Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that offer a faster alternative to performing tasks typically done with a mouse. If you are trying to take a screenshot or screengrab, see How to take and annotate screenshots.

The "Windows key," when used with other keys, enables you to execute numerous handy tasks such as launching Settings, File Explorer, the Run command, and apps pinned to the Taskbar, as well as open specific features like Narrator or Magnifier. Additionally, you can manage windows and virtual desktops, take screenshots, lock the computer, and more.

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Some keyboard shortcuts in dropbox interfere with shortcuts from other programs on my pc, and i want to resolve this by turning off or changing the dropbox shortcuts. example: Dropbox uses my PrtScreen button, but so does Snagit, my preferred screen capture program. Can i override or disable Dropbox default keyboard shortcuts? thanks.

It's the Screenshots option, which you already have unchecked. Just have SnagIt re-capture the Print Screen key and you should be all set. If Dropbox keeps offering to save screenshots, go back to this screen, check the Screenshots box and click Apply, then uncheck it and click Apply again. Then have SnagIt grab the key.

The only key that I"m aware of Dropbox using is Print Screen. It's associated with screenshots being saved to Dropbox. You'll need to disable screenshots in Dropbox Preferences, on the Import tab, then recapture the Print Screen key within SnagIt.

Thanks for the quick reply, and I would be tickled pink if that would work as a solution. Unfortunately, when I follow that path you recommended, I see no command that would control (turn on or off) that keyboard shortcut. I've attached a screen capture you what I'm seeing.... if it makes a difference, I'm using Windows 10.

This isn't the solution. I have this disabled and if Dropbox starts before Snagit, then the Snagit shortcuts won't work. I never use the Dropbox shortcuts - I don't know why they are there - all they do is cause problems. So for the soltuion is to close Dropbox, then start Snagit, then try to remember to restart Dropbox. Neat.

Currently, I see no way to disable a global shortcut key. To see the current shortcut key mappings, one navigates to Tools -> Options -> Shortcut Keys. There, next to each item, is an "x", which I would expect to clear out the shortcut key. However, if you clear the value, click OK, and then open Tools -> Options -> Shortcut Keys again, the old shortcut key is back. To me, this seems like a bug.

In addition to wanting that feature to work, it would be nice if there were a global option to disable all shortcut keys. When checking this, the application would remember the existing key mappings, but would no longer honor them. This way, when I'm using a different application which has mapping conflicts, I can temporarily disable global shortcut keys for Evernote, and use the mappings in my other application without conflict.

In v 10.8.4 you can disable individual global shortcuts - they have to be done individually rather than turn all off. Open the Keyboard Shortcuts menu (Ctrl+/ or Help | Keyboard shortcuts), hover over the global options one by one, select the ... menu and choose disable.

Is there a way to disable alt+s hotkey in new Evernote? This overwrites my system keyboard and I can't use one of the letters in my native language with Evernote running. Which means I'll have to stop using the app if there's no fix :(

The ALT + S is causing problems in many applications. Because this cannot be disabled, I am abandoning Evernote for Microsoft OneNote. The keyboard shortcut simply interferes with too many applications. If you decide to one day put an option that says "Disable Keyboard Shortcuts", maybe I would return to using the product at that time. Until then, I am prevented from using Evernote on Windows.

It is the same story as it was with Opera browser when it ditched its own rendering engine and switched to Chromium: they created a new UI and discarded all the good features and over the next few years were re-implementing some of them.

It is probably the same story here with Evernote V10.x update: discard some features to re-implement them while also adding some annoying ones - like these idiotic global shortcuts! Evernote team live in their own bubble and fail to understand that their app is not the only app running on anyone's system. I basically cannot use shortcuts in my programming IDE now (Webstorm to access settings) - others cannot even type in their own language.

Wanna guess what's the best feature of Evernote at this point which they DID NOT FORGET to remove?

And yes! I took the screenshot with your damn stupid screenshot tool via the CTRL+ALT+S shortcut! And it didn't even work in the first few tries... go figure! Though love the big fat red arrow functionality.

This is unbelievable! Simplifying functionality is a good move. Removing the ability to edit global shortcuts is shocking - and honestly, it's only something that an immature engineering team would implement.

The latest version of Evernote has global keyboard shortcuts that conflict with other tools I use but there is currently no option to disable them. For example I use VSCode and I have the keybinding for "Save All" set to "ctrl+alt+s" but now this doesn't work and instead triggers the Evernote screenshot capture functionality. Since I don't use Evernote for capturing screenshots and I'd prefer not to change my VSCode keybindings I would like the ability to disable the screenshot capture shortcut and other global shortcuts.

I am Polish user and we have Ctrl+ALT+S shortcut as  letter in our language. New version of Evernote steals it and it cannot be turned off. I uninstalled Windows version and now use Web version, until it is solved. Unusable.

Hi, I have a similar problem - I cannot use Polish symbols in notes or anywhere when Evernote is enabled because of the shortcuts, like alt + s, which I use a lot for . This is very annoying and if this won't be fixed, I'll resign from this app, which I've been using 8 years now...

I was to get the premium version, but seeing that it takes ages to apply just one simple fix I am switching back to OneNote. It is impossible to use Evernote in polish environment since you simply cannot type properly - which is a bit frustrating when you use a NOTEbook application

Hi, I have the same problem. This is a bug in the product and it should be fixed asap as due to that I am resigning from using desktop app right now. It will be fine if I could change the shortcuts manually but there is no option for that.

I have been ignoring Evernote reminders about new version release. Finally decided to upgrade. And that was my biggest mistake. As Polish user, I type using characters from Polish alphabet (with diacritics). Typing Alt+s (in order to get ) triggers Screen capture. Remembering, that similar issue I had in the past, I started to search in Options/Preferences for disabling this feature...

Then I started to search internet for solution, and found hundreds of post with pissed off users.

Came here to say the same thing - registering a global shortcut without the option to disable this is a crass violation of UI norms. I'm considering moving all my notes to another platform and cancelling my account

I just installed the new 10.5 today and at least I can once again add tags in the popup editor, but c'mon Evernote. The global shortcodes need to be editable. I can only hope that "on the roadmap" means we will see shortcode editing enabled in 10.6. As an over 10 year user of Evernote never have I been so frustrated. ?

Same here. I had the same problem every time I installed a new Evernote version, but at least I could disable this shortcut. It was very annoying, but I could survive. Now I cannot. I am giving up on Evernote.

It is frustrating as hell. You can use the webapp instead from browser. copy-paste is a bit slow, but at least no shortcuts.

(I mean c'mon I have waited 2 releases. no updates on this. Just give me access to the repo, and I will implement it myself)

Ugh. I have been a loyal EN user for years! I have SO MUCH content on it. But this RUINS my productivity in my design software which is my bread and butter. I cannot have this interference. Looking for tools to export all my notebooks out.

WTF? Still no way to disable keyboard shortcuts that hijack and override existing global shortcuts? I have been suffering for months and have resorted to keeping Evernote closed at all times but I am ready to bail all together.

EVERNOTE TEAM!!! Do you hear us from here??? Great app, but what a nonsense and nuisance??? Have to uninstall it for now and go to previous version. But it's my time because of your strange decision...

Can anyone from Evernote comment on this? Honestly, I ditched One Note for a paid subscription of Evernote, and this is the first time I am super frustrated with the app. Just like other users, now I have to keep it closed, and only open it when I need to access my notes. This is very ridiculous.

I second what someone wrote - the UX manager who approved this change needs to take some time to reevaluate their choices. How can you hijack global shortcuts without giving the users the option to disable it?

Typing ? on GitHub brings up a dialog box that lists the keyboard shortcuts available for that page. You can use these keyboard shortcuts to perform actions across the site without using your mouse to navigate. 152ee80cbc

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