Lakeview United Methodist Church February, 2024 Newsletter

Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch

  Brian Plum, pastor

Women During Lent - 2024

The Prayer Flag Project

What are Prayer Flags?  They are bright rectangles of cloth strung along mountain ridges and peaks or tied to sacred places around the Himalayan Mountains.  Prayer flags come in five colors – blue for the sky, white for air/wind, red for fire, green for water and yellow for earth – and are traditionally woodblock-printed with images and texts.   Himalayans believe that when the wind blows the flags, it spreads the blessings, good will and compassion embodied in the images and writings across the land. Eventually the prints fade and the prayers become part of the universe, and the prayer flags are renewed. 

Prayer Flags displayed in Boston, after the bombing during the Boston Marathon.

On Saturday, February 24th, from 10am-noon, Lakeview women and guests will create prayer flags to string together, sending a message from Lakeview UMC to the world sharing God's love and our hope for peace.  Plan on hearing an inspirational message, creating a prayer flag, and ending with some tea, finger sandwiches, and fellowship.

Materials will also be available for you to make mini prayer flags to take home.  The only thing you need to bring is possibly a pair of scissors.  Lots of samples and help will be available.  Not comfortable making a flag?  No problem, come and fellowship, help nurture others and be inspired.

Lakeview is going to have our annual Church Yard Sale again, sometime in April.  If you have furniture or big items you want to donate and need a place to store them, the "choir room" is designated for this purpose.  No knickknacks or clothes yet, large items only.

Holy Week Services

Our Easter morning Sunrise Service will be in the church front lawn, followed by our well-known Easter breakfast.  Mark your calendars for these special events.

Remember to bring some canned food for our Souper Bowl basket, to be donated to Christ's Kitchen and the St. Albans Food Pantry.  If in your football frenzy you forgot to bring your items, we will as a courtesy wait one additional week before we deliver our donations.

Lakeview Administrative Council Minutes: Feb. 6, 2024

Opening: The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. with a prayer by Bob Carpenter.

Present: Bob Carpenter, Marilyn Morton, Don Griffith, Kathi McCormick, John Humphreys, Dick and Linda Thompson, Becky Child

January minutes: Motion was made to accept the minutes from the last meeting and was unanimously approved. (John/Marilyn)

Finance: Don Griffith
Committee had a meeting and found some ways to cut expenses. Canceling bulletins and ordering fewer Upper Room copies (Don Morton has handled this.) Moving some designated funds to general fund in budget.

Trustees: Dick Thompson, John Humphreys
John will change the light bulb in the multipurpose room.

When heating rooms for use, opt for the Sunday school room side of the building to save on heating.

A motion was made to use the choir room to store larger items for the yard sale and was unanimously approved. (Dick/Kathi)

Discussion ensued about cutting landline phone service to the parsonage and the church and to end internet service at the church until it will be used on a regular basis. A motion was made to cut the parsonage phone, keep the church phone for emergencies and cut the church internet for now and unanimously approved. (Don/Linda) (Note: Internet service will remain on at the church.)

A motion was made to begin the spring cleanup job jar after Easter and unanimously approved. (Linda/John)

John discussed options for snow removal when a storm hits on a Saturday or early Sunday. There was talk about who makes the call when Sunday service is canceled and how to notify church members.

Linda noticed water in the bottom of the refrigerator drawers and asked everyone to keep an eye on it.

John will investigate the toilet standpipe condensation issue in the ladies room.

Family ministries: Kathi McCormick
Kathi found an area rug for the nursery and will donate it to the church. Nancy Smith has returned for the children's service. Plans for an Easter egg hunt were discussed. Karen Kersey will lead a prayer flags activity with ladies tea this month. Plans to send postcards to children who have attended previous events to keep in touch.

Nurture: Linda Thompson
Covered dish dinner and bingo night was a success (about 35 attended). Lakeview will host sunrise service on Easter on the front lawn and St. Andrew UMC members are welcome to attend and bring food to share for breakfast. Bob is going to find out about inviting a bagpiper.

Outreach: Bob Carpenter
Souper Bowl Sunday is Feb. 11 and cans are being collected.

Snack kits are still being assembled and delivered to Lakewood on Fridays. A note in the bulletin is needed to provide updates on how people can help with snack donations or money.

Parsonage: Marilyn Morton
Front door needs fixing up. Tyler Brown and Linda Ancion have agreed to paint shutters in the spring. A motion was made and unanimously approved for the project. (Marilyn/Kathi)

Pastor/parish: Bob Carpenter
Dave and Nancy will call Bob when they need to be out.

Dick has offered to train any volunteers who can play the CDs of hymns during the service when Dave is out.

Bob closed the meeting with a prayer at 8 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Becky Child.


Feb. 11 is Souper Bowl Sunday (bring cans of soup to church).

Feb. 14 is Ash Wednesday.

Feb. 24 from 10 to noon is Prayer Flags activity and ladies tea.

March 28, 29, 31: Easter services with St. Andrew UMC: Thursday, Friday, sunrise service on Sunday with covered dish breakfast (details to come).

April is church yard sale (details to come).