I don't like "Insert mod here" because "Insert reason here". Can I change it out? - Depends on the mod in question. The guide is built with little file conflicts in mind but if you start adding your own mods in you will be responsible for dealing with any new conflicts meaning if you end up breaking your game then you are responsible for fixing it, not me. If you deviate from the guide too much I won't provide support.

Do I need to install all the mods in the list? - Its recommended unless you know what you're doing when it comes to modding. If you're a newcomer I advise sticking to the guide and installing all mods

What are the system requirements to run the game with this list? - As long as your system can run W3 Complete Edition at a stable fps then you should be fine as generally speaking the fps impact from these mods is tiny

Can I use a mod manager? - Generally when it comes to modding Witcher 3 the process of manual installation is significantly easier than the likes of the Elder Scrolls games, as such using a mod manager is not required. If you do want to use a mod manager like W3 Mod Manager (I do not recommend Vortex as it has some issues compared to W3 Mod Manager) then you can try but note I will not assist if you end up breaking things

I keep getting crashes or script compilation errors - As long as you provide details I should be able to assist. Dont just say that your game isn't working and expect me to resolve it and remember, I won't help if you decide to deviate too much from the guide

Should I play on directx11 or 12? - It doesn't really matter what API you play on. Directx11 does seem to have a slight performance lead over Directx12 but as a tradeoff you lose access to RT and FSR/DLSS. I myself use Directx12

There's a mod that I think would be a great addition to the guide - I am open to suggestions but do be considerate before posting your comments. If it seems blindingly obvious that I've not added a popular mod (e.g. FHUD) then assume I did not include it for a good reason