Lakeview United Methodist Church January 2023 Newsletter
Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch
Lakeview United Methodist Church email:
Pastor: Kerry Bart C: (610)304-5437
A message from Pastor Kerry....
I got to have a few days of beautiful downhill skiing this season, although as I planned my trip, I had a few little anxieties: what would the temperature be like? What would the snow be like? Would it be raining like it was the last time I went skiing?
And then I was pleased when the day came and these factors beyond my control slid favorably into place: decent temperature, no rain, and adequate snow. With those things, along with some other things that were under my control (my outfit, my gear, and my attitude), we were able to have a fine time skiing.
As we stand here at the beginning of another calendar year, in front of us the road through Lent to Easter and beyond, I know there are some things that are beyond our control when it comes to the health and life of our church, and I know there are some things that are within our control. We may not be able to control who is in our neighborhood, and we may not have influence over what moves and motivates them, but there are things we can do as individuals and as a church community to make sure that our health and life (spiritual and otherwise) is good.
I’d include in those things: prayer, study, worship, and community. Community is addressed when we gather for coffee & conversation on Tuesday mornings and when we keep in touch with one another on phone or in person. Worship is addressed on Sundays, of course, but also throughout the week as we tune our hearts to sing the praises of God. Prayer and study are things we can (and should) do as individuals and in small groups.
Would you like to be part of a small group that meets for prayer and study? I would love to facilitate a few groups. Just let me know if you’re interested, or if you have any questions. And join me for Bible Study on Thursdays starting in February, and join me in brainstorming and planning some ways we can reach in to the congregation and out to the community. Next planning meeting: Thursday Jan 12, 7pm. First bible study meeting; Thursday Feb 6, 7pm. Come and see!
-Kerry Bart
Humphreys Memorial UMC, Tornado WV
Lakeview UMC, St. Albans WV
Coffee & Conversation
Tuesdays at 8:30am. Join us at the church!
Praise song for January
Lakeview Administrative Council Minutes
January 3, 2023
The meeting was called to order with prayer at 7:06 p.m. by Bud Newbrough.
Pastor Kerry, Bud Newbrough, Dick Thompson, Linda Thompson, Jeff Ekstrom, Wayne Kersey, Deborah Rowe
Minutes - Deborah Rowe
The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and accepted. (Dicky/Wayne)
Treasurer’s Report - Jeff Ekstrom
Year end finished good. Everything was paid in full. There are over $18,000 in pledges for 2023. Motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report for December and was unanimously approved. (Wayne/Linda)
Nurture - Linda Thompson
• There was a wonderful “Happy Birthday Jesus” Christmas program that was attended by approximately 20 children and 20 adults.
• Easter is April 9 and Linda is starting to plan for the Easter Sunrise service.
• There was a discussion about using the pew hymnals and Bibles instead of printing everything in the weekly bulletin. This would save paper and be easier on the copier.
Trustees - Dicky Thompson
• Richard Paxton is moving to Florida to live near his sister.
• They are working on the gutters.
• 1 light is out near the parking lot.
• Grass cutting - he likes the consistency of having Chris mow the grass. However, last year Chris was paid by a private donor. A motion was made for Chris to be paid out of the Memorial fund and this was unanimously approved. (Jeff/Wayne)
PS/PRC - Wayne Kersey
• Staff Christmas gifts totaled $1,025. This was down from the previous year.
• 10 Christmas baskets were delivered.
• The next meeting will be February 13.
Pastor Kerry
• Calendar:
• Christmas Eve Eve service at Lakeview UMC was canceled due to bad weather.
• Christmas Eve service was held at Humphreys UMC.
• On New Year’s day there was the Wesley covenant renewal service and communion.
• There will be Bible study on Thursdays. Watch the bulletins and emails for more details.
• Thanks for the mitten tree, staff Christmas gifts and all who participated in the Birthday Party for Jesus Christmas program.
• 5K:
• A discussion was held on planning a 5k this year.
• In the past we have had approximately 100 participants.
• Wayne has a spreadsheet/checklist.
• We may still have some mugs from past races.
• The benefits from the race go to: Humphrey’s food pantry, SA food pantry and Christ’s Kitchen.
• A date for the race is tentatively set for May 6.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Paster Kerry.
Minutes Submitted by: Deborah Rowe