Lakeview United Methodist Church September 2022 Newsletter

Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch

Lakeview United Methodist Church email:

Pastor: Kerry Bart C: (610)304-5437

A message from Pastor Kerry.....

Greetings, Church!

Here’s what’s happening this weekend at church:

Sunday Sept 18 is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost. The worship service will include readings from Luke 16 and 1 Timothy 2, and our music will include Be Thou My Vision and Grace Greater Than Our Sin. Come and see!

You can view the worship service live online at 10am at at 11:30am at

and during the week as well. There is no need to have a Facebook account.

During the week we invite you to listen to the sermon on the phone

by dialing 304-721-2307 I know I always make the invitation, but I want you to know that I am genuine. What questions do you have about the state of the church these days? I’m looking to have a presentation in October regarding “the Methodist church split” that “people are talking about” and your questions and input would help me prepare that time. Please be in prayer for our communities. Also know that I love you!

For the calendar: there is a DISTRICT conference on Sunday afternoon, Sept 25, 3pm, at Forrest Burdette, and our church’s CHARGE conference will be held Saturday October 15, 2pm, at St. Andrews in St. Albans. That means that we’ll be getting our annual paperwork done in the month of September! Look for an email in September about our nominations and our budgeting process for the coming year.

Please keep in prayer those in our community who have COVID. It’s still here, friends. I encourage you to get vaccinated and boosted if that is possible (I’ve had two boosters!) and to mask in public and wash hands frequently.

NOTE: Thank you to the folks who are faithful with offerings and tithes! Together with one another and with God, great things are done! As an aside, our church is best able to meet our financial goals when monies are given without restriction, that is, without designation. Thank you to our givers and to the folks who process the gifts.

Check out the Coal River UMC charge blog which makes it easy to post and share information: , and when you click there you’ll see a table of contents page that gives you a peek at the previous few entries.

What joys and celebrations do you have? What prayer concerns? What questions?

Please, send me an email, I’d be happy to hear from you!

I love you and there is nothing you can do about it!


We're starting Simple Suppers again on Wednesday nights, in October, from 5:00-6:00pm. Mark your calendars: October 5, 12, 19, and 26. We usually serve three things like a big cup of soup, some crackers, and a cookie or a slider, some pasta salad, and a piece of fruit, etc. Meals are packaged individually. A donation basket will be available; our goal is to break even regarding costs. You may eat at the church, carry-out a meal, or request to have one delivered. Child friendly options will always be available for pickier eaters. Children and Ms. Nancy will jump to the front of the line because starting at 5:30 she will be doing a lesson/activity with them until 6pm. She will be teaching about "Sukkot," a Jewish tradition with a meaningful history for us.

Coffee & Conversation....

Tuesdays at 8:30 am, at the church, beginning October 4th

a wonderful chance to visit and build our church community

Plans are being made to host our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner again at church. It will not be buffet, but individually prepared boxed dinners. Call Linda Thompson to help and get involved. It's scheduled for November 6th, at 5:00 pm.

Nancy Smith has some wonderful lessons for our children about Sukkot. Families can come for a Simple Supper at 5:00 on Wednesdays in October, with lessons for children from 5:30-6:00. Share this invitation with your neighbors and friends.

Save the date! October 23rd, immediately after church, Lakeview will have a Women's Tea. In addition to some relaxing tea and delicious sandwiches and cakes, Becky Ash Child will share some of her award-winning nature photographs. Mark your calendars and invite a friend!

A flyer full of monthly service opportunities is being sent to all our teens, challenging them to get back into church and get involved.