Highly unequal carbon footprints.
Nature Sustainability, 5, 912-913, 2022. (comment) [free read]

Media: Deutschlandfunk, Dlf Forschung Aktuell 

How trade policy can support the climate agenda. (with Michael Jakob et al.)
Science, 376(6600), 1401-1403, 2022. 


Distributional Effects of Environmental Trade Measures.
Handbook on Trade Policy and Climate Change, (ed. Jakob, M.), Edward Elgar, 2022. [preprint] 


Crime is in the Air: The Contemporaneous Relationship between Air Pollution and Crime. (with Malvina Bondy and Sefi Roth)
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(3), 2020. [preprint 1, preprint 2]

Media: The Independent, iNews, The Economic Times, WSJ Real Time Economics blog, World Economic Forum, BBC.Replication: Dataverse Archive

Estimating the Effect of Air Pollution on Road Safety using Atmospheric Temperature Inversions.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 98, 2019. [preprint] 

Media: Financial Times, The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Economic Times, The Hindu, BBC Radio 4, and others.

Inequality and Carbon Consumption: Evidence from Environmental Engel Curves.
Energy Economics, 84, 2019. [preprint]

Media: BusinessGreen Replication: Data Appendix 

Residential Segregation and Socioeconomic Neighbourhood Sorting: Evidence at the Micro-neighbourhood Level for Migrant Groups in Germany.  
Urban Studies, 49(12), 2617-2632, 2012.


The benefits of Clean Air Act regulations need to be measured carefully. (with G. Singer)
VoxEU, May 2022

Umweltpolitik muss Verteilungsfragen berücksichtigen, ohne das eigentliche Ziel aus den Augen zu verlieren. (with M. Drupp, U. Kornek, J. Meya)
Ö, April 2022

The Growing Role of Inequality in Environmental Policy.
EAERE Magazine, no.11 Winter 2021

Drivers who spend too much on fuel efficiency. (with A. Levinson)
VoxEU, January 2021

Antworten auf zentrale Fragen zur Einführung von CO2-Preisen. (with L. Mattauch et al.)
Scientists for Future, Diskussionsbeiträge 2, 2020

Why Germany should introduce an ambitious carbon price. (with S. Dietz et al.)
LSE Grantham Research Institute, Commentary, 2019