To get a theme, expand one of the categories below, select a link for the theme, and then select Open. This saves the theme to your PC and puts it on your desktop. See Personalize your PC to learn more.

A theme is a combination of desktop background pictures, window colors, and sounds. To get a theme, expand one of the categories below, select a link for the theme, and then select Open. This saves the theme to your PC and puts it on your desktop. See Personalize your PC to learn more.

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Some folks, including me, followed a performance tweak and were stuck with the Windows 7 toolbar being a white (Windows Classic). Altering the theme did not correct this. It turned out the Themes service was not automatic.

Is there any way to make a WPF app look like it's running on Windows 7 even if it's running on XP? I'm looking for some kind of theme I can just paste in. I'm aware of the themes project on Codeplex ( =wpfthemes), but it lacks support for DataGrid, which is something I critically need. I was thinking maybe the Windows 7 theme would just be an easy port, or exists in some file somewhere already.

So, I'm still looking for a solution to this problem if anyone has any ideas. Maybe someone has built an extension to the Aero theme that covers the WPF toolkit controls? Again, any information you have is much appreciated.

Windows theme is the default theme now. It can be customised in Preferences > Themes. There you can change back to what used to be Mac theme (now called Minimal), or customise the layout and make your own version.

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I have takes these screenshots using Windows 7 with classic theme so that someone can see some errors in the colors to fix it.

Like the background color to the left and right of the horizontal scroll bar seem to be to dark or light in some themes.

The drop down boxes seem to always use bright white which does not look good in dark and high contrast themes.

Compare with screenshots on _features_in_this_release

Some parts of the Audacity interface are themed by the computer Desktop theme rather than by Audacity. I believe that this is due to a design decision in WxWidgets.

The idea of Themes in Audacity is not to override the system Desktop theme, but rather to complement it. So if you have a dark Desktop theme, then you can select a dark theme in Audacity that will compliment the Desktop theme. If on the other hand you chose a theme for Audacity that conflicts with the system Desktop theme, then the result can look very ugly.

Hi, I am a total beginner at Linux (and XFCE), having only recently installed it last week. I really like the general look and fell of Windows 7, and have managed to customise everything (panel, desktop, icons, sounds, etc...) but not the whiskermenu plugin. I dont need it to look exactly like the windows 7 one, I just want the colours, although a full menu theme would he great. Any help?

If you're connecting via RDP: You'll have to configure both your RDP client and the Server to allow themes over RDP. On the client it's as easy as Options->Experience->All Checked. For the sever search "RDP Enable Themes" or check out these directions. Note: Aero Glass over the Internet is going to lag a bit (or a lot, depending on your connection).

What I did was delete my customised Aero theme and run one of the Windows default ones, which I then re-customised back to the way the just deleted one looked.

[Mod edit: Please stay on topic. Create a new thread for stuff that is different, you will have a better chance of receiving an answer.]

Good news!!! I was able to get it to work by disabling my LogMeIn Mirror Driver in the Device Manager. This is not ideal but it works. Apparently the Aero theme can not do Transparency when this item in the Display Adapters is enabled.

Every time I set the themes I get my background but the windows color is Basic. But as soon as the machine boots up I can go to personalize and change my theme to Windows 7 and aero turns on right away.

So if you remove all your theme customizations and stuff, is Aero enabled the first time you log in? If you look at the bottom of this page: -sccm-to-capture-and-deploy-windows-7.aspx at Figure 11 you can see the command you need. Make sure you add "formal" for 32-bit, and for 64-bit you'll want to use "C:\Windows\sysnative\WinSAT.exe formal".

Aero is enabled because if I go through "Personlization" I can click on my aero theme that I deployed to the computer to C:\windows\resources\themes\theme.theme and it will load. But my theme will just not load by default under the default user profile for anyone who logs in.

I added your script to the end of my TS and it copied the file there to the location you gave me but still it selects my unsaved theme that is a Windows Color Basic. I even tried to run your winsat command that you gave me above and it still was basic even though Aero was enabled already.

I have also applied a GPO to apply my custom aero theme and it worked great but we don't really want to use a GPO because we have some machines without this theme installed and it gives the users black screens.

Ok I have figured out my issue I had a some registry files that were messing up my themes and it will now apply the Windows 7 "Aero" theme after deployment but my issue now is that it will not apply my theme that i have created or apply my background. I have copied my themes to "%windir%\Resources" and my background to "%windir%\web\wallpaper\windows\". I am trying to apply my background and theme with an unattend.xml file that was created in WAIK.

I have figured out all the issues with Default Themes and Default Backgrounds. For all wondering how to get you default background and/or theme set I would like to say thanks to rbennett806 from has great explanation on how to do this here is the direct link -How-to-set-Corp-backgroundscreensaver-m213992.aspx

Windows 7 themes are custom visual styles for the Windows 7 operating system that change the appearance of the user interface. These themes include changes to the desktop background, window borders, and other elements of the interface.

This is an old thread, but I cannot get the theme pack for cnc1 to work on windows 7. After install, when I try to apply the theme I just get a message that say "cannot apply theme. Try another" Any idea's on how I can get this to work, or am I doing something wrong?

where you can find some pretty cool C&C theme packs. Just a heads up though, some of the cursors and sfx can be a little annoying after a while so you might have to re-arrange or completely remove some of them . The theme files are stored in:

i added photos to mine too, so i have more backgrounds. when you have the theme window open, click on desktorp and drag and drop anything background pics you downloaded and check mark them or as these new school noobs call it, tick the box for the backgrounds you want to appear in your theme that you are using.

Hi all,

I am new to using LOcal by flywheel. I have it installed on my laptop using windows 10 with no problems. I have my desktop using windows 7 which is presenting isues. The problem I am encountering is when I try to download the Phlox theme I get Update Failed. Also when I try to install Elementor plugin I get the same message Update Failed.

I downloaded the Sydney them, when I attempt to customise it I receive the following message:

This document discusses the format of Theme (.theme) files. A .theme file is a .ini text file that is divided into sections, which specify visual elements that appear on a Windows desktop. Section names are wrapped in brackets ([]) in the .ini file.

A new file format, .themepack, was introduced with Windows 7 to help users share themes. Themes can be selected in the Personalization Control Panel only in Windows 7 Home Premium or higher, or only on Windows Server 2008 R2 when the Desktop component is installed.

This section is optional. If you do not include this section in your .theme file, the system uses default settings. If your theme uses the Aero visual style, you should avoid overriding the default values in this section.

The color of elements, such as scroll bars, text, and buttons, are customizable. The .theme file specifies the RGB values to change for these elements. The values override the default values of the visual style and are used when your theme is based on Windows Classic, Windows 7 Basic, or High Contrast themes.

A theme can also change the appearance of cursors. To do so, you create .cur files to replace the default Windows cursors. The following example is from a .theme file that defines the cursors for a theme called Sports.

This section is optional. If you do not include this section in your .theme file, the system uses the desktop background image specified in the [Control Panel\Desktop] section. If you include this section, you must specify slide show settings here.

You can specify system metrics in a .theme file. System metrics are the dimensions of various display elements, such as the window border width, icon height, or scroll bar width. The NonclientMetrics and IconMetrics values are binary structures defined by NONCLIENTMETRICS and ICONMETRICS in winuser.h. Following is an example of how to change system metrics.

You can supply specific information concerning the size and color of desktop elements in .msstyles files. The color and size sections of .theme files can be replaced by .msstyles files which enable you to modify desktop elements in more detail. These files are specified in the visual styles section of a .theme file. Following is an example of a visual styles section. 0852c4b9a8

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