Lakeview United Methodist Church June, 2024 Newsletter

Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch

  Brian Plum, Pastor


A Message from Pastor Brian...

  As we continue our Bible Studies in the story of Joseph found in the Book of Genesis chapters 37-50, there is a reoccurring message we continue to see. The message which comes through Joseph’s life is that each of us must “keep the faith”.

  Sounds like a really simple thing to do, doesn’t it? We believe in Christ Jesus as our Savior; We believe God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit; we believe in the resurrection of Jesus; we believe Jesus words when He says, I have overcome the world; we believe when the Scriptures tells us that God will not forsake us; we believe Jesus’ words in Matthew 28 that He will be with us until the end of the world; we believe in the healing power of Jesus; we believe Jesus’ words when he says whatever you shall ask in my name, that the Father will do. We believe in God’s Holy Word, cover to cover, every word of it. So, why do you think we struggle sometimes so deeply that our faith begins to falter.

  I’m not sure myself why any of us or all of us lose hope at times which allows our faith to waver. I’m sure we each have some flimsy answer to this question. Over the years in pastoral ministry I have heard from many, “you don’t understand what I am going through” or “you don’t know what I am up against” or “I don’t think I can take it anymore” or “why is God allowing this to happen to me”, and so so many more. As your Pastor I must admit I have said all these at times in my life.  At times all of us have had enough of the battles of life.

  I believe we all can learn the answer to these questions in Scripture and especially in the story of Joseph. There is one theme which continually shows up about Joseph’s life. Joseph not only had the faith in God, Joseph did something else. Joseph lived his faith. Joseph’s life, his actions, his demeanor, his attitude, and even in his pain and suffering, through all the things in his life one thing stands out----his faith shines. His faith is carrying through each obstacles that comes along. His faith is who he is! Read this piece of his Story from Genesis Chapter 39—“2 The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man; he was in the house of his Egyptian master. 3 His master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord caused all that he did to prosper in his hands” (NRSV).

Did you see that word? Look again…and let me help you. 3 “His master saw that the Lord was with him”.  Joseph’s faith was not only his words, they were also his actions. His faith defined who he was. His faith carried him through every circumstance in his life.  People saw God in him. One thing I have learned in my life, if I am praising and thanking Jesus, I can get through anything that this world has to throw at me. Try it sometime, praise Jesus in the storm, praise Jesus in the Doctor’s office, praise Jesus in your family situations. Praise and be thankful that you are not going through these things all alone. Jesus is walking every step with you. And if you praise Him in the difficult and hard times, I promise you that He will never let you down. Our witness to others happens when people see Jesus in us. Not just us talking about him, but allowing Him to live through us!  

  In my own life I strive every day to live by the following words. For me these words are not only when I cross over the other side, these words I want to lift up to God every night when I go to bed. These are daily words we can live by. These words will carry you through every day!!    

2 Timothy 4:7(NRSV)

 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”.

Do I win every day, I do not. Do I go through difficult times and circumstances, you bet. Do I fail some days, yes I do.  But folks, I know this, Christ Jesus has walked every step of every day with me and He promises that He always will. I believe that, I live that.

Joseph’s story is an amazing story for all of us. There are so many examples for all of us in handling what life throws at us. Want to know more? No problem!!!!!

Paper Marbling Workshop

Saturday, June 22nd, 2024


We will be marbling notecards and envelopes.  Please bring a can of shaving cream & a box of blank notecards.  It looks complicated, but it's easy.  If you can stir a cake mix, you have the skills to make these.  We will have a devotion, tea & coffeecake, plus great fellowship while we marble cards.  Plan on coming!  If you want Karen Kersey to buy the supplies for you, then give her $5 and she will have your supplies ready.  Any extra shaving cream or notecards will be used for a similar workshop with children.

Bible stories with Ms Nancy

Summer Stories Splash Day

for children

Save the date for a fun children's event on the church front lawn.  Hands-on activities, traditional stories like Noah and The Good Samaritan, plus separate activities for toddlers, and a vesper service....stay tuned for more information

Summer Church Picnic

Sunday, August 18th

Hot Dogs will be provided, bring a covered dish and lawn chair

Hiking Club....Mondays at 4pm at City Park.  Becky Child can identify more wildflowers and mushrooms than you can name there!      HIKE CANCELLED JUNE 17th

 Lakeview Administrative Council Minutes: June 11, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with a prayer by Karen Kersey.

Present: Karen and Wayne Kersey, Marilyn Morton, Don Griffith, Kathi McCormick, Dick and Linda Thompson, Janet Painter, Martha Keene, Bob Carpenter, Karen and Jeff Ekstrom, John Humphreys, Pastor Brian Plum, Becky Child

May minutes: Motion was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting and was unanimously approved. (Wayne/Dick)

Treasurer's report: Jeff Ekstrom
Everything is paid except May conference payment. People who have pledged are paying. Wayne added that we've been here before and living by faith. Motion to approve report was unanimously approved. (Wayne/Marilyn)

Finance: Don Griffith
Transition class for treasurer and financial secretary is happening this week with the Ekstroms, Wayne, Janet, Martha and Don G. Will need to change names on the account at Truist. We've cut all obvious expenses at this point. Ekstroms will assist with year-end tax procedures.

Family ministries: Kathi McCormick
Planning a summer stories splash day on July 14 for elementary-age kids. Want to have it on the front lawn for visibility in the neighborhood. Traditional stories (Noah, Good Samaritan) with fun, Vespers service and nursery activities separate. Also want to revive movies on the lawn soon.

Hiking report: Becky Child
Hikes continue to be well attended, and the weather and fellowship have been good. Plan to keep meeting Mondays at 4 p.m. at City Park. No hike June 17.

Trustees: Dick Thompson
The porch light needs to be replaced. Finances approved for $100 dusk-to-dawn light replacement. Fridge is still leaking and John will take a look. Floor is being fixed in the threshold of the kitchen. Don Morton will let the repairman in this week. John is now in charge of the thermostat.

Parsonage: Marilyn Morton
Shutters have been painted.

Nurture: Linda Thompson
Summer picnic coming Aug. 18 to mark back to school. Hot dogs will be provided. Bring a covered dish and lawn chairs. Bible journaling is on hiatus for the summer. June 22 is paper marbling from 10 a.m. to noon. Bring shaving cream and paper. July 20 is printing from 10 a.m. to noon.

Outreach: Wayne Kersey
Meeting next week to discuss usage guidelines for the facilities. Plan to learn more about assisting the Gabriel Project with gathering baby supplies. Martha offered a recap on the school year snack bags at Lakewood: 3,400 items were provided total to 10-12 kids during the year. School secretary passed along parents' thank yous for the program. Want to start up again next school year. Two helpers outside the church are already lined up.

Pastor/parish: Bob Carpenter
Had a meeting May 21 with St. Andrew covering common needs. Recommended restarting a sign-up list for liturgists. Plan to meet with Pastor Brian and the committee about other recommendations, including mentoring new disciples, communion for shut-ins, visitation and phone calls. Big thanks to the Ekstroms for 25 years of treasurer's duties.

Pastor's report: Brian Plum
Update from annual conference: Attendance was down, no new news, churches and people are leaving the church. Shared an idea to start a Saturday night fire pit on the front lawn to gather with neighbors.

Pastor Plum closed the meeting with a prayer.

Minutes submitted by Becky Child.