Not the most savvy with Mac, here goes. Upgraded to Monterey and now my external G-force drive usb-c(that I got from Apple) doesn't show up in Finder, I can't figure any way to access it. It was in Finder before. I made sure the Finder left column showed everything. No help. I can see the drive in System Information and I can see it in Disk Utility but the Mount is greyed out so I can't select Mount. Tried shutting down restarting, disconnecting/reconnecting, patting my head and rubbing my stomach at the same time. All no help. Did I back up before upgrading? Well.....I use time machine(is that not good?). Trouble is I have time machine saving the backups on the external G-force drive which I can't access now. What should I do? Kind of frustrated. Like to down grade but I'm really not sure if everything is saved in the time machine plus reading some instructions on downgrading to Big Sur that are posted I get lost fairly quickly. It would be easier if someone would just say do such-n-such and it shows up. Any body have a magic fix like that?

Shows you how much I know, had to do a search to learn how to do a screen shot. Looked in Disk Utility and drive wasn't there. Could Sleep Mode be causing problems? Before Monterey never had Sleep pop up in upper right corner before. I shut off Sleep Mode for hard drives in power saver. Restarted and there it is in the Disk Utility.

Macos Monterey Iso Download Google Drive


It doesn't make sense to me that it worked fine and dandy in Big Sur and now in Monterey it doesn't. If it's not formatted now, then it wasn't formatted then. Being that it is external drive, upgrading too Monterey shouldn't have changed anything with the external drive, so it makes me think that some how Apple changed the way it sees/reads external drives in Monterey. Having a hard time raping my head around this.

Redhawk, there are several threads in several different subforms about this. Monterey has hosed compatability with many external drives, mostly (it seems) USB-C externals. Your issue is replicated over and over. Please contact Apple Feedback and tell them that you have the issue. The more people that speak up, the more likely it is that this will be addressed by Apple in a subsequent update.

Important: Currently there is an issue with Apple M1/M1X systems running macOS 12 Monterey where the system will run into a loop when attempting to mount some external drives formatted in HFS+/APFS

I have a M1 MacBook Pro and a 2013 MacPro and neither one now has the Google drive mounted on the desktop. I can get to it through the finder but there is no mounted drive on either desktop after upgrading to Monterey. I like having the drive mounted on the desktop and miss it.

AJ, I did that, but a very weird issue exists. I had Google drive on my older computer and when I got the New MacBook Pro M1 I now have that old Google Drive shown on my Hard Drive under Users but the Google Drive in Finder Sidebar is not that folder. The to Google folders do not seem to sync .... only the Google Drive that appeared in the Finder Sidebar syncs to the google drive online. I can not find anywhere on Finder a drive that matches that Finder Sidebar Google Drive. Are those Google Drive files actually on my hard drive?

Recently on M1 Chip MacBook Pro Monterey (V1+V2 updates - awaiting a debug hopefully in V3), the Google Drive app runs as a virtual drive format, so it appears it will continue to unmount (and run as an ejectable drive format) no matter what you try. Even mounting the drive CMD + K on Finder then your smb://localhost/Google Drive/ + location etc, it doesn't read the IP nor mount.

"We've finished discussing this issue with engineering and they've confirmed that it's the device that's unmounting the drive and not Drive for Desktop. It seems that this issue is not unique with Drive for Desktop but happens with other apps that creates it's own drive as well. If the recent unmounting happened after the device was put to sleep, it would also be the same scenario and we have no way of fixing this"

Installed macOS Monterey and now the application SandiskSecureAccesV3_Mac app on my Sandisk Cruzer flash drive not working. Get message-This application only runs on a SanDisk flash drive- This is an issue for SanDisk to keep up with operating system upgrades, not Apple.

Zhang, Zhaohan, I gave Box full drive access and no luck.. I sent Box a support ticket Saturday and it's Wednesday now with no solution. I resorted to downgrading my laptop back to Mojave so that I could work. How could Box not have an updated version ready for the new Mac OS update?....

