Professor – Strategy, Economics and Policy
Georgetown University (McDonough School of Business) 202-687-4793 (O)
I received my BSE in Computer Engineering from the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan; my MBA from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College; and my Ph.D. from the Walter A. Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
My research interests include industrial organization, regulation, competitive and nonmarket strategy, and the organization and economics of innovation. My research examines economic and strategic issues related to organization and performance in three overlapping areas: (1) firms; (2) industries; and (3) institutions. The vast majority of my research is empirical, utilizing large (i.e., big “N”) and proprietary data sets that I have either “found,” collected, or purchased. The majority of my research is set in innovative or high technology industries, including biopharmaceuticals, freight rail, medical devices, semiconductors, and telecommunications. I consider myself a “phenomenologist,” in that I use theories and methodologies across academic disciplines where appropriate and depending upon the research question(s) posed. I draw upon and add to theory and empirical research in the economics of innovation, industrial organization (IO) economics, transaction cost economics (TCE), and the knowledge based view (KBV) of the firm.
I publish my research in top-tier academic journals, but also reach broader audiences through managerial and trade journals. Select publication outlets include Academy of Management Journal, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, California Management Review, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Management Science, Organization Science, RAND Journal of Economics, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal, among others. I am the co-editor of two books: Innovation in Global Industries: U.S. Firms Competing in a New World (2008) published by the National Academy Press; and U.S. Freight Rail Economics And Policy: Are We On The Right Track? (2019) published by Routledge.