Finishing Up

Script Conflicts

This part of the guide assumes that you correctly installed Script Merger and understand how to use it. Once you have installed all your mods, open up script merger and merge every unmerged script. Do NOT however, merge any conflicting xmls

If you are unsure to resolve manual script conflicts if they appear then this guide is a helpful tool for explaining it 


While Script Merger can resolve conflicts between scripts it is significantly harder to resolve conflicts between mods that dont use scripts e.g. texture mods. As such we utilise priorities to decide what mods we want shown in game.

Adding and removing priorities is a simple enough task, go to your documents/The Witcher 3 and find the file called mods.settings and open it (if the file is not there just create an empty text file and call it mods.settings). If you want to define a priority for a mod you must write it as so:

[Mod Name]


Priority=Whatever number you wish e.g. 4

Priority numbers are what are important here, in Witcher 3 the lower a number is the higher its priority so for example a mod with a priority of 5 will have higher priority than a mod with a priority of 6.

Thankfully you do not have to go through the laborious process of defining all the priorities for the mods in the list as I have already done so for you. Navigate to the Downloads section and download the "Priorities" file (Use the latest version available), extract it and place it in your Documents/The Witcher 3 

Mod Menu Setup

Before starting the game you need to add the new xml files to the filelist. This can be done very easily:

- Download and extract Menu Filelist Updater

- Navigate to bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc and place the .exe in there

- Run the .exe and it should add the new xmls to the list

- Confirm it has worked by opening the filelist and checking if the new xmls are in the list

When in game. Navigate to your mod menu and tinker around with the settings of the mods to your liking. Some have presets if you don't want to bother with tinkering