative impact of such Architectural Debt by monitoring its accumulation in a Microservice architecture.


Antonio Martini is Principal at CA Technologies, Strategic Research in Barcelona. Antonio is also Associate Professor at University of Oslo. Antonio has worked (and still collaborates) with several Nordic European companies such as Ericsson, Volvo, Siemens, etc. both conducting research and consultancy with them on Continuous Architecture and Technical Debt Management.

Hands-on Experiences

"Microservices, all they way down"

Saverio Giallorenzo


One of the main tenets of the microservice approach is to loose the ties among (distributed) software components (i.e., microservices), so that they can be developed, evolved, and scaled independently. However, there is one often-overlooked element that binds indirectly together collaborating microservices: communication. This binding consists of the dependencies on the libraries and/or frameworks that support the communication protocols and data formats that are chosen in the design of the microservice architecture. Regardless of whether this choice was conscious or not, it can quickly lead to technical debt unless it is carefully managed: the programming paradigms of each library tend to leak into the core logic of the microservice, making switching to other communication stacks difficult or even infeasible. All of a sudden, the so-advertised resilience of microservices gave way to an inflexible and limiting architecture.

In this hands-on demonstration we will see, using the Jolie language, how suitable language abstractions can loose these implicit couplings. The ultimate aim is to experiment how, through the lens of Jolie, web services, traditional programs, and even IoT devices are all the same: microservices, all the way down.


Saverio Giallorenzo is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2016. His research focuses on the design and implementation of programming languages for concurrent systems, microservices, and adaptable systems. He is a pioneer of language-based approaches: for applying the paradigm of microservices to the Internet of Things and Mobility-as-a-Service, also considering their security aspects; and of the paradigm of choreographic programming, an emerging approach for the correct-by-construction development of distributed systems.