


calculating the Lyapunov spectrum of the Duffing equations 

dx/dt = y

dy/dt = -x^3 - K * y + B * sin(z)

dz/dt = 1.0



#include "duffing_lyap.h"

int main(void)


int i;

int j;

int t;

double total_T;

double d2;

double lyap_dim;

double sum_lyap;

double v[DIM]; /* 変数 variables */

double lyap[DIM]; /* リアプノフ指数 Lyapunov exponent */

double u[DIM][DIM];

double e[DIM][DIM];


// 初期値の設定

// set the initial values

// v[0]: x    v[1]: y    v[2]: z

v[0] = X0;

v[1] = Y0;

v[2] = Z0;


// 直交化した長さ1のベクトル(単位行列)uの作成

// create orthogonalized vectors u with length 1 (unit matrix)

for ( i = 0; i < DIM; i++ ) {

for ( j = 0; j < DIM; j++ ) {

u[i][j] = ( i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0 );

// printf("%lf   ", u[i][j]);


// printf("\n");

lyap[i] = 0.0;



for( t = 0; t < SKIPS; t++ ){

// ダフィング方程式の値とヤコビ行列の計算

// calculate the Duffing equations and the Jacobian matrix

solve_duffing_eqs_using_RK4( v, u );

// output the data, v[0]: x, v[1]: y, v[2]: z 

// printf("%.10lf   %.10lf   %.10lf\n", v[0], v[1], v[2] );



// uの再設定

// reset vector u

for ( i = 0; i < DIM; i++ ) {

for ( j = 0; j < DIM; j++ ) {

u[i][j] = ( i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0 );




for( t = 0; t < ITERATION; t++ ){

// ダフィング方程式の値とヤコビ行列の計算

// calculate the Duffing equations and the Jacobian matrix

solve_duffing_eqs_using_RK4( v, u );

// output the data, v[0]: x, v[1]: y, v[2]: z 

// printf("%.10lf   %.10lf   %.10lf\n", v[0], v[1], v[2] );

// グラム・シュミットの正規直交化法

// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation

gram_schmidt_orth( u, e );

for ( j = 0; j < DIM; j++ ) {

d2 = 0.0;

for ( i = 0; i < DIM; i++ ) {

d2 += e[i][j] * e[i][j];


lyap[j] += log( sqrt( d2 ) );

// lyap[j] += log2( sqrt( d2 ) );

// printf( "%.10lf ", lyap[j]/(double)(t+1) );


// printf("\n");



// リアプノフ指数の計算

// calculate the Lyapunov exponents

sum_lyap = 0.0;


for ( i = 0; i < DIM; i++ ) {

lyap[i] = lyap[i]/(double)total_T;

sum_lyap += lyap[i];


// リアプノフ指数を大きい順に並べ替える

// sort Lyapunov exponents in ascending order

quick_sort( (int)DIM, lyap );

// リアプノフ次元の計算

// calculate the Lyapunov dimension

lyap_dim = calc_lyap_dim( lyap );


printf("#---------------------------------------------------\n" );

printf("#  ITERATION: %d\n", (int)ITERATION);

printf("#      SKIPS: %d\n", (int)SKIPS);

printf("#    DELTA_T: %g\n", (double)DELTA_T);

printf("# TOTAL_TIME: %g\n", total_T);

printf("#---------------------------------------------------\n" );

printf("# initial condition\n");

printf("#         x0: %#g\n", (double)X0);

printf("#         y0: %#g\n", (double)Y0);

printf("#         z0: %#g\n", (double)Z0);

printf("#---------------------------------------------------\n" );

printf("# B = %g, K = %g\n", (double)B, (double)K );

printf("#---------------------------------------------------\n" );

printf("# Lyapunov Spectrum (log with base-e)\n" );

// printf("# Lyapunov Spectrum (log with base-2)\n" );

printf("#    lyap[1]:  %lf\n", lyap[0] );

printf("#    lyap[2]:  %lf\n", lyap[1] );

printf("#    lyap[3]: %lf\n", lyap[2] );

printf("# Lyapunov Dimension: %lf\n", lyap_dim );

printf("#---------------------------------------------------\n" );

printf("#           lyap[1]+lyap[2]+lyap[3]: %lf\n", sum_lyap);

printf("# diagonal elements of the jacobian: %lf\n", -K );

printf("#---------------------------------------------------\n" );

return 0;



double log2( double x )


return log(x)/(double)log(2.0);



// リアプノフ次元の計算

// calculate Lyapunov dimension

double calc_lyap_dim( double lyap[DIM] )


int i;

double sum;

double lyap_dim = (double)DIM;

sum = 0.0;

for ( i = 0; i < (int)DIM; i++ ) {

sum += lyap[i];

if ( sum < 0.0 ) {

lyap_dim = i + (sum - lyap[i])/(double)fabs( lyap[i] );




return lyap_dim;



void quick_sort( int n, double x[DIM] )


int i, j;

double pivot, t;

if (n < 2) {

return; /*      no need for sorting         */


pivot = x[0];

i = 0;

j = n-1; /*      lower and upper bounds      */

while (i <= j) {

while (x[i] > pivot){

i++; /*      search for x[i] >= pivot    */


while (x[j] < pivot){

j--; /*      search for x[j] <= pivot    */


if (i <= j) { /*      swap x[i] and x[j]          */

t = x[i];

x[i] = x[j];

x[j] = t;





quick_sort(j+1, x); /*  recursive call for smaller half     */

quick_sort(n-i, x+i); /*  recursive call for larger half      */