I noticed I can now drag folders or files from Box Drive app to my desktop, and it automatically deletes them off of the box cloud drive. It no longer is acting like a mounted drive/server, normally it would make a duplicate copy of that file onto my desktop. Is anyone else experiencing this?

I think I have a fix. Uninstall using the Terminal command discussed in the attached -us/articles/360044196293-Uninstalling-Box-Drive. If you try to uninstall any other way its missing something and stays broken. Once uninstalled, restart computer and download and install box drive again. Seems to have solved the issue.

** I am still seeing the iCloud download icons alongside the Box Drive download icons (the cloud icons that indicate an item is stored in the cloud and occasionally the box drive icons next to them when the file has been accessed recently) It doesn't really bother me, except that I recall only seeing the Box icons before the update, not the iCloud icons too.

I wanted to post this here for whoever may run across it. I have confirmed an issue with Monterey 12.0-12.1 where external drives (flash drives, external drives, ssds, etc.) are slow to mount, format or unmount. This issue is solved in Monterey 12.2. If you have issues, please upgrade to the latest version of Monetrey. 

~ Pickles von Brine

I haven't had many issues with either big sur or monterey. I am in the computer repair business and work an AASP. As far as running on mac systems it runs fine. No issues other than the weirdness with externals. 

The one OS I had the most problems with was Catalina. That was mainly because a lot of users we had still had 32bit apps. Catalina dropped all support for 32bit

I didn't like Catalina at first. It ran worse than Mojave on my hardware, and the earlier versions had some odd issues. Nowadays it works perfectly for me. I'm running it on a 2012 15" MacBook Pro (currently my daily driver laptop), and despite being the oldest machine to officially support Catalina it runs really well.

Issue is not gone. One of our work external HDDs got damaged after ejecting normally and now it won't mount. Recovery software can see the files and folders, but Disk Utility cannot repair it. The kicker - iPad OS can open the drives (see apple forum link below)....but not Mac OS.

I'm beyond peeved because of the time lost and having to get a third drive now to back up the sister drive (photographer with mirror copies of working hdds and final delivered files on remote NAS). The 'damaged' drive is fine, the OS is just messing it up.

You have a damaged file system bud. As you said yourself. It got damaged after not ejecting properly. Do you know why OSX requires you to eject the disk instead of ripping it out? When OSX is using a drive, it isn't just sitting there doing nothing when the drive isn't in use. OSX is constantly updating file system components and they are hooked by the OS. When you yank a drive while OSX is using these file system components you run the risk of damaging them. In this case, that is what happened.

Nothing to do with the OS. I am surprised it opened on an ipad.

The drive isn't damaged. It is the file system that is. This isn't the fault of the OS. It is the fault of the user for yanking the drive while it was in use. Sorry to say it. Each time a drive is yanked on OSX you run the risk of this. Regardless of the file system but especially so for FAT32 and ExFat drives. NTFS, APFS and HFS have resiliency but kick out the right leg and they will corrupt too. Not all file corruption is repairable. Make sure you eject the drives properly. 

When you have a damaged file system most cases OSX is useless in fixing it. Software is required. However, in some cases the file system cannot be saved and a raw recovery has to be done.

I'm having a little issue with mounting my external hard drive lately. I've tried quite a few methods in hope of getting it to work again, but so far, no luck. I hope someone can help me solve this issue, or those who have the same problem may also share your insights.

My external hard drive was working fine about a week ago. But one day, I ejected the hard drive and the icon disappeared, so I thought it was safe to unplug it. When I did, it said the hard drive was not properly removed. It still works fine when I use it the next day, but the same thing happened. It said the drive was not properly removed after I ejected the drive, waited for the icon to disappear, and then unplugged the drive. After that, it never works again, and the attached images are the info I got when I tried to mount or run first aid on this drive. e24fc04721

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