Lakeview United Methodist Church March, 2024 Newsletter
Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch
Lakeview UMC donates "Kid Kits" to Sojourners Shelter in Charleston as part of its ministry. These boxes are given to children who arrive at the shelter with their mothers because of domestic situations/problems and homelessness. The boxes contain a stuffed animal and supplies for them to color, etc. We hope the boxes offer comfort to little ones in a crisis situation.
If you would like to put together one or more boxes, the list of what should be included is below. Don Griffith volunteers to take the boxes to Sojourners on behalf of the church. He also makes sure empty boxes are available for you to fill. They can be found next to the doors entering the church. Thank you for supporting this ministry.
24 Count crayons, a pad of paper, a coloring book, 2 pencils, a toothbrush & toothpaste, a comb or brush, a stuffed animal, and a children's book
Bible study with Pastor Brian
Tuesdays at 2:30pm
at the church
Lenten Services:
March 28, 29, 31
Maundy Thursday: 7pm at Lakeview UMC, communion will be served
Good Friday: 7pm at St. Andrew UMC
Sunrise Service on Easter: 7am at Lakeview on the side lawn
Easter Service: 9:30 at Lakeview UMC, 10:30 at St. Andrew UMC
Lakeview will be having our annual Easter Sunrise Breakfast immediately after the Sunrise Service at 7am. Be looking for the sign-up clipboard or see Linda Thompson.
Bible Journaling
Thursdays at 10:00-11:00am
Drawing skills not necessary
Come draw, trace, or color words from the Bible while listening to a chapter from one of Max Lucado's inspiring books
Tea and prayer always included
Children's Easter Egg Hunt immediately following our 9:30 Easter Service!
Save the Date!
A church covered dish dinner is scheduled for Sunday, April 14th, at 5pm. More information to come.
Starting to make Prayer Flags during our Women's Prayer Flag Workshop & Tea
Thank you, Kathi McCormick, for organizing a delightful luncheon for all guests
Twenty-five ladies attended, including some guests from St. Andrew and Humphreys.
Mark Your Calendars!
Church Yard Sale
Saturday, April 27th from 8:00 - 12:00
We need volunteers and workers!
Call Linda Ancion or Karen Kersey for more information.
Large furniture donations can be put in the choir room now. Tables will be set up beginning Monday, April 15th in the Fellowship Hall for all other donations. Start cleaning out your closets and basements!
Mindful Mondays: Beginning in April, Becky Child will be leading some nature walks at St. Albans City Park, from 4pm-5pm. Meet at the nature trail parking lot. The purpose is to celebrate the beauty God shares with us every day. To those of us worried we can't maintain the group pace, Becky assures us she stops and takes so many pictures that keeping up won't be an issue at all. Everyone is welcome!
Lakeview UMC is partnering with Riverlawn Presby on providing Snack Bags on Fridays, for students at Lakewood Elementary who don't have a secure food source over the weekend. See Martha or Kent for more information on how to support this outreach. Martha is willing to shop for the needed items if you choose to make a money donation.
Lakeview Administrative Council Minutes: Mar. 5, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with a prayer by Karen Kersey.
Present: Karen and Wayne Kersey, Bob Carpenter, Marilyn Morton, Don Griffith, Kathi McCormick, John Humphreys, Dick and Linda Thompson, Pastor Brian Plum, Becky Child
February minutes: Motion was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting and was unanimously approved. (Bob/Wayne)
General updates: Karen Kersey
Yard sale is coming April 27 from 8 a.m. to noon. Setup will take place two weeks before. Door signs are ready to be lettered. Names for the rooms were discussed. Committees are meeting quarterly to update goals and calendar. Prayer flags activity was a hit with some from St. Andrew attending.
Finance: Don Griffith
Presented Treasurer's Report. Need to continue to look for ways to cut expenses. Not as many pledge cards returned this year. Motion made to accept report and unanimously approved. (Don/Kathi)
Trustees: Dick Thompson, John Humphreys
Report about leaking roof around the steeple. Inspecting the roof and tightening the bolts and then fixing the ceiling. Will hire a professional plasterer. Relay replaced in furnace and a spare was purchased. Job jar is coming in April.
Parsonage: Marilyn Morton
Shutters need to be painted when the weather improves. Volunteers are ready, paint needs to be purchased.
Family ministries: Kathi McCormick
New rug is in the kindergarten room. Cabinets will be painted. Scaling down furniture and cribs as the space is reimagined. Easter egg hunt planned for Sunday, plus special Christian-themed eggs to be added to earlier neighborhood hunt. Bible school plans for the year were raised. Committee to discuss. Bob recommended we team up with another church for VBS.
Nurture: Linda Thompson
Easter sunrise breakfast planned as a covered dish with sign-ups. St. Andrew is invited. Service will be at 7 a.m. on the front lawn. Another covered dish dinner is coming April 14 at 5 p.m.
Outreach: Wayne Kersey
Snack pack program for kids at Lakewood is going well and will run until the end of the school year. Souper Bowl Sunday food collection was good. Not as much participation from other churches this year. Discussion about a formal process and guidelines for groups wanting to use the church facilities. Committee will draft a checklist/calendar/guidelines. Kid kits are ongoing. Working on a how-to for the dishwasher with color coding.
Pastor/parish: Bob Carpenter
Working on how fill-ins will be handled when Nancy Smith is out. Have a contact for a bagpiper on Easter Sunday. Talked about updating the church contact list and reaching out to those who haven't attended in a while.
Pastor Brian Plum: Holy Week is coming with services to be shared with St. Andrew. Communion will be Thursday at Lakeview, Good Friday is at St. Andrew, sunrise service is at Lakeview on the front lawn with breakfast to follow with St. Andrew. Attendance is up at church.
Pastor Plum closed the meeting with a prayer.
Minutes submitted by Becky Child.
March 28, 29, 31: Easter services with St. Andrew UMC: Thursday (service with communion at Lakeview), Friday (service at St. Andrew), sunrise service on Sunday with covered dish breakfast (Lakeview)
April 14: Covered dish dinner
April 27: Church yard sale
Mindful Mondays: Join Becky Child for easy to moderate walks at St. Albans City Park on Mondays in April from 4 to 5 p.m. Meet at the nature trail parking lot halfway up the hill. Call Becky with questions. Come enjoy the fresh air and spring flowers. All are welcome.