Casas Altas


Casas Altas Rufete

Region: Beira Interior

Year: 2017

Caste/Grapes: Rufete

Alcohol: 13%

Best served: 16⁰C / 18⁰C

The Rufete variety is an ex-libris from the Pinhel region where it is known as "father of the poor". With grapes from old vines and in good years it gives surprising wines, thanks to the originality and elegance, as it happened in 2017. We hope you enjoy it!

Goes well with soft cheeses, white and red meats that are slightly spicy.

Open color (as is typical for Rufete), with a fragrant aroma, with fine elegance and very good quality fruits. The mouth accentuates the elegant side, with notes of cherries and raspberries, polished tannins, an earthy character that gives it a lot of complexity. Long, super fresh, delicious.

Available: 6 x 750ml

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