Lakeview United Methodist Church July, 2024 Newsletter

Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch

  Brian Plum, Pastor


A message from Pastor Brian...

Please Read: John 14 

     In the book of John chapter 14 and verses 15-21, Jesus shares with His disciples, that He will soon leave this world and return to the Father.  Jesus gathers His best friends, the apostles, together and gives them some important instructions before He leaves. Listening to their Master speak about His departure, the apostles probably became worried and fearful. Jesus had become their HOPE.  How could they possibly live in this terribly difficult world without hope?

     All of us need something we can hang onto; some glimmer of hope that things will get better or that there is hope for a better life.  Or maybe that there is some meaning to this existence.

    So, in the 14th chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus, realizing the apprehension of His apostles, responds by telling them that they will never be far from God; God will never abandon them.  Jesus promises that He will send the Holy Spirit, Who will serve as their guide and counselor.  The Holy Spirit will live with them and in them.  Next Jesus assures His friends that they will not be left like orphans.  And then Jesus says something which is very encouraging and inspiring, something which is very hopeful.  Jesus says: “Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I in you.” (John 14:19)

     We will realize that Jesus is in the Father, and we are in Jesus, and Jesus is in us!

In other words, We can’t detach ourselves from Jesus, we are all intertwined together, Jesús will never leave us, we will never be without Jesus.

     Dear friends, do you know that the Holy Spirit dwells in you?  Do you know that Jesus is in the Father, that you are in Christ, and that Christ is in you?  If we know that, in the deepest recesses of our souls, then, we have hope!!!

     1st Peter tells us as believers, we are not to be frightened; “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…”

Some of us are good at telling others what we have and what they don’t have, regarding the Christian faith; regarding the reason for our hope. But do we do this with gentleness and respect?

     As Christians we are to be human, we are to be real.  If we have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts, if we are to realize that Jesus is in the Father, and we are in Jesus, and Jesus is in us, then when it comes to sharing our hope, when it comes to evangelism, we can be our ordinary selves and it will turn out to be good enough.  All Jesus needs are the five loaves and two fishes of our lives, something we already have.  We are to let others know that we are just ordinary people, just like anybody else.

     Remember that we are to be fishers of people, and those who are fished for are to be respected as God’s most valuable commodities.  Remember the story of the lost coin, the lost sheep, the lost Son?  You know what they all had in common?  They were all extremely valued, they were treasures, they were special, they were missed.  Too often we misuse the word “lost.”  Too often we use it in a derogatory manner.  Maybe we should stop referring to those who are not Christians as “LOST” and start referring to them as “Missed by God”, “Loved by God”, “Valuable to God”.  And if they are valuable to God, their value and their infinite sacred worth should, must be respected by us as well!!!  St. Francis of Assisi once said: “Preach the Gospel everywhere you go, and if necessary, use words.”

     There is a picture of an old burned-out mountain shack.  All that remained was the chimney… the charred debris of what had been a family’s sole possession.  In front of this destroyed home stood an old grandfather-looking man dressed only in his underclothes with a small boy clutching a pair of patched overalls.  The child was crying.

Beneath the picture were the words that the artist felt the old man was speaking to the boy.

They were simple words, yet they presented a profound philosophy of life.  Those words were: “Hush child, God ain’t dead!”

     Instead of that picture being a reminder of the despair in life, it is a reminder of hope. Jesus is in the Father, we are in Christ, and Christ is in us.


May your day be filled with the hope in Christ Jesus.



Svetlana, a friend from Ukraine, joined our marbling workshop.  We're trying to talk her into leading a Pysanky Ukrainian Egg Decorating Workshop next spring.  

We are doing Snack Bags again for Lakewood Elementary this coming year.  The staff at Lakewood has identified several children who don't have a secure source of food on days school isn't in session.  Lakeview is partnering with Riverlawn Presby to provide those students with a "snack bag" to help address this problem.  We need your generous help to make this happen.  We do 12 bags a week, average of 8 items per bag.  That is 36 weeks of school, 432 snack bags.  The estimated cost this year is $1500.  We shop for the best prices around the valley.  If you would like to help, you can take one item (we have a list) and purchase it for the entire year or give Kent and I the money and we will be happy to shop for you.  Example:  Pop Tarts - 2 boxes fill 12 bags.  Thank you for your continued support!  

                         Kent & Martha

Lakeview Church Picnic

Sunday, August 18th, 4pm

Plan on bringing a covered dish to share; hot dogs, plates, napkins will be provided.  Bring a lawn chair and a favorite outdoor game!  See you then!

Janet and Martha marbling paper at our tea in June.

Splash into Summer!

Vacation Bible School at Lakeview Church! 

Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 14th, 1:00pm - 4:00pm!   Elementary aged children are invited to a summer splash of Bible stories, crafts, games (better bring a towel!), music, and conclude with a sundae smorgasbord.

 We need your help and support to host this meaningful day for our church and community.  Call Kathi to volunteer.  We need everyone's help and support!

The Gabriel Project

Highlawn Presby in town hosts The Gabriel Project, which provides immediate and practical support to pregnant women and families with infants/young children under the age of 2 years.  Their mission is to improve the quality of children's lives before and after birth.  They make available the following items:  diapers and pull-ups (all sizes), baby wipes, diaper rash ointment, formula, baby food, baby shampoo and wash, baby clothing (new and gently used).  Lakeview can make a difference by purchasing any of these items and bringing them to church for delivery to The Gabriel Project by the Outreach Committee.  If you would prefer to support this mission financially, just make a check to Lakeview UMC and write "Gabriel Project" on the memo line of the check and put it in our collection plate.  Our treasurer and Outreach Committee will be sure to deliver your donation.                                                         Thanks and God Bless,                                                           Lakeview Outreach Committee

Pastor Brian sharing his marbling expertise (zero) with Marilyn.

Lakeview Administrative Council Minutes: July 2, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by Karen Kersey.

Present: Karen and Wayne Kersey, Don Griffith, Kathi McCormick, Dick and Linda Thompson, Janet Painter, Martha Keene, Bob Carpenter, Pastor Brian Plum, Becky Child

June minutes: Motion was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting and was unanimously approved. (Janet/Wayne)

Treasurer's report: Martha Keene
Martha and Janet's information has been sent to the district, per Karen. Everything is paid except June conference payment, including the quarterly taxes. There was an anonymous donation of $1,200 for the kid snack packs at Lakewood. Motion to approve the report was unanimously approved. (Kathi/Linda)

Finance: Don Griffith
General fund is down. Will be in the red in a couple of months at this rate. Committee recommends moving some special funds to the general fund immediately. Motion was made to allocate 100% of the yard sale money to the general fund now for expenses and was unanimously approved. (Don G./Janet) Discussion about notifying the congregation and agreed to speak about it in church, offer printed material (from Martha and Karen) and add the details in the next pledge packet.

Family ministries: Kathi McCormick
One day Splash into Summer vacation bible school is coming July 14 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Bible stories, games, crafts and sundaes on the lawn for elementary-age kids. Looking for volunteers, and donations of drinks, ice cream, popsicles are welcome. Meeting next week to discuss the details. Posting the flyer on Facebook and church website.

Hiking report: Becky Child
Hikes continue to be well attended, and the weather and fellowship have been good. Plan to keep meeting Mondays at 4 p.m. at City Park. Everyone tried the sweet wineberries on the last hike.

Trustees: Dick Thompson
The tubing in the fridge will be fixed this Friday. Still looking for a replacement porch light. Chris Davis has been volunteering his time to trim the bushes and work on the gutters, in addition to his grass cutting duties. Bobby McCormick has volunteered to paint the ceiling in the Narthex.

Parsonage: Karen (for Marilyn Morton)
Working on the fence repairs. Longer rails are no longer available, so it's not an easy fix.

Nurture: Linda Thompson
Summer picnic coming Aug. 18 to mark back to school. Hot dogs will be provided. Bring a covered dish, lawn chairs and lawn games. Bible journaling is on hiatus for the summer. Paper marbling on June 22 was well attended with 20 ladies having a good, messy time. Printing on July 20 has been postponed until the fall.

Outreach: Wayne Kersey
Kicked off the Gabriel Project. Talked about having giving envelopes in the pews for donations for the project. There will be an article about the kid snack packs in the newsletter. Committee presented the facilities usage guidelines, policy and agreement forms to the board for approval. Pastor Brian, Wayne, Kent and Martha can take requests for use of the facilities. No fee unless the kitchen is used. Discussion about running the documents by an attorney before final approval.

Pastor/parish: Bob Carpenter
Liturgist sign-ups will start in September with a list in the sanctuary. Pastor Brian will offer education and training sessions to volunteers on visitation and offering communion outside of the regular service. A prayer request listing will soon appear in the bulletin as an insert each week. Pastor Brian's office hours will be printed in the bulletin.

Pastor's report: Brian Plum
St. Andrew has moved its service to 11 a.m. Discussion about Max Belcher's request for a playground at the church. Dick Thompson to contact the insurance company about the details (rates, fencing, liability, etc.)

Pastor Plum closed the meeting with a prayer.

Minutes submitted by Becky Child.