Lakeview United Methodist Church May 2022 Newsletter

Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch

Lakeview United Methodist Church email:

Pastor: Kerry Bart C: (610)304-5437

A Message from Pastor Kerry....

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, who was, who is, and who is to come!

On June 5, we celebrate Pentecost, the birth of the Church. When we re-read the scripture story of Jesus physically leaving the disciples we keep on reading as Jesus gives them the mission to go and teach and baptize in all nations (Matthew 28:19-20), followed by the power (Acts 2:4) to carry out the mission. And you can see throughout the book of Acts how the apostles used that power: they taught the good news of Jesus and the reconciliation of life locally and abroad, and the number of disciples increased daily (Acts 3:47, Acts 6:7, Acts 1:21, etc.).

With the early church we celebrate the mission and the power every time we gather in worship, and especially when we remember (and carry out) our membership vows “to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.” However long we’ve been a part of the church, whether we’re visitors, newcomers, or life-long attenders, the mission and the power remain the same: we are sent to bear the good news of Jesus Christ wherever we are, and God gives us the power to do so.

Like the early church, which chose not to stay put but to spread Jesus’ message, our duty is not to be so much containers of God’s power but conductors: through our participation in the ministries of Lakeview UMC and in conjunction with the West Virginia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, may God’s power flow through us as we share the love of God with people in a hurting world.

Go in peace and in power, to love and serve the Lord!

June Praise Song - "No One Like Our God"

Shhhhhhh! His birthday gift from the congregation is going to be books because Kerry is an avid reader. Go through your books at home and find one you want to get rid of and wrap it up for him. It can be one you really think he would like or just a funny one you want to regift. Hopefully, he will have a big stack of wrapped presents to open, but they will all be used books. Feel free to include your own birthday card with the book. The congregation's real gift will be an Amazon Gift Card so he can purchase books he really does want to read. We are taking up a collection for the gift card. Please give any donations to a PPR member by Wednesday, May 18. (Wayne, Janet, Ruth, Jim, Mary F, Karen E, Franki or Linda)

A Day of Service

Annual Conference will begin this year with a "Day of Service" taking place throughout the state. Congregations are asked to do some sort of community service and share their experience with the Conference. Lakeview members are planning to bless the community through an event a la on Wednesday, June 1, at the laundromat on 6th Ave. More information coming soon.

Our Wednesday Night Simple Suppers have been a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a meal together, check-in with church members, and basically fellowship with one another. Most nights we delivered 10 or so meals to members who have some health issues and not easily mobile. The average number served was about 35. This Wednesday is our last scheduled Simple Supper. Special thanks to our cooks who worked hard to provide a meal for others: John & Kathi McCormick, Barb Smith, Gina Griffith, Linda Martin, Becky Ash Child, Karen Kersey, Bob & Mona Iddings, Nancy Smith, and some secret PPR elves preparing appetizers for PK's birthday party. You are appreciated!

Lakeview Administrative Council Minutes

May 10, 2022

Opening: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Bud Newbrough and opened with prayer.

Present: Pastor Kerry, Bud Newbrough, Wayne Kersey, Marilyn Morton, Deborah Rowe

Treasurer’s Report - Bud Newbrough for Jeff Ekstrom. The income looks good and we are current on all bills. Outreach donations have been generous. A benevolent check in the amount of $9,881.48 was received from the Rose Family Trust (Bill & Mary), with no restrictions. PK mentioned that Humphrey’s church recently set up a PayPal account to send church offerings. He said it was very easy to set up and plans to discuss this further with the Lakeview UMC finance committee. Motion was made(Wayne/Marilyn) to accept the Treasurer’s report and was unanimously approved.

Minutes - Deborah Rowe The minutes of the April meeting were distributed and reviewed. Motion (Marilyn/Wayne) was made to accept the minutes and was unanimously approved.

PS/PRC - Wayne Kersey • Following the discussion from last month’s meeting, the Walk for Hunger by SAMA is on hold. • The SPRC committee and PK are meeting May 16 to discuss the Annual evaluation for Conference. If you have any suggestions let Wayne or PK know by Monday, May 16. • SPRC meeting was this week and they plan to have a 50th birthday party for PK, Wednesday, May 18 during the mid-week meal. Vegetable Soup, hors d’oeuvres and cupcakes will be served. The SPRC committee will call the congregation.

Parsonage - Marilyn Morton • Nothing new to report.

Trustees • Nothing new to report.

Pastor’s Report - Pastor Kerry Dates to remember: • Saturday, May 14 - Stamp out Hunger food drive by the USPS, • Monday, May 16 - Staff/Parish meeting, • Wednesday, May 18 - Mid-Week dinner & PK’s 50th birthday party, • Wednesday, June 1 - Day of Service, • Sunday, June 5 - Pentecost, • June 9, 10, 11 & 12 - Annual Conference, • Sunday, June 19 - Father’s Day The Day of Service will be in connection with the Annual Conference. It was discussed to go to the local laundromat and pay for patrons’ laundry. PK plans to design a t-shirt for those from the congregation attending the event, thanks to the Rose Family Trust. He will place the order on May 16.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned with Prayer by Pastor Kerry at 7:37. Minutes Submitted by: Deborah Rowe