Lakeview United Methodist Church March 2022 Newsletter

Sharing, Praying, Caring, Staying in touch

Lakeview United Methodist Church email:

Pastor: Kerry Bart C: (610)304-5437

A message from Pastor Kerry....

Greetings, Church!

I am back in Kanawha County after a quick- and not-fully-expected trip to my wife’s childhood home in Iowa this past week. On Tuesday 3/8 Melissa’s family met with hospice regarding her brother Michael (49) and his end-of-life care after two years of lung cancer treatments. On Wednesday 3/9, Melissa and I decided to head for Iowa ASAP, and in the wee hours of the night, before we got to Iowa, Michael died, his son and his father at his side. On Sunday 3/13 there was a service to celebrate his life, and on Monday 3/14 I began to head back to WV.

MANY THANKS to everyone who offered prayers and then condolences, and to Wayne and Dave and Mary and others for making church happen in my absence (and in spite of a March blizzard!). I am blessed to call the people of Lakeview UMC my brothers and sisters in Christ!

Oh: two things for your consideration this Saturday, March 19:

- you could participate in Humphreys Memorial UMC’s monthly food pantry distribution, between 10am and 1pm and

- you could hear Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball and Bishop Cynthia Moore Koi-Koi address clergy and laity in a worship and information session at Forrest Burdette UMC in Hurricane (3pm).

I invite you to view the first of SAMA’s Lenten reflection videos:

Looking ahead to April 10, Palm Sunday: Lakeview UMC will have a “Walk With Jesus” event, featuring several interactive stations as well as a simple soup meal. More information to follow.

Thank you, dear ones, for being the church. May we strengthen one another in discipleship and service, and, in serving people in the Riverlake area, may we be a demonstration that God is with and for the people around us.

In Christ –

Pastor Kerry

Walk with Jesus...

An Easter event for adults, children, and families

Preparations are being made for a Palm Sunday event for our church! Stations will be set up so you can visit the Garden of Gethsemene, witness the Last Supper, hear Peter's denial, see the cross, and look in the empty tomb. We're working on a simple supper for everyone and a meaningful short service. More info to come. Would you like to help plan or be assigned a small part? We need you! Talk with PK, Kathi McCormick, Nancy Smith, Marilyn Colby, or Karen Kersey.

Lakeview United Methodist Church March 2022 Administrative Council Minutes

7:00pm, March 8, 2022

Present: Pastor Kerry, Bob Carpenter, Jeff Ekstrom, Wayne Kersey,

Marilyn Morton, Bud Newbrough.

Absent: Nicole Hender, Amy Humphreys, Deborah Rowe, Barbara Smith,

Dicky Thompson, Linda Thompson.

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 with prayer by Bud Newbrough.

Previous Meeting Minutes: Minutes from February 8, 2022 were distributed and reviewed. Motion (Wayne/Jeff) was made to accept the minutes and was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff Ekstrom reported that all bills are paid and the congregation is doing all right financially. Motion (Marilyn/Wayne) was made to accept the treasurer’s report and was unanimously approved.

SPRC: Wayne Kersey indicated there will be an SPRC meeting 3/21/22, and that he and PK recently met for coffee. Nancy Smith’s children’s sermons are appreciated by adults.

Congregational request: Church member Bob Carpenter shared that his grandson Grant is active with Boy Scout troop 146 in St. Albans. Bob would like to know if Lakeview would be willing to host meetings for Grant’s regional “Order of the Arrow” BSA society. Meetings would be monthly (3rd Wednesdays), they would include adult supervision (including Bob), and the group would involve less than a dozen people.

Motion (Wayne/Jeff) was made to affirm Bob’s request to host Grant’s OA group, and was unanimously approved.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Kerry offered thanks and appreciation for Don Griffith, running the PowerPoint during worship this past Sunday.

The church’s WiFi routers burned out, and PK replaced them, in consultation with Dicky Thompson.

PK plans to add a small section of split-rail fencing between the current fence and the parsonage. PK also plans to replace the church’s outdoor US flag.

PK reported on the Sunday 3/6/22 baptism of Caroline Eklund, great-granddaughter of Carol Lee Fry, and on the worship service the evening of 3/2/22 Ash Wednesday.

SAMA will be releasing Lenten devotional videos, and PK will be leading Thursday evening Lenten Bible Studies.

Several church members helped Christ’s Kitchen with some moderate renovations in their space this past weekend.

PK will be meeting with several church members on Sunday afternoon 3/13/22 to brainstorm some Lenten activities and perhaps look ahead to VBS.

PK’s wife’s brother Michael is dying, and he may need to go to Iowa sometime soon.

Calendar: Next Administrative Council meeting: April 5, 2022.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm with prayer by PK.

These minutes recorded and submitted by Kerry Bart.