MA 512 A, Introduction to analysis, Spring 2022


This class continues the study of real analysis initiated in MA 511. Topics include differentiable mappings, Riemann integration, and Fourier analysis. The goal is not only to learn about these topics but also to write proofs.


Lectures take place Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:45 pm in CAS 320. Everyone is expected to attend in-person. If you are isolating due to a positive COVID test, please inform me and I will record the affected lectures.


Elementary Classical Analysis, by Marsden and Hoffman, 2nd ed. We will be covering Chapters 6 - 10.


I will be assigning problem sets roughly every week which will usually be due on Thursdays. The problem sets will be posted under the "Assignments" tab. You are allowed and encouraged to work together on the problem sets, but you must hand in solutions which are written in your own words. You will type up the assignments using LaTeX and submit them using Gradescope.

Since writing quality proofs is one of our objectives, I will allow you to resubmit your assignments for a higher grade. You have one week to do this.


There will be one take-home midterm due March 4. It will be similar to a problem set, but you will not be able to work on it with other students, nor will you be able to resubmit it.

Similarly, there will be a take-home final due on May 10.

Both exams will be submitted via Gradescope.


LaTeX is the formatting program used by scientists and mathematicians worldwide. You might as well learn how to use it now if you haven't already. Overleaf is quick way to get started using LaTeX. I encourage you to use the tex files of the assignments (I'm putting them in the Assignments tab) as templates.

Office Hours

I will hold virtual office hours on Tuesdays 3 - 4 pm at this link:

Grade Rubric

Letter grades will be assigned based on this rubric: Assignments 60%, Midterm 15%, Final 25%.