Digital Heritage Consulting

Lynn Noel

Data and Information Management ~ Consulting Services

Lynn is a career IT professional as an enterprise architect, certified user experience designer, director of information management, director of collaboration services, visual designer, and business systems analyst. She has hands-on enterprise design and management experience with SalesForce, Microsoft, Google, SAP, and major digital platforms. See Lynn's LinkedIn Profile for details.

"Lynn is one of those uniquely talented individuals who genuinely challenge and inspire. As a Data Architect, she has an innate ability to understand, model, and communicate the elements, relationships, meaning, and business value of a data system; from simple applications to enterprise domains. But what sets Lynn apart is her insight into the purpose and value of the data to an organization and the people who use that information. Having a very substantive discussion with Lynn about an enterprise information architecture reveals the depth of her talents as a strategist and visionary in these areas. But far from being simply an “ivory tower” intellectual, I’ve seen her hands-on abilities as a change agent to actually turn vision and strategy into a business reality that customers actually embrace." --Mark Molnar, VP of Customer Experience, Data Blueprint

Digital Business Strategy ~ Consulting Services

Lynn has an executive certificate in Digital Business Strategy from MIT Sloan School of Business and is the author of the Digital Business Manifesto. See Lynn's LinkedIn Blog for details.

"Lynn has the rare ability to see the big picture, to create broad strategies to achieve goals, and then to actually identify and execute the small steps that lead to big changes."--Lucinda Robbins, Senior Director of Sales Operations at Vera Whole Health
"Two stand-out descriptions [of Lynn] that come to mind are 'Innovator' and 'Thought Leader'. She has the very rare ability to follow up on her understanding of a business problem with clear strategy, an understanding of organizational impact, clear strategies to exercise Organizational Change Management for the implementation of new strategy, and when necessary, she also has the tech and management savvy to lead implementation teams or do a tech build-out herself." --Terry Wylie, Client Delivery Manager, NTT DATA
"I can honestly say [Lynn] is one of the most talented and visionary people I know. She has the ability to create a winning business strategy as well as manage all the day-to-day details. While Lynn is an excellent communicator with outstanding collaboration skills, she also has the technical chops to lead any IT team. Lynn is a superb mentor and colleague who has always provided me with excellent technical (and personal) advice!"--Susan Mund, Vice President of Information Technology, Community Action Organization of Western New York

DIY Digital ~ Community Coaching and Mentoring for Digital Transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust artists, educators, communities, small businesses, and families online to overcome social isolation. Lynn coaches feature artists, nonprofit leaders,  session organizers, and open mic singers how to start livestreaming, set up a home digital studio, convert and curate digital content, receive donations and patron memberships, and use free/affordable platforms to connect and engage performers, participants, and audience in digital community. See DIY Digital for details.

"I was despairing over how to reach my audience when the pandemic began. Lynn immediately saw the opportunity that presented itself and I have to commend her for that. The Mermaid's Tavern hosted my first online concert and it was a lot of fun. But more importantly, it gave me some hope about how to adapt during the crisis."--Matthew Byrne, Newfoundland
"Lynn's willingness to teach, to guide, to suggest, to forewarn, and to correct, were all important components of our success. I have been making music on something for more than six decades, have played guitar for 53 years, and sung all my life, but as you will find out: that is not enough. If you are finding your way into the world of digital media, you will be lucky to find someone who has been down that path ahead of you and understands it. Lynn Noel at Digital Heritage Consulting was that person for us. We were lucky, indeed." --Scott Ainslie, Cattail Music, Vermont
"When the Folk Song Society of Greater Boston was forced to cancel an in-person house concert, Lynn Noel and Digital Heritage Consulting came to the rescue. In just a few days, Lynn created a virtual house concert experience. It was the performer's first time doing a virtual concert - it was FSSGB's first time hosting a house concert - so much could go wrong! 
But Lynn nimbly guided all of us through communication and technology challenges, with the result that four times as many people were able to enjoy the concert. It was such a success that a month later, FSSGB called upon Lynn's expertise once again to assist another performer to broadcast a virtual concert from his home, with the result that ten times as many people attended! 
Lynn is a professional - with the level-headed clarity of a technician and the flexible creativity of a performer, she comprehends the virtual experience as a whole, which brings about a fulfilling experience for everyone - performer, host, and audience."--Lynn Feingold, President, Folk Song Society of Greater Boston

The Mermaid's Tavern ~ Online Folk Club

Lynn brings her experience as the founder of local and regional song sessions online as producer and host of the Live From the Mermaid's Tavern series. This digital folk club offers houseconcerts, ballad sings, chantey sings, workshops, and special events building online community during the COVID-19 crisis, and cosponsors online events with regional folk societies. See Live From the Mermaid's Tavern for details. 

"We had 38 singers from 3 or 4 different countries, all engaged and supportive listeners as well as fabulous singers. I'm so grateful to Lynn for enabling us to come together and keep our community strong and build it as well during these hard times." -- Heather Livingston, Maryland
"The sessions are well steered, with no idle chat – and yet there’s always time for a cordial welcome. The host’s respect for the participants goes hand-in-voice with the sense of mutual trust that this engenders. Singers therefore experience a feeling of being valued, not least for adding value to the shared experience.” --David Kidman, Yorkshire, UK

Crosscurrents Music ~ Traditional Music and Living History

Lynn Noel brings traditional song and heritage arts online to create digital community. As a singer, Lynn has a voice of striking clarity and power and is a respected session leader on both sides of the Atlantic. She performs solo, duo, trio, and in ensembles ranging from colonial and Celtic to music hall. 

Lynn is a professional heritage interpreter and independent scholar in geography, history, and folklore, She has received awards from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Natural Resources Council of America (NRCA) and the Country Dance and Song Society as a CDSS Local Hero. See Crosscurrents Music for details. 

"Real head-back and let-fly sea chanteys."

--Mystic Seaport

"[Gudrid the Wanderer] is a spellbinding performance."

--Canadian Museum of History
"[Your houseconcert] sure provided the pick-me-up, the uplift, the “fair wind in the sails” that we all sorely needed.  The sense of truly belonging, the communing with like-minded souls and genuine friends, the generosity and yes, trust that is such an integral (and constant) part of the folk community:  these are qualities which I have felt to be disappearing in so many other quarters of life of late.
This evening (and indeed the previous week’s Ballad Session which you hosted) had, almost at a stroke, restored my faith in their existence:  a point which you yourself reinforced in your heartfelt closing “address”. Amen to that, big time!"--David Kidman, Yorkshire, UK

Future of Folk ~ Workshops and Masterclasses

The coronavirus has accelerated digital trends in arts and education that have been driving and disrupting digital business for a decade. There's no going back to the Before Times. Even when we can safely sing together again as a community, heritage artists and educators need new business models to make a living, and venues need to embrace digital platforms to stay solvent. Lynn offers masterclasses in livestreaming for participatory song, case studies of heritage performers making the pivot to digital, and core digital skills that are equally marketable for a solopreneur or a side hustle. Lynn is an active mentor of younger artists and of women in tech.