Lakeview United Methodist Church November, 2021 Newsletter

Sharing, Caring, Praying, Staying in touch

Lakeview United Methodist Church email:

Pastor: Kerry Bart C: (610)304-5437

A message from Pastor Kerry....

By now you know that I have a particular affinity for numbers and dates. Like today I am 18,072 days old. My dad is 29,180 days old, and my dad’s dad lived a total of 29,190 days, so we’re looking at next week with a curious kind of anticipation.

Of course, none of us knows how many days we will have, which is why we say things like “make hay while the sun shines,” and “put off procrastinating until another day,” and “do what you can with what you have.” (you say those things, don’t you?)

Since we don’t know how many days we get, it’s good to consider what we can do today. Today, can I pause to thank God for his blessings? Today, can I call a friend and tell them I’m thinking of them? Today, can I read that chapter that Pastor Kerry has in the bulletin all the time? (by the way, November 10’s chapter is Nehemiah 6)

Also, today, can I ‘be still and know that God is God’? Can I enjoy a quiet moment with a book? Can I take a walk, or a nap, or both? When I am mindful of my time, I tend to make better choices, and as far as I know, I have never regretted making a good choice, though I’ve often regretted poor or hasty choices.

“Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.”

I thank God for the present, and I thank God for you, and I pray that each of us might honor God with our best selves today.

I love you and there is nothing you can do about it! – PK

Shared by PK

Lakeview has a wonderful message for the Young and the Young-at-Heart each Sunday during our worship service. Nancy Smith, our children's church leader, shares an inspiring message during the beginning of the church service, then wearing a mask, takes children to a Sunday School room with long tables, where children can spread out and do some hands-on activities to learn about God's love. Come join the fun!

Remember to bring canned food to church to share with area food pantries. We are unable to host our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner this year because of COVID concerns. We still want to share with our community and donating canned food is a positive way to do this!

Bible Journaling.....Thursdays, at 10:00 am at the church....

Update your calendars with a few scheduling adjustments:

11/11/21....journaling at 10:00am

11/18/21... no journaling

11/25/21...Thanksgiving, no journaling

12/2/21....journaling at 10:00am

12/9/21....journaling at 10:00am

12/16/21....journaling at 10:00am

12/23/21 and 12/30/21 journaling

Let's remember in our daily prayers all the people in service industries who help take care of us. It's not always easy. Appreciating others with kind words and special prayers is what we are called to do.

Lakeview United Methodist Church November Administrative Council Minutes, November 2, 2021


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Bud Newbrough and opened with prayer. The minutes of the October meeting were distributed and reviewed. Motion (Wayne/Marilyn) was made to accept the minutes and was unanimously approved.

Present: Pastor Kerry, Bud Newbrough, Wayne Kersey, Marilyn Morton, Jeff Ekstrom, Deborah Rowe

Treasurer’s Report - Jeff Ekstrom

All bills have been paid. Motion was made(Wayne/Marilyn) to accept the Treasurer’s report and was unanimously approved.

Trustee’s Report

• Nothing new to report.

PS/PRC - Wayne Kersey

• Chris Paul with youth basketball, has mentioned the intention to pay the church $20 every time they use the multipurpose room for practice. A discussion was held on how to use the funds: save the funds as a backup to use as needed? Send to Jerico House or Christ’s Kitchen? It was decided to table the decision for now.

Nurture - Linda Thompson

• Wants to remind everyone to bring canned goods for donation to Christ’s Kitchen. Baskets are in the back of the sanctuary.

Parsonage - Marilyn Morton

• Pastor Kerry obtained boards from a neighbor’s old fence. Don & Marilyn are refinishing the boards to put up around the parsonage shed.

• They are going to fix the parsonage back door before the end of the year.

Pastor’s Report - Pastor Kerry

• Becky Ash’s surgery went well

• Dicky Thompson’s procedure went fair.

  • Thanks:

7 flood buckets were donated.

Undie Sunday was a success.

Pastor appreciation Sunday.

Thrilled with Nancy Smith’s children’s church.

• Insurance re-enrollment is coming up soon. He is not sure what effect this will have on the budget.

• The DS will be here with Humphrey’s church on December 6.

• It was agreed to have the next board meeting immediately following the Charge Conference, in the Sanctuary on December 6.

• Sunday is All Saint’s Sunday, with communion. Send name of members that have passed this year to Pastor Kerry.

• Thursday, November 4, is a Pastor/Parish relation’s meeting at 7:00.


The meeting was adjourned with Prayer by Pastor Kerry at 7:45.

Minutes Submitted by: Deborah Rowe